英语人>词典>汉英 : 高出叶的 的英文翻译,例句
高出叶的 的英文翻译、例句


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The results showed that high-concentration salt solution restrained significantly sprout rates of these varieties.


This species is widespread and exhibits great variability in plant height, leaf size and shape, and inflorescence length.


Introduced in this paper is a new method by which the camber line of the turbine blade profile is described by a number of high order polynomial function sections, and which ensures the absence of flex point that is usually accompnied with that function.


The aluminum propeller which is molded in one body with airfoil design, its exhaust wind is much higher than steeliness propeller that is stroke outmolding.


The aluminum propeller which is molded in one body with airfoil design, its exhaust wind is much higher than steeliness propeller that is stroke out and molding.


Thirdly, we also examine the effect of these extracts on maize seed germination rate, maize seeding height and fresh weight, and the results show that three extracts are safe to maize at the concentration of 1:20, with a inhibit rate under 4 %.We further identified and purified organic acids, alkaloids hydroxybenzenes and neutral materials from extract and examined their effects on Amaranthus retroflexus L. seeds.


Trees, evergreen, up to 15 m tall; branches with 1 prophyll, young shoots and petioles stellately tomentose or with sessile peltate scales; buds perulate.

乔木,常绿,可达15米高; 1先出叶的分枝具,幼枝和叶柄被绒毛或具无梗盾状鳞;芽具鳞片。

Parviflora in shrub communities had the xeromorphic traits in the aspects of ① their secondary xylem had shorter vessel elements, higher vessel frequency, less single porous percentage, lower rays, higher relative conductivity and lower vulnerability index, and ② their leaf had lower water potential, lower water content and free water content, higher bound water content, high ratio of bound to free water content, and less specific leaf area.


After Bahia grass shoots and leaves were fermented perfectly, the 1% fermentation liquid and fermented shoots and leaves of Bahia grass were amended respectively into pots in which pot soil contained very high density AM fungi propagula (2600 spores per 50g soil).


"Delicious, Natural Fruit and Vegetable Coloured Bean Curd" adheree to the manufacture craft of traditional bean curd,used modern science and technology,and successfully developed a sery of "instant fruit and vegetable bean curd processing equipment",which makes the nutrition of soybean and fruit maintained and complemented by the high technology of instantly wash and rub,high speed siruping,high temperature sterilizing and high pressure molding.


更多网络解释与高出叶的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Datura stramonium:曼陀罗

在曼陀罗(Datura stramonium)的移植种群中,比叶面积、叶面积比和叶片数都具有显著的可塑性,这些特征都与捕光能力对高密度的响应有关. 同样地,这种植物在响应于四种环境因子的限制中展示出显著的繁殖分配的可塑性. 对不同物种可塑性进行比较,


4.1 积雪草 积雪草为伞形科植物,对积雪草内挥发油成分进行了气相层析-质谱联用分析,从中分离出45种成分,含量较高的有石竹烯(caryophyllene)、法呢醇(farnesol)、榄香烯(elemene)和长叶烯(Longifolene)等,将其进行进一步实验研究,


别人都对她很冷淡,她虽然头高叶大,但是目前为止却一次花都没开过. 但昙花姑娘并没有因此而悲伤,每一个开花的姐姐都让她羡慕,甚至每一朵无名小花她都很喜欢. 她觉得正是那些如云如雾的小花编织(knit)出了美丽图案的一角.


以时间来讲,"纳斯达克"(Nasdaq)诞生于1971年,仅比"窥叶"(Leap peeping)早了十年,但出现在媒体上的密度和频率都高的惊人,十年后,"窥叶"(Leaf peeping)在中国的畅销度可以达到它的1%吗?

Vincent van Gogh:凡.高

div class="delicious-extended"凡.高(Vincent van Gogh)笔下的每朵花都象一团火,细碎的花瓣和葵叶则象火苗,整幅画就象是烧遍画布的熊熊火焰. 凡.高自己说:"这是爱的最强光. "这些简单地插在花瓶里的向日葵,呈现出令人心弦震荡的灿烂辉煌.


名 称简介 鱼尾菊 (Zinnia Linn.) 菊科(Asteraceae) 相关内容 直立,一年生多年生草本,高30-90厘米;茎被短毛. 叶对生,通常无柄,多少抱茎,心状卵形至椭圆形,长4-10厘米,宽2-5厘米,被短粗毛,具3或或5条特别明显的基出脉. 头状花序直径5-10厘米,

Linnaea borealis:林奈草

林奈草(Linnaea borealis)、杜香(ledum palustre)等植物則不出現於熱帶或亞熱帶高山. 而在後者常見的鐵杉及箭竹卻是高緯度地區所缺乏的. ...笃斯越桔、细叶杜香(ledum palustre)等.泥炭层厚,pH 3.86~4.83,冠层郁闭度0~0.50,...


概述 十字花科 (Brassicaceae)甘蓝的一种类型,学名Brassica oleracea. 原始花轴和花蕾变形增厚,在茎顶端形成白色肥大花球块状花序. 叶宽而长,高出花团甚多. 在收获花团前数天应将叶扎起包住花团或折断後盖在花团上,

Chionanthus retusus:流苏树

叶长8-12厘米,革质光泽,凌冬青翠,是温带地区不可多得的常绿阔叶树,树干直立或二、三干同出,枝斜展,成广卵形圆整的树冠,花两...(紫藤花卉苗木网) 产品名称: 流苏树 (Chionanthus retusus) 产品介绍: 别名: 茶叶树、牛筋子、萝卜丝花 形态特征: 株高6-20m,