英语人>词典>汉英 : 骨髓 的英文翻译,例句
骨髓 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
marrow  ·  medulla  ·  pith  ·  keest  ·  piths  ·  marrows

bone marrow · medulla ossium
更多网络例句与骨髓相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results In those patients with marrow invasion , 4 cases in I phase(4.2%),12 cases in II phase(12.6%),36 cases in Ⅲ phase(37.9%)and 43 cases in Ⅳ phase(47.4%);small lymphocytic、diffuse cleaved cell、lymphoblastic lymphoma are main pathologic types;patients with mediastinal lymphadenectasis、splenomegaly and spleen violations are prone to catch bone marrow involvement;56 cases of anemia in patients with bone marrow involuement(58.9%), 42 patients with thrombocytopenia (44.2%),27 cases with leukopenia (28.4%),49 cases of patients leukocyte increased (51.6%),so,anemia is common;three were 30 cases with three items abnormal(31.6%)and 65 cases with one item abnormal at least (68.4%),the incidence of abnormal peripheral blood in leukocythemia patients were higher than that in patients with bone marrow infiltration,Particularly the patients with increased leukocyte or three items abnormalities were more common in leukemia; Abnormal cells in peripheral blood were observed in 66 cases (69.5%); chemotherapy efficiency reached 65.2% in the patients with bone marrow involuement,the median survival time was 11.5 months.

结果发生骨髓侵犯病例中I期4例(4.2%), II期12例(12.6%),Ⅲ期36例(37.9%),Ⅳ期43例(47.4%);病理类型以小淋巴细胞性,弥漫型裂细胞性(改为:弥漫性大B细胞型淋巴瘤)和淋巴母细胞性淋巴瘤多见;纵隔淋巴结肿大、脾脏肿大和脾受侵患者易发生骨髓侵犯;骨髓侵犯患者外周血中贫血56例(58.9%),血小板减少42例(44.2%),白细胞减少27例(28.4%),白细胞增高49例(51.6%),以贫血多见;三项均异常30例(31.6%),至少一项不正常65例(68.4%),淋巴瘤细胞白血病患者外周血象异常发生率高于骨髓浸润患者,尤其是白细胞增高或三项均异常者更常见于白血病;66例(69.5%)外周血分类中发现异常细胞;骨髓侵犯化疗有效率65.2%,中位生存期11.5个月。

Results In those patients with marrow invasion , 4 cases in I phase(4.2%),12 cases in II phase(12.6%),36 cases in Ⅲ phase(37.9%)and 43 cases in Ⅳ phase(47.4%);small lymphocytic、diffuse cleaved cell、lymphoblastic lymphoma are main pathologic types;patients with mediastinal lymphadenectasis、splenomegaly and spleen violations are prone to catch bone marrow involvement;56 cases of anemia in patients with bone marrow involuement(58.9%)恶性淋巴瘤症状, 42 patients with thrombocytopenia (44.2%),27 cases with leukopenia (28.4%),49 cases of patients leukocyte increased (51.6%),so,anemia is common;three were 30 cases with three items abnormal(31.6%)and 65 cases with one item abnormal at least (68.4%),the incidence of abnormal peripheral blood in leukocythemia patients were higher than that in patients with bone marrow infiltration,Particularly the patients with increased leukocyte or three items abnormalities were more common in leukemia; Abnormal cells in peripheral blood were observed in 66 cases (69.5%); chemotherapy efficiency reached 65.2% in the patients with bone marrow involuement,the median survival time was 11.5 months.

结果发生骨髓侵犯病例中I期4例(4.2%), II期12例(12.6%),Ⅲ期36例(37.9%)恶性淋巴瘤分期,Ⅳ期43例(47.4%);病理类型以小淋巴细胞性,弥漫型裂细胞性(改为:弥漫性大B细胞型淋巴瘤)和淋巴母细胞性淋巴瘤多见;纵隔淋巴结肿大、脾脏肿大和脾受侵患者易发生骨髓侵犯;骨髓侵犯患者外周血中贫血56例(58.9%),血小板减少42例(44.2%),白细胞减少27例(28.4%),白细胞增高49例(51.6%),以贫血多见;三项均异常30例(31.6%),至少一项不正常65例(68.4%),淋巴瘤细胞白血病患者外周血象异常发生率高于骨髓浸润患者,尤其是白细胞增高或三项均异常者更常见于白血病;66例(69.5%)外周血分类中发现异常细胞;骨髓侵犯化疗有效率65.2%,中位生存期11.5个月。

Objective: To study osteogenic capability of rabbit bone marrow stromal cells and biological characteristical identification in vitro in order to explore the appropriate methods of osteoblast culture in vitro and to select an idea source of seed cells for bone tissue engineer.

