英语人>词典>汉英 : 马草 的英文翻译,例句
马草 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

wrinkledleaf bristlegrass herb
更多网络例句与马草相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is a city Ephyre in a corner of horse-nourishing Argos.


All the gods in Olympus were in a fury, but they could not reach you to set you free; when I caught any one of them I gripped him and hurled him from the heavenly threshold till he came fainting down to earth; yet even this did not relieve my mind from the incessant anxiety which I felt about noble Hercules whom you and Boreas had spitefully conveyed beyond the seas to Cos, after suborning the tempests; but I rescued him, and notwithstanding all his mighty labours I brought him back again to Argos.

倘若 让我逮住一个,我就会紧捏住他,把他甩出门槛,摔倒在大地上,气息奄奄。然而,即便这样,也难去我心头不可消止的愁愤,为了神一样的赫拉克勒斯。你,怀着险恶的用心,依借北风的助衬,唆使风暴,把他推过荒瘠的大海,冲操到人丁兴旺的科斯。然而,我把他从那里救出,带回到马草丰肥的阿耳戈斯,其时,他已历经磨难。

Blue Grama grass is used as pasturage and lawns and mixed with the other native grass such as Buffalo grass for ground covers.


Blue Grama grass seed can also be planted in the spring.


Blue Grama grass is native to the Great Plains where the temperature ranges from hot to cold and the soil is primarily of alkaline content and rainfall can be practically non-existent in some areas.


Blue grama grass is drought resistant, fine textured and being adapted to this area the germination period is timed to the climate and soil temperature.


The very best time to sow this grass would be in the fall to allow for the month that it takes to germinate.


Ecosystem integrity here, the "Yuanwang grass not sand flat,""the wind boundless baicao days","Fukakusa羊马lying" on the Wing.


The total grassland area of 30,000 hectares, is an integral part of grasslands Xilinguole and essence, this ecosystem integrity, flumetsulam wild-ping, vast march, the "Yuanwang grass not sand flat,""the wind boundless baicao days","Fukakusa羊马lying" on the Wing.


Ma grass River Beijing government this year is one of the 60 major construction, primarily to improve Yuquanying overpass and the surrounding areas of stagnant water in rain stopped and the basin adverse environment.


更多网络解释与马草相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chloris Sw:虎尾草属

1.格兰马草属 Bouteloua Lag. | 2.虎尾草属 Chloris Sw. | 3.肠须草属 Enteropogon Nees

Chloris Swartz:虎尾草属

(4)、马唐属Digitaria Haller | (5)、虎尾草属Chloris Swartz | (6)、格兰马草属Bouteloua lagasca

Blue Grama:格兰马草

Canada Bluegrass 加拿大早熟禾 | Blue Grama 格兰马草 | Kikuyugrass 狼尾草[基库尤草]

Verbena officinalis:马鞭草 马鞭草

...马鞭草:马鞭草(Verbena Officinalis)原产于智利,数世纪前已于普罗旺斯及地中海一带广泛培植,属于小型灌木,叶子狭长而粗糙,开细小白花,至夏季渐趋浅蓝.


最大中心区由混合草原组成,以针茅属(Stipa)、冰草属(Agropyron)、格兰马草属(Bouteloua)、Koeleria属几个禾草种类为主. 北方混合草原被羊茅属(Festuca)和异燕麦属(Helictotrichon)草原取代,


分布于美国得克萨斯西部、新墨西哥、亚利桑纳和墨西哥高原南部的以格兰马草属(Bouteloua)、三芒草属(Aristida)和Hilaria属的种占优势的干旱草地. 在荒漠地带分布的超旱生灌木群落,类型繁多,例泡泡刺(Nitraria sphacrocarpa)荒漠等.

Bouteloua Lag:格兰马草属

5. 虎尾草族 Trib.Chlorideae Agardh | 1.格兰马草属 Bouteloua Lag. | 2.虎尾草属 Chloris Sw.

Bouteloua lagasca:格兰马草属

(5)、虎尾草属Chloris Swartz | (6)、格兰马草属Bouteloua lagasca | (7)、獐毛属Aeluropus Trin.


马鞭草全草含马鞭草苷(verbenalin)、鞣质、挥发油;根和茎中含水苏糖(stachyose);叶中含腺苷(adenosine)和β胡萝卜素. 另发现该植物含强心苷[1]. 从马鞭草的乙醇提取物中得到3个化合物[2],经过光谱分析分别被鉴定为熊果酸、3α,

Verbenalin:马鞭草苷 马鞭草甙

异搏定杂质M Verapamil impurity M | 马鞭草苷,马鞭草甙 Verbenalin | 检测方法及含量:HPLC≥99.9%