英语人>词典>汉英 : 马里奇 的英文翻译,例句
马里奇 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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So as not to besmirch Einstein's reputation, Maric went back to her family and had the baby girl, whom she named Lieserl.


In 1930 she became the first woman president of the Entomological Association of America.


In term of techniques and skills: Ronaldo is the best player since Maradona (in the lot of Basten, Baggio, Romario, Stoitchkov, Hagi, Weah, Laudrup, Zidane, Bergkamp, Rivaldo Figo Nedved Raul Henry Ronaldinho and lately Kaka, Messi C.Ronaldo).


But then,Moray's friends began to talk about me and Riccio.


I helped those men to kill Riccio,and now the xielw.cnarl of Moray is back here with them!


But then, Moray's friends began to talk about me and Ric-cio.


Dr.Maric:We believe the all protestor be concentrated there.


French photographer and stylist Marianne Maric sent us these raunchy pics of girls dressed as lamps in July this year.


The Jury of the 2010 edition was formed by leaders of the architecture and design fields including: Mario Cipresso, Kyu Ho Chun, Kenta Fukunishi, Elie Gamburg, Mitchell Joachim, JaeYoung Lee, Adela de Marchi, Nicola Marchi and Eric Vergne.


They are: Idi Amin, of Uganda, now enjoying life as a guest of the Saudis; Jean-B del Bokassa, of the Central African Republic, known to the people of that country as the Ogre of Berengo; Wojciech Jaruzelski, the Soviets' Polish puppet; Nexhmije Hoxha, who (with, until his death, her husband, Enver) ruled Albania for nearly fifty years; Jean-Claude Duvalier, who got run out of Haiti in 1986; Mengitsu Haile Mariam, the Marxist-Leninist dictator of Ethiopia; and Mira Markovic, the wife of Slobodan Milosevic, who is currently on trial in The Hague for crimes against humanity.

他们是:乌干达的阿迪·阿明,现在作为沙特阿拉伯的客人依然在享受生活;中非共和国的让-贝德尔·博卡萨(Jean-B del Bokassa),以&食人的皇帝&而著称于这个国家的人民;沃依切赫·雅鲁泽尔斯基,苏联在波兰的傀儡;涅奇米叶·霍查,她统治了阿尔巴尼亚近五十年的时间;让-克劳德·杜瓦利埃(Jean-Claude Duvalier),1986年出逃海地;门格斯图·海尔·马里亚姆,埃塞俄比亚的马列主义独裁者;和米娜·马尔科维奇,目前因为反人类罪被海牙法庭审判的斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇的妻子。

更多网络解释与马里奇相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

capri pants:卡普里短裤

"哦,请原谅-我还以为MNVO同卡普里短裤(Capri Pants)一样广为人知呢. 我的时尚感觉再次失灵了!正如埃琳娜.马里奇娜(Elena Malykhina)在其>一文中所介绍的,MVNO指的是"移动虚拟网络运营商"(Mobile Virtual Network Operator).


我说的这张唱片是著名的世界音乐厂牌EUCD出的,唱片的名字叫做"马里"(Mali). 赛卡奥奇塔家世显赫. 但从音乐上来说,他的显赫并非因为他是王子,而是因为他出自希索可家族(Cissokho)的旁系. 他的舅舅索娄(Solo)是希索可家族最著名的传人,


马里斯维尔Marysville | 艾奇森Atchison | 莱文沃思Leavenworth

Jochen Seitz:塞茨

2006年霍芬海姆开始扩张,增聘具德甲经验的球员及教练,包括曾任教斯图加特、汉诺威96及沙尔克04的拉尔夫.朗尼克(Ralf Rangnick)出任主教练,签约五年,而球员则有约亨.塞茨(Jochen Seitz)及托米斯拉夫.马里奇(Tomislav Mari)等.


MRD MERIDA 梅里达 委内瑞拉 | MRE MARA LODGES 马拉洛奇斯 肯尼亚 | MRG MAREEBA QL 马里巴 澳大利亚(昆士兰州)

BRIDGETOWN BGI:巴巴多斯 Barbados 布里奇敦

苏利南 Surinahneth 帕拉马里波 Paramaribo PBM | 巴巴多斯 Barbados 布里奇敦 Bridgetown BGI | 特立里达 Trinidad 西班牙港 PortOfSpain POS

BRIDGETOWN BGI:南美洲 巴巴多斯 Barbados 布里奇敦

南美洲 苏利南 Surinahneth 帕拉马里波 Paramaribo PBM | 南美洲 巴巴多斯 Barbados 布里奇敦 Bridgetown BGI | 南美洲 特立里达 Trinidad 西班牙港 PortOfSpain POS

capri pants:卡普里短裤

"哦,请原谅-我还以为MNVO同卡普里短裤(Capri Pants)一样广为人知呢. 我的时尚感觉再次失灵了!正如埃琳娜.马里奇娜(Elena Malykhina)在其<<非典型手机服务>>一文中所介绍的,MVNO指的是"移动虚拟网络运营商"(Mobile Virtual Network Operator).

DUGONJIC, Rato:拉托.杜戈尼奇

DUGO, Mario;马里奥.杜戈;; | DUGONJIC, Rato;拉托.杜戈尼奇;; | DUHALD, Jorge;豪尔赫.杜阿尔德;;


上周他们0-6输给赫塔(Hertha),本周他们应该有所反应. 他们亏欠球迷的,而且自从去年10月份以来,他们还没有在主场输球. 最近4个主场都赢球,而且攻入14个进球. (2:1)沃尔夫斯堡(Wolfsburg)缺少头号射手马里奇(Maric),另外还有其它球员受伤,