目的:研究兔骨髓基质细胞在体外培养条件下的成骨能力及生物学特性,探讨简便易行的成骨细胞体外培养方法,为组织工程选择理想的种子细胞来源。方法:取新西兰白兔骨髓液经离心后得骨髓单个核细胞,以1× 106/ml的细胞浓度进行培养,经传代培养,选择条件培养液培养(1640完全培养液中加入地塞米松10-8Smol/l,β-甘油磷酸钠10mmol/l,VitC 50μg/ml)作为骨髓基质细胞增殖和成骨的调节因子,通过倒置显微镜、HE染色、扫描电镜、碱磷酸酶(alkaline phosphatase,ALP)测定、Ⅰ型胶原免疫组化染色和四环素荧光钙染色等手段对获得的细胞进行生物学特性研究。

Can accelerate the bone marrow cell from G1 phase into S phase when we measure it's Cell cycle, it make S phase rate was increased .thus it promoted DNA synthesize and repaired. Mice irradiated at dose of 5.5 Gy gamma-irradiation showed timed-related decreases and restores in peripheral blood picture at day 1 through day 21, the counts of WBC of these group had taken drug has various degree to increase than irradiation control group in day 1. Grugs failed to protected the peripheral blood cell at lowest point, but seems promote their rescovery.9803 treated group was distinct. At 7days after mice were radiated in 3.5 Gy. we observed drug can Significantly hold back the decreased number of hematopoietic progenitors colony forming radiation induced. These findings indicated 9803 have a certain radioprotective activity against gammer irradiation in mice.

给药组的 CFU-S 数量较照射对照组明显增加,3.5Gy 照后第七天观察给药9803组对小鼠骨髓造血组细胞集落生成能力的影响,给药组的造血祖细胞集落的形成能力强于照射对照组,并且9803组明显优于523组。5.5Gy 照射引起的小鼠的外周血细胞数量的降低以 WBC 发生最早,照后24小时给药组的 WBC 数量均比照射对照组有不同程度的升高,以9803各给药组最为明显,药物未能使照射引起的外周血细胞最低值升高,而有降低的趋势,但给药对照射后期外周血象的总体恢复有较好的促进作用。7.5Gy 照射后第七天测定小鼠骨髓细胞周期的测定中发现9803具有促进骨髓细胞由 G1期进入 S 期的效应,致使 G0/G1期细胞显著减少, S 期细胞比率显著增加,这利于促进 DNA 合成修复,即促进骨髓细胞增殖,骨髓细胞 DNA 含量给药组显著高于照射对照组。

Among the two oxygen condition, after high intensity training, the function of hemopoiesis is restrained.


It is suggested that the fetal liver cells injected into the bone marrow cavity can settle down and proliferate here and the volume of injection should be limited.


RESULT: The activity and drinking of mice who had proceeded bone marrow transplantation after 60Co total body homogeneous radiation was no significantly different with normal mice, but their pelage became grey, blood samples detection were also same with normal mice after five weeks of bone marrow transplantation, the proportion of GFP positive cells in bone marrow cells achieved 59.62±13.21% proved by laser confocal microscopy, all these evidence proved the bone marrow reconstitution had been finished in the recipients.

结果: 60Co全身均匀照射后进行骨髓细胞移植的骨髓移植组小鼠的活动与饮食与正常小鼠无明显差别,只是毛发渐变灰白,五周后其血常规与正常鼠相较无明显差异,流式细胞仪检测显示其骨髓细胞中GFP阳性细胞的比例也达到59.62±13.21%,提示骨髓重建成功。

Objective To compare the two diagnostic methods(bone marrow fragments smear and bone biop-sy)in hematology diseases.Methods Take bone marrow using routine aspiration and make bone marrow fragments smears;using trephine take a piece of bone marrow send it to the pathology department have a histodiagnosis.

目的 对造血系统疾病进行骨髓小粒拉片与切片两骨髓检查的方法进行比较方法常规髂后上嵴骨髓穿刺抽取骨髓液制成涂片;取骨髓小粒制成拉片;再用环钻法取骨髓组织制成切片并作相应的染色,结合临床进行分析。

Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells are capable of chondrogenesis, making them a possible source of cells for injectable cartilage tissue engineering. There exist different ideas on the ability of mesenchymal stem cells's chondrogenesis in monolayer culture. Because of this, the effect of adult rabbit's bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells chondrogenesis in monolayer culture was studied. The mesenchymal stem cells was isolated from adult rabbit's bone marrow and monolayer cultured. TGF-β1, Vit-C and Dexamethasone were used. Immunohistochemistry analyses and histological staining of H-E, Methylaniline blue and Alcian blue were performed to identify the expression of collagen type Ⅱ and cartilage associated matrix. The results showed that the induced cells expressed and produced collagen type Ⅱ and cartilage associated matrix. This suggests that the differentiation of adult rabbit's marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells into chondrocyte in monolayer culture is feasible and may be induced by TGF-β1, Vit-C and Dexamethasone.


