英语人>词典>汉英 : 驿站 的英文翻译,例句
驿站 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
posthouse  ·  stage  ·  dak  ·  stages

courier station
更多网络例句与驿站相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

International business.It was almost a close game in the first half,but we seemed


Newhotel Arles Camargue is just a 10-minute walk to the centre of town.


He knew the relay to be at a distance of seven leagues.


The jaws of the ancient greet wall, an important posthouse in the Silk Road, the important main road between central area and west region, and the important battlement of the great wall built in Ming Dynasty as well, 35km to south part of Shandan County, near to 312 National Highway and G245 Freeway, covering an area of 190,000km 2, was built in

建设条件:长城硖口古城坐落于山丹县城南 35公里,旁依 G245高速公路和312国道,始建于明万历元年(公元1552年),总面积19万平方米,是丝绸之路的重要驿站,也是古时中原通往西域的交通要道,更是汉明长城的重要城障,现已列入全国重点文物保护单位。

He was luxuriously stretched in a good English calash, with double springs; he was drawn by four good horses, at full gallop; he knew the relay to be at a distance of seven leagues.


This means that you have come to a stop.


Today people can visit the ruins of one of the Butterfield stagecoach stops, now located in Guadalupe Mountains National Park.


Some details about this question are related, e.g. the measures to use horse, vehicle or boat, to get provision and accommodation in the stage. The running state of relay stages emerges after such discussion.


In Chapter 8, the stage transports of three independent Mongol countries are discussed. All these countries, the Chagatai Khanate, Golden Horde and II Khanate were separated from the Yeke Mongol Ulus.


From Of Human Bondage, he imagined the Orient through the love between West and Song, While by On a Chinese Screen; he came to china in person.


更多网络解释与驿站相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


daisy 雏菊 | dak 驿站 | Dakar 达喀尔

Find Out More:信息驿站

Zoos Can Help 动物园里长见识 | How Many People Visit the Zoo? 有多少人去动物园? | Find Out More 信息驿站

Find Out More:信息驿站书摘与插图

Energy Conservation 节约能源 | Search for Ways to Save 节能方法 | Find Out More 信息驿站书摘与插图

Harvest Moon DS:(欧洲) (牧场物语:精灵驿站)培养策略类 详情 下载

0999 - Monster House (欧洲) (怪兽小屋)动作类 详情 下载 | 0998 - Harvest Moon DS (欧洲) (牧场物语:精灵驿站)培养策略类 详情 下载 | 0997 - Uno 52 (欧洲) (扑克52张) 详情 下载

Harvest Moon DS:牧场物语 - 精灵驿站

/1396 Purr Pals 养猫物语 EUR | /1395 Harvest Moon DS 牧场物语 - 精灵驿站 USA | /1394 Saitou Takashi no DS de Yomu Sanshoku Ball-Pen Meisaku Juku 斋藤孝的三色原子笔名作塾 JPN




post road 邮路 | dak,posthouse 驿站 | postal car 邮政车

microwave relay station:微波电驿站

微波继电器 microwave relay | 微波电驿站 microwave relay station | 微波传输 microwave transmission

a road agent:[美](驿站道路的)拦路强盗

a general agent 总代理 | a road agent [美](驿站道路的)拦路强盗 | a secret agent 特务, 侦探

stagecoach stagecoach:公共马车stage驿站

stabilize stabilize v.使稳定 | stagecoach stagecoach公共马车stage驿站 | staggering staggering令人震惊的stagger v.蹒跚,摇晃