英语人>词典>汉英 : 香气地 的英文翻译,例句
香气地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与香气地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

More valuable is tea tree root, and camphor tree root growth underground staggered so that there camphor aroma of tea.


I let the hair on my legs entwine, the soy sauce on my chin congeal.


I dont know what kind of perfume she used, but it was the double-barreled, ninety-proof, knockdown, render-the-victim-unconscious, moose-killing variety.


I don't know what kind of perfume she used, but it was the double-barreled, ninety-proof, knockdown, render-the-victim-unconscious, moose-killing variety.


One day, while roaming and frolicking among the hills and dales, the musk deer was suddenly aware of an exquisitely beautiful scent, the like of which it had never known.


M sitting here I miss the power, I'd like to go out taking a shower, but there's a heavy cloud inside my head, I fell so tired put myself into bed, but nothing ever happens and I wander. I solation is not good for me, I solation I want to sit on a lemmon tree . I'm stepping around in adesert of joy, baby anyhow I'll got another toy, and everything will happen and you'll wander. I wander how I wander why ?

solation 期待下雨的一棵 Lemon Tree 你总是望著蓝蓝海面说著流浪过的梦容易实现这句话什么意思---我不清楚----爱多美丽充满香气只是在心里它总是酸溜溜地我不懂我自己越来越像 Lemon Tree------我一天一天更爱你我不管不管不管爱会苦苦地海蓝蓝的天气我的爱是 Lemon Tree 哦。。。。

Lemon tree 歌词:I'll sitting here in a boring room, It's just another rainy sunday afternoon, I'm wasting my time I got nothing to do, I'm hanging around I'm waiting for you. But nothing ever happens and I wander. I'm driving around in my car, I'd like to change my point of view, I feel so lonely I'm waiting for you, But nothing ever happens and I wander. I wander how I wander why yesterday you told me about blue blue sky; and all that I can see is just a yellow lemmon tree, I'm turning my head up and down I'm turning turning turning turning turning around and all that I can see is just another lemmon tree. see,dalada,diladada... I'm sitting here I miss the power, I'd like to go out taking a shower, but there's a heavy cloud inside my head, I fell so tired put myself into bed, but nothing ever happens and I wander. I solation is not good for me, I solation I want to sit on a lemmon tree . I'm stepping around in adesert of joy, baby anyhow I'll got another toy, and everything will happen and you'll wander. I wander how I wander why ?

中文翻译:一个人孤单单的下午当风吹得每棵树都想跳舞记得昨天你穿蓝色衣服你说对爱太专注容易孤独这句话什么意思我不清楚我爱上了云爱上你多么希望像你自由来去原来星期天容易思念反覆看部电影一遍一遍孤独的流著眼泪回忆太美爱多美丽充满香气只是在心里它总是酸溜溜地我不懂我自己越来越像 Lemon Tree 我一天一天更爱你我不管不管不管爱会苦苦地海蓝蓝的天气我的爱是 Lemon Tree 我爱上了云爱上你多么希望像你自由来去原来星期天容易想念反覆看部电影一遍一遍孤独的流著眼泪回忆太美 Isolation 想住进你心里 Isolation 期待下雨的一棵 Lemon Tree 你总是望著蓝蓝海面说著流浪过的梦容易实现这句话什么意思我不清楚爱多美丽充满香气只是在心里它总是酸溜溜地我不懂我自己越来越像 Lemon Tree 我一天一天更爱你我不管不管不管爱会苦苦地海蓝蓝的天气我的爱是 Lemon Tree 哦。。。。

Wumei can promote production of the body fluids to quench thirst, astringe the lung to relieve cough, astringe the intestine to arrest diarrhea, relieve ascaris colic and alleviate pain.