Objetive:To investigate the histopathological features and detect the mutation of JAK2V617F in PV、ET and IMF;to analyze the effects of the stages of myelofibrosis and the mutation on the number of leucocyte in PV and ET patients;Methods: the morphological features of 69 patients who dignosed in the first time were studied by HGF and Gomori stains ; the mutation of JAK2V617F was detected in 38 blood or marrow samples of PV、ET and IMF patients by real-time PCR;the effects of the stages of myelofibrosis and the mutation on leucocytes were analyzed;Results: Different stages of reticulin were observed in 15 PV and 15 ET patiens'marrow sections,and the cytosis、the pleomorphism and the bone trabecula side location of megakaryocytes were observed in all PV、ET and IMF patients;the means of leucocyte in patients with and without JAK2V617F were 20.4×109/Land 11.4×109/L respectively;the P value was 0.367 as comparing the leucocytes among different stages of reticulin increasing.

目的:探讨PV、ET、IMF患者的骨髓病理特点并且检测JAK2V617F突变的发生率,分析骨髓中纤维增生程度以及JAK2V617F对PV、ET患者白细胞数的影响;方法:69例初诊患者的骨髓切片经HGF染色以及Gomori染色后进行形态学研究;并利用real-time PCR法测38例患者的骨髓或者外周血的JAK2V617F突变;分析骨髓切片中纤维组织增生程度以及JAK2突变对患者白细胞数的影响;结果:15例PV和15例ET患者的骨髓切片中可以观察到不同程度的纤维组织增生,所有PV、ET、IMF患者骨髓病理中可见到巨核细胞增多、巨核细胞多形性改变以及巨核细胞定位于骨小梁旁;12例PV、4例ET、4例IMF中检测到JAK2V617F;有突变和无突变患者发病时白细胞数均值分别为20.4×109/L和11.4×109/L,比较不同纤维增生程度的PV、ET患者的白细胞数均值,P值为0.367。

更多网络解释与骨髓相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bone marrow:骨髓

(一) 免疫器官1、中枢免疫器官1) 骨髓(Bone marrow)样组织:鱼类无淋巴造血的骨髓,但在软骨鱼的眶区和颅下区存在淋巴组织或骨髓样组织,可形成血细胞,具有与高等脊椎动物骨髓相似的结构与功能.

bone marrow transplantation:骨髓移植

骨髓移植(Bone marrow transplantation)是指将他人骨髓移植病人的体内,使其生长繁殖,重建免疫和造血的一种治疗方法. 确切他说,骨髓移植就是造血干细胞移植. 骨髓移植分为自体骨髓移植和异体骨髓移植,异体骨髓移植又分为血缘关系骨髓(同胞兄弟姐妹)移植与非血缘关系骨髓移植(志愿捐髓者)移植.

bone marrow cell:骨髓细胞

bone marrow 骨髓 | bone marrow cell 骨髓细胞 | bone marrow stem cell 骨髓干细胞

bone marrow cell:骨髓有核细胞

骨髓干细胞:bone marrow stromal stem cell | 骨髓有核细胞:bone marrow cell | 骨髓间充质干细胞/骨髓基质细胞:bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell/ bone marrow stromal cell

Myelocytic tumor; Chronic myelocytic leucemia:骨髓细胞瘤; 慢性骨髓性白血病

Myelocytic blastoma; Hemocytoblastoma 骨髓细胞胚细胞瘤 | Myelocytic tumor; Chronic myelocytic leucemia 骨髓细胞瘤; 慢性骨髓性白血病 | Myeloid sarcoma 髓样肉瘤

Myeloblastic neoplasm; Acute myelocytic leucemia:骨髓胚细胞瘤; 急性骨髓性白血病

Myelinic neuroma; Medullated neuroma 有髓鞘神经瘤 | Myeloblastic neoplasm; Acute myelocytic leucemia 骨髓胚细胞瘤; 急性骨髓性白血病 | Myelocyst 骨髓囊肿; 髓管囊肿


\\"骨髓胚细胞\\",\\"myelogone,myelogonium,myeloblast\\" | \\"骨髓(样)的,骨髓(细胞状)的\\",\\"myeloid\\" | \\"骨髓(多核)巨核细胞\\",\\"myeloid cell,myeloplax\\"


\\"噬髓鞘(巨)细胞\\",\\"myelophage\\" | \\"脊髓消耗,脊髓痨,骨髓消耗,骨髓痨\\",\\"myelophthisis\\" | \\"骨髓系白血球\\",\\"myeloplast\\"


\\"脊髓消耗,脊髓痨,骨髓消耗,骨髓痨\\",\\"myelophthisis\\" | \\"骨髓系白血球\\",\\"myeloplast\\" | \\"骨髓(多核)巨核细胞\\",\\"myeloplax\\"

myelosclerosis:脊髓硬化 骨髓硬化 骨髓硬化症

myeloscintigram 脊髓闪烁图 | myelosclerosis 脊髓硬化 骨髓硬化 骨髓硬化症 | myeloscleroticanemia 骨髓病性贫血