英语人>词典>汉英 : 马都拉人 的英文翻译,例句
马都拉人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Every "Little India" offers a feeling of deja vu a transferred memory of the bustling bazaars of Old Delhi or Ranganethan Street in Madras the peddlers with their cacophonous calls the posters of Bollywood the stray of cow dog pig or monkey pottering around the Hindi music the tandoori hordes of people on the street…that become closer.

每个"小印度"都给人一种似曾相识的感觉,一个被转移的记忆逐渐拉近:喧闹的旧德里市场或是马德拉斯的 Ranganethan 街道,摊贩们刺耳的叫卖声,宝莱坞的海报,牛、狗、猪或猴子在四周晃来荡去,印度的音乐,泥炉炭火,熙来攘往的人群

Every "Little India" offers a feeling of deja vu, a transferred memory of the bustling bazaars of Old Delhi or Ranganethan Street in Madras, the peddlers with their cacophonous calls, the posters of Bollywood, the stray of cow, dog, pig or monkey pottering around, the Hindi music, the tandoori, hordes of people on the street…that become closer.

每个"小印度"都给人一种似曾相识的感觉,一个被转移的记忆逐渐拉近:喧闹的旧德里市场或是马德拉斯的 Ranganethan 街道,摊贩们刺耳的叫卖声,宝莱坞的海报,牛、狗、猪或猴子在周围晃来荡去,印度的音乐,泥炉炭火,熙来攘往的人群

The few words of Aymara we'd best up went down actual able-bodied with our adolescent cartage and the adventure anesthetized in affable -- Spanish conversation. Eduardo, a top academy teacher, explained how the bounded board baton had appointed assembly from every organisation -- schools, hospitals, farms, bout agencies etc -- to go to La Paz to march. There was a continued account of names, and anyone added aggravating to bastard assimilate the buses would be kicked off. This account ability aswell be arrested at any of the abundant blockades amid Sorata and La Paz.


With unerring African instinct, the negroes had all discovered that Gerald had a loud bark and no bite at all, and they took shameless advantage of him. The air was always thick with threats of selling slaves south and of direful whippings, but there never had been a slave sold from Tara and only one whipping, and that administered for not grooming down Gerald's pet horse after, a long day's hunting.


For he forced his eldest son to marry the daughter of plautianus; and would often maintain plautianus, in doing affronts to his son; and did write also in a letter to the senate, by these words: i love the man so well, as i wish he may over-live me.now if these princes had been as a trajan, or a marcus aurelius, a man might have thought that this had proceeded of an abundant goodness of nature; but being men so wise, of such strength and severity of mind, and so extreme lovers of themselves, as all these were, it proveth most plainly that they found their own felicity (though as great as ever happened to mortal men) but as an half piece, except they mought have a friend, to make it entire; and yet, which is more, they were princes that had wives, sons, nephews; and yet all these could not supply the comfort of friendship.


Nearly all the wine Americans drank was imported, largely from Madeira, and to continue to purchase dutied, foreign beverages both worsened the American balance of payments and cast doubts upon the patriotism of the purchasers.


Every "Little India" offers a feeling of deja vu a transferred memory of the bustling bazaars of Old Delhi or Ranganethan Street in Madras the peddlers with their cacophonous calls the posters of Bollywood the stray of cow dog pig or monkey pottering around the Hindi music the tandoori hordes of people on the street…that become closer.

每个&小印度&都给人一种似曾相识的感觉,一个被转移的记忆逐渐拉近:喧闹的旧德里市场或是马德拉斯的 Ranganethan 街道,摊贩们刺耳的叫卖声,宝莱坞的海报,牛、狗、猪或猴子在四周晃来荡去,印度的音乐,泥炉炭火,熙来攘往的人群

Every "Little India" offers a feeling of deja vu, a transferred memory of the bustling bazaars of Old Delhi or Ranganethan Street in Madras, the peddlers with their cacophonous calls, the posters of Bollywood, the stray of cow, dog, pig or monkey pottering around, the Hindi music, the tandoori, hordes of people on the street…that become closer.

每个&小印度&都给人一种似曾相识的感觉,一个被转移的记忆逐渐拉近:喧闹的旧德里市场或是马德拉斯的 Ranganethan 街道,摊贩们刺耳的叫卖声,宝莱坞的海报,牛、狗、猪或猴子在周围晃来荡去,印度的音乐,泥炉炭火,熙来攘往的人群

Of all ages, people who read this chapter of Tao Te Ching, most of them explained that when world is peaceful and there is no war, steed and swift horse becomes useless, then, they are used to furrow field and carry fertilizer cart.


His broken Basic and devilish smile do little to inspire confidence, but Vilmarh Grahrk is nonetheless a successful and unscrupulous conman working the galaxy's fringe.


更多网络解释与马都拉人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


普拉斯将她最后的诗集题为"爱丽儿"(Ariel). 爱丽儿是诗人坐骑之马;也是莎士比亚喜剧>中的精灵,他制造了一场击沉篡位者所乘之船的暴风雨,但也善心地把人都吹到岸上. 这一标题暗示着诗人心中的狂风暴雨. 很有些评论家认为,


1830 年 塔 斯马尼 亚 总督 阿 瑟(Arthur)决 定 彻 底 解 决 土 著 人 问 题'. 他 组 织 了 三 千人 拉 大 网, 试 图 把 所有 的 土 著 人都 驱 赶 到 一个 小 半 岛 上 然 后 禁 闭 在 那里. 但 结 果 仅 抓 到 一个 大人 和 一 个 孩 子.


7月26日,瓜地马拉(Guatemalan)首都发生了一起垃圾堆坍塌的事件,至少三人死亡,十人失踪. 垃圾堆中到处充斥着破碎的玻璃,废轮胎和生活垃圾. 死亡和失踪的人都是些捡垃圾的人. 这些捡垃圾的人每天都在在垃圾场中找些适合修补坟墓的东西,


那时,拉瓦锡(Lavoisier)已经知道血液是输送氧气的,所以迈尔想,之所以在爪哇岛上的人的血液鲜红,是因为那个地方温度高,人们消耗的热量少一些所致. 他进一步想到马吃草,然后拉车,车轱辘在石头路上打出火花来,这都是能量在变,




因此,某些神庙享有治愈病人的神圣地方的权威的名声,特别是在戴巴哈里的海特西朴苏特庙和孟菲斯的塞拉匹斯(Serapis)庙宇. 在埃及神话中,托特(Thoth)、伊西丝、塞特等神都有治愈过疾病,甚至能够使人"起死回生"的种种传说. 据马涅托的记载,


事实上,所有居住在布拉马普得拉河南部的民族,如加罗人(Garos)、卡西人(Khasi)、那加人(Naga)和库基人(Kuki),从前都是割人头者. 阿萨姆的割头俗继续由袭击者以奇袭的策略来达到目的.




Macassarese 望加瓦锡人 | Macedonians 马其顿人 | Maduras 马都拉人

Ratan Tata:(拉丹.塔塔):塔塔集团走上世界舞台的引领者

158 Pony(马化腾):每个人都有一个梦想 | 166 Ratan Tata(拉丹.塔塔):塔塔集团走上世界舞台的引领者 | 174 Rick(蔡力行):铁血掌舵乘风破浪