Now transmuted, we swiftly escape, as Nature escapes; We are Nature—long have we been absent, but now we return; We become plants, leaves, foliage, roots, bark; We are bedded in the ground—we are rocks; We are oaks—we grow in the openings side by side; We browse—we are two among the wild herds, spontaneous as any; We are two fishes swimming in the sea together; We are what the locust blossoms are—we drop scent around the lanes, mornings and evenings; We are also the coarse smut of beasts, vegetables, minerals; We are two predatory hawks—we soar above, and look down; We are two resplendent suns—we it is who balance ourselves, orbic and stellar—we are as two comets; We prowl fang'd and four-footed in the woods—we spring on prey; We are two clouds, forenoons and afternoons, driving overhead; We are seas mingling—we are two of those cheerful waves, rolling over each other, and interwetting each other; We are what the atmosphere is, transparent, receptive, pervious, impervious: We are snow, rain, cold, darkness—we are each product and influence of the globe; We have circled and circled till we have arrived home again—we two have; We have voided all but freedom, and all but our own joy.


He re-alized vaguely that the whiffs of scent drifting past his nostrils em-anated from the bobbed--haired figure in a long gown who WaS star--ing out of the window.but he couldn't be troubled to look at hermore closely,and felt no regret when the scent dissipated.


更多网络解释与香气地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这关键就在于他运用了"乙醛"(Aldehyde),透过这种合成物质与香精油(EssentiaIOils)作用结成更活泼的组合,使香气的变化更丰富. 这样与众不同的结合方式,成功地创造了第一瓶花香--乙醛调(闯oral-AIdehyde)香水,也成为后世争相模仿的典范!


适合夏天喝的酒总结起来有两个原则就是芳香(Aromatic)和酸(Acid). 这样的酒不论从香气还是口感上都会给人清新愉悦的感觉,另外一个要紧的是它们不会疯狂地掏空我的钱包大多数人在夏天本能的选择白葡萄酒. 白葡萄酒口味清脆,


在连吃了几顿稀粥(gruel)之后,家里终于断炊!油灯昏暗的家,弥漫着邻居烧饭做菜的香气. 母亲走到我跟前,弯下身子,一字字、很安详、很清晰地问:跟妈妈出去讨饭,好吗?这个吆喝声可不同寻常,对于正在做作业的我,对于肚子已经有明显饥饿感的我,


在连吃了几顿稀粥(gruel)之后,家里终于断炊!油灯昏暗的家,弥漫着邻居烧饭做菜的香气. 母亲走到我跟前,弯下身子,一字字、很安详、很清晰地问:跟妈妈出去讨饭,好吗?这个吆喝声可不同寻常,对于正在做作业的我,对于肚子已经有明显饥饿感的我,


让顾客可舒适地参观及选购心爱首饰及礼品. 店内设计奢华,巧妙地运用了独特的建筑风格、华丽的高级真皮座椅、特别的光线及季节性芬芳香气,来营造高贵优雅的气氛. 部份的室内装饰更特别选用古典的英式梨木(Pearwood)来特显英伦式的设计风格.

Walt Whitman:惠特曼

哈瑞克(Robert Herrick)崇拜偶像似地亲密地嗅闻其甜心,她的"胸部、双唇、玉手、大腿、脚部......全都/漫溢着芳香",的确是"东方所有的香料皆散布于此";惠特 曼(Walt Whitman)赞赏汗液,说"香气比祈祷还美好";


花梗长,圆锥茉莉(jasmine) 又名茉莉花,为木樨科素馨属(Jasminum)常绿灌木或藤本植物的统称,原产于印度、巴基斯坦,中国早已引种,并广泛地种植. 茉莉喜温暖湿润和阳光充足环境,其叶色翠绿,花色洁白,香气浓郁,是最常见的芳香性盆栽花木.

Lonicera japonica:金银花

金银花(Lonicera japonica)又名忍冬、二色藤,是忍冬科忍冬属常绿或半常绿缠绕藤本植物,原产中国、朝鲜、日本等地. 金银花藤蔓缠绕,枝叶茂盛,春夏开花,香气浓郁,是春夏季理想的室外盆栽花卉.