英语人>词典>汉英 : 骨溃疡 的英文翻译,例句
骨溃疡 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与骨溃疡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pressure ulcer prevention relies on managing or eliminating risk factors, including diminished patient mobility, pressure to bony areas that compromises blood flow to areas of potential breakdown, shearing and friction that occur secondary to prolonged immobility, suboptimal nutritional status, and prolonged skin contact with moisture.


Retrospective review of 16 cases of diabetic foot cured by crossed crus neurocutaneous vascular flap which fixed by external skeletal fixation.


Methods : From July 2003 to November 2007, 21 cases of sarcoma and SC Cancerous ulcer patients were treated, among which 11 cases male and 10 cases female, the age 14~83 (average 50 years old) and upper limb 6 cases and lower limb 15 cases; The pathologic diagnosis is: SC 6 cases, synovial sarcoma 4 cases, malignant fibrohistiocytoma 3 cases, adipose sarcoma 2 cases, osteogenic sarcoma 2 cases, malignant melanoma 2 cases, sarcoma epithelioides 1 case, derma-eminence fibrosarcoma 1 case.


There are numerous kinds of leishmaniasis but the two most common kinds of Leishmaniasis are cutaneous leishmaniasis, which produces skin sores, and visceral leishmaniasis , which impact on some of the internal parts of the body such as spleen, liver and bone marrow.


All tumors were ulcerated and may infiltrate the surrounding soft tissue and bone.


Case Presentation: A 49-year-old male is a victim of diabetes mellitus. Due to osteomyelitis, he had received left third toe amputation, left second metatarsal sequestrectomy, and fourth toe shortening at distal phalangeal shaft two years before admission. He noted a fungating ulceration on his left dorsal foot which was at the base of the second toe 8 months before his coming for help.


更多网络解释与骨溃疡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


caricous 似无花果的 | caries 骨溃疡 | carillon 钟乐器


caries 骨溃疡 | carillon 钟乐器 | carillonneur 钟乐器演奏家




caricaturist 漫画家 | caricous 似无花果的 | caries 骨溃疡


carious 骨溃疡的 | carious 害骨溃疡的 | carisoprodol 异丙基甲西双脲


cariosity 龋蚀性 | carious 骨溃疡的 | carious 害骨溃疡

carious tooth:龋齿

cariostatic | 止龋的 | carious tooth | 龋齿 | carious | 龋的, 骨溃疡的, 腐烂的

Cera aseptical pro osse bone wax:骨蜡

其研究方向多集中在细棒型埋植剂、微型渗透泵埋植剂以及可注射型埋植剂. 尤以可注射型埋植系统研究最多. 其制备方法(见表2). 其他还有用于溃疡、烧伤部位的溶液剂、软膏剂和喷雾剂统称为创面制剂,手术用制剂如海绵剂(Spon-gia)、骨蜡(Cera aseptical pro osse bone wax)均


溃疡性结肠炎 ulcerative colitis | 溃疡病 ulcers | 正骨 ulna