英语人>词典>汉英 : 驻扎 的英文翻译,例句
驻扎 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
canton  ·  quarter  ·  station  ·  cantoned  ·  cantoning  ·  stationed  ·  stations

be stationed · be quartered
更多网络例句与驻扎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld approved a request from the top U.S. commander in Iraq to extend the rotations of more than 10,000 American troops in the country, while at the same time ordering the deployment of an additional 1500 active duty soldiers.


My father was stationed at Hickam AFB in 1989. We took the house out on Apollo Avenue because it had air conditioning.


The fighter was on a test mission when it crashed about 35 miles northeast of Edwards AFB , where it was stationed, the Air Force said in a news release.


They might be considering the base they are in also house Blue Flag aggressor units.


Three years agon, Google ran only a small business in Asia, with a mimunum number of staff stationed in Japan, Korea and Australia in its sales offices.


The two had met in Korea in 1988, when they were stationed at Osan Air Base.


Some have been manning,the stake-out 24 hours a day for five long months,paying the car-park owner$400 a week for the privilege,and with little to show for it other than a daring paparazzi shot of the Owadas'pet Yorkshire terrier cocking his leg against a tree an his daily walk.


1St Panzer Division also known as 1st Panzer Brigade was composed of 1st Panzer Regiment stationed in Erfurt and 2nd Panzer Regiment stationed in Eisenach.


The reason for this is illustrated by the fact that Thracian units revolted when a rumor spread that they were to be stationed far from Thrace.


Also, two locally armoured trains (8) were available in Indochina, one based in Tonkin and one in Cambodia.


更多网络解释与驻扎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cantonment areas:驻扎营地

cantonment;进驻营地;; | cantonment areas;驻扎营地;; | cantonment sites;装备置放场;;


HANS,ELLEN,-副教育部长. | HOLBROOKE,RICHARD-驻扎北约的特别代表. | KESSLER,DAVID-食物药品行政主管.


outstare 以目光压倒 | outstation 远的驻扎地 | outstay one's welcome 呆得太久而不受欢迎


reservoir 水库 | reside 居住,驻扎;属于 | residence 居住;驻扎;住处

UNDOF United Nations' Deengagement Observer Force:联合国脱离接触观察员部队(驻扎于以色列与叙利亚之间)

UNAMIR United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda 联... | UNDOF United Nations' Deengagement Observer Force 联合国脱离接触观察员部队(驻扎于以色列与叙利亚之间) | UNDP United Nations' Development Program...

Clearly, HQ have failed to notify you. My troop is to be billeted here:很明显总部没有通知到你 我的部队要驻扎在这里

Oh, I beg your pardon.|哦,不是吧? | Clearly, HQ have failed to notify you. My troop is to be billeted here.|很明显总部没有通知到你 我的部队要驻扎在这里 | What with?|要做什么?

Structure garrisoned:大兵驻扎建筑物

桥梁已修好 Bridge repaired | 大兵驻扎建筑物 Structure garrisoned | 脱离驻扎建筑物 Structure abandoned

Structure garrisoned:驻扎于建筑物

Enemy Power Restored 敌人的基地电力恢复. | Structure Garrisoned 驻扎于建筑物. | Structure Abandoned 离开建筑物.

Structure garrisoned:已驻扎建筑物

Enemy Power Restored 敌人电力已恢复. | Structure Garrisoned 已驻扎建筑物. | Structure Abandoned 已离开建筑物.

regrouping and relocating:集结和重新驻扎

regrouping;重新集结;; | regrouping and relocating;集结和重新驻扎;; | regrouping and relocating to specifically designated cantonment areas;向特别指定的营地集结和重新驻扎;;