英语人>词典>汉英 : 高雄 的英文翻译,例句
高雄 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Kaohsiung  ·  Gaoxiong

Eddy Ko Hung
更多网络例句与高雄相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Accompanied with the growth of economics in Taiwan, between Taipei, the political and economical center city, and Kaohsiung, the southern center city, there has been a great amount of increasing traffic volume.


Kaohsiung, a harbor city, located in the southern part of Taiwan it is full of every kind of thing and people. Today we want to introduce you the people who may not be famous in the world, but the out standing persons in their professional fields. What they have accomplishable are worthy learning and pcomafing.


Doctoral dissertation, University of Geogia, 1989. Dissertation Abstracts International,


The research investigates the electromagnetic radiation intensity of MRI in some hospitals of southern Taiwan involving: Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung Verterans General Hospital, Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital Department of Kaohsiung, Chi Mei Medical Center Department of Tainan, Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiaokang Hospital, 802 Kaohsiung Armed Forces General hospital and Yuan's General Hospital etc. Finally, we got the result On the intensity of electromagnetic radiation was between 6.7μT to 7.8μT. Among these tests, the intensity of electromagnetic radiation of the head is ranged from 7.2μT to 7.6μT, the chest from 7.3μT to 7.7μT, the abdomen from 7.3μT to 7.8μT, the center of door from 6.9μT to 7.5μT, and the relater of control room from 6.7μT to 7.4μT.


Sleep in the surgical intensive care unit: Continuous polygraphic recording of sleep in nine patients receiving postoperative care.


The series of exhibitions selected-"Takao labor—industrial Kaohsiung"-are the most controversial and interactive one that represent the local color of Kaohsiung as the beginning of this creative research.

策展:『黑手打狗?工业高雄(Takao labor-industrial Kaohsiung)』做为思辩的起点,剖析论述高雄艺术在当代前卫思潮中的主体性开展与扩张。

Three primer pairs located in psbA~trnK, psbB~psbH and trnR-ACG~trnN-GUU regions were applied in phylogenetic analysis according to Maximum parsimony and Neighbor-joining methods. The consistent results between the phylogenetic analysis and taxonomy indicated the application potential of the three primer pairs in phylogenetic analysis and species identification. However, due to no sequence variation observed in amplified regions between two vegetable soybean varieties (KS5 and KS8), two cowpea subspecies (Vigna unguiculata ssp. cylindrica and Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis), and among three rice varieties (TNG67, TK9, and TCS10), the three primer pairs are not effective in identifying variation within species.


A questionnaire was developed to collect data from samples, which were volunteers of correction institutions of Ministry of Justice in southern Taiwan, including Chayi, Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Pingtong Reformatories.


The nearby area of Kaohsiung Rear Train Station is a well-known shopping district. If you head to the northeast, you will see Kaohsiung Medical University, the oldest private medical school in Taiwan and students come and go in this area. If you keep going south along the bikeway, you will first encounter Magnificent Taiwan Cultural Museum. Then, you will reach Rehe 1st Street in no time.


Four cultivars of Azuki bean, Kaohsiung NO.6 (KS6), KS7, KS8 and KS9 were tested for plant regeneration by using explants sections from the epicotyls formed the seeds germinating seven days after planting in the dark.


更多网络解释与高雄相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Counting Room","Coin Counting Room:高雄市政府","交通局","点币室

17,"高雄市政府","交通局","举发室","Prosecuting Room","Cit... | 18,"高雄市政府","交通局","点币室","Counting Room","Coin Counting Room" | 19,"高雄市政府","交通局","计时器修理室"

Doorplate Certificate","Building Number Certificate:高雄市政府","小港区户政事务所","门牌证明

40,"高雄市政府","小港区户政事务所","门... | 41,"高雄市政府","小港区户政事务所","门牌证明","Doorplate Certificate","Building Number Certificate" | 42,"高雄市政府","小港区户政事务所","日据时期调查簿誊本

Doorplate Compile","Building Number Adjustment:高雄市政府","小港区户政事务所","门牌编订

39,"高雄市政府","小港区户政事务所","机关查询","... | 40,"高雄市政府","小港区户政事务所","门牌编订","Doorplate Compile","Building Number Adjustment" | 41,"高雄市政府","小港区户政事务所","门牌

Field","Sports Field:高雄市政府","左营国小","操场

63,"高雄市政府","左营国小","运动会","Sports Day","Sports Day" | 64,"高雄市政府","左营国小","操场","Field","Sports Field" | 65,"高雄市政府","左营国小","接力赛跑","Rel

Flea Market","Flea Market:高雄市政府","左营国小","跳蚤市场

61,"高雄市政府","左营国小","科展","Science Fair","Science Fair" | 62,"高雄市政府","左营国小","跳蚤市场","Flea Market","Flea Market" | 63,"高雄市政府","左营国小","运动会",

infirmary; clinic:高雄市政府","高雄市议会","医务室

6,"高雄市政府","高雄市议会","旁听席","Audit Seat","Observers' A... | 8,"高雄市政府","高雄市议会","医务室","Infirmary","Clinic" | 9,"高雄市政府","高雄市议会","记者联谊室",&

Maeda Nob:高雄寿山社 前田信行

69. 高雄北区社 吕春荣Ginseng | 70. 高雄寿山社 前田信行Maeda Nob | 71. 高雄东北社 叶崇坚Kuluma

toilet restroom:高雄市政府","高雄市议会","男女化妆室

2,"高雄市政府","高雄市议会","小型会议室","Meeting Room","... | 3,"高雄市政府","高雄市议会","男女化妆室","Toilet","Restroom" | 4,"高雄市政府","高雄市议会","男化妆室","Men&

Tax Forms Storage:高雄县政府","税捐稽徵处","单室(放置相关税单之仓库)

602,"高雄县政府","税捐稽徵处","灭火器",,"Fire Extingu... | 603,"高雄县政府","税捐稽徵处","单室(放置相关税单之仓库)",,"Tax Forms Storage" | 604,"高雄县政府","高雄县政府原住民局","行政室",,"Ad

Proofreading Room:高雄县政府","警察局","缮校室

605,"高雄县政府","警察局","保安大楼各楼层配置表","Peace Preserva... | 607,"高雄县政府","警察局","缮校室",,"Proofreading Room" | 608,"高雄县政府","交通队&am