英语人>词典>汉英 : 香树脂 的英文翻译,例句
香树脂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The result indicates that those four resuscitation-inducing aromatic herbs mainly contain volatile oil ,and all contain alicyclic compounds; the volatile oil of Borneolum Syntheticum and Styrax both contain Sesquiterpenes of caryophyllene; as resin herbs , Styrax and Benzoinum both contain vanillin, resin ester and balsamic acid .


by summarizing and analysing the progress on studies of pharmacodynamic material basis of resuscitation-inducing aromatic herbs such as moschus,borneolum syntheticum,styrax,benzoinum, and exploring the generality of those herbs,to provide scientific reference for further studies on the relevance of common substance ,nature and the efficiency of restoring consciousness and inducing resuscitation of those herbs.the result indicates that those four resuscitation-inducing aromatic herbs mainly contain volatile oil ,and all contain alicyclic compounds; the volatile oil of borneolum syntheticum and styrax both contain sesquiterpenes of caryophyllene; as resin herbs , styrax and benzoinum both contain vanillin, resin ester and balsamic acid .


Spicy black pepper with a hint of Russian coriander leaves and Siberian pine provide a further contrast to the cold metallic accords. Warm, woody patchouli and balsam fir notes provide the third companion to the icy prelude.


"Chinese Dictionary" Kudingcha containing ursolic acid,β- incense resin alcohol,蛇麻lipid alcohol, dandelion赛alcohol, and the necessary human variety of organic germanium, trace mineral elements diet can not only生津止渴, Solutions greasy refreshing, after the first hard Coombe, increase appetite, regulate body metabolism, casual hot wind, clear leader, detoxification Xiaoyan, traumatic hemorrhagic bleeding, but also lower blood pressure, lipids, weight reduction anticancer and anti-aging effects.


F. Their structures were identified as betulone (1), 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenol-β-D-glucopyranoside (2),α-amyrin (3),β-amyrin (4),β-sitosterol (5), and stigmasterol (6) by spectroscopic evidence (IR, NMR, MS, etc.) and comparision of their spectral data with those of the literatures.

F。 的乙醇提取物中分离得到6个化合物,经波谱分析及与文献数据对照确定其结构分别为:betulone (1)、3,4,5-三甲氧基苯酚-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(2)、α-香树脂醇(3)、β-香树脂醇(4)、β-谷甾醇(5)和豆甾醇(6)。

Result:Eight compounds were elucidated as β amyrin palmitate, taraxastery acetate, luteolin 7 O α L rhamanopyranosyl (1→2)β D glucopyranoside,luteolin 7 O β D glucopyranoside, triacontanic acid,β sitosterol, stigmasterol and stigmast 7 en 3β ol.

结果 :从全草中分离得到 5个化合物,β香树脂醇棕榈酸酯,蒲公英醇乙酸酯,木樨草素 7 O α L 鼠李糖基(1→ 2 )β D 葡萄糖苷,木樨草素 7 O β D 葡萄糖苷,三十碳酸;1个混合物,β谷甾醇、豆甾醇、豆甾 7 烯 3β醇。

Modern medicine confirmed that the B-Kudingcha acid-containing resin alcohol,蛇麻lipid alcohol, wood Kok,桷Paper-natural selenium-containing amino acids, such as more than 250 kinds of health medicinal substances, for its flavonoid content This tea味苦, sexual-ping, is the bitter food treasures (Fresh Five, are beneficial to the human body, generally at least to the bitter water, and its role is great).


Ingredients: the fruit containing protein 1.2%, fat 1.09%, carbohydrate 12%, calcium 0.204%, phosphorus 0.046%, iron 0.014% and astringent acid 0.02%; the seed containing volatile oils 7-8%, Amyrin and so on.


By chromatographic techniques. On the basis of physico-chemical properties and spectral data, they were identified as α-amyrin,α-amyrin acetate, 27-hydroxy-α-amyrin,β-amyrin,β-amyrin acetate, ursolic acid,β-sitosterol, dauricine, emodin.


Any of various oily resins derived from certain tropical trees, especially Canarium luzonicum of the Philippines, and used in making varnishes and inks.


更多网络解释与香树脂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

balsamic acid:香脂酸

与挥发油共存的称香树脂,这些与树脂共存的有机酸统称香脂酸(balsamic acid),如安息香;有些树脂与糖结合成甙,称为甙树脂,如牵牛甙树脂. 树脂为多种物质的混合物,包括树脂酸、树脂醇、树脂酯和树脂烃以及它们的聚合物.

balsamic acid:树胶树脂

油树脂 balsam | 树胶树脂 balsamic acid | 香树脂 glycosidal resin

bitter principle:香脂酸

香树脂 glycosidal resin | 香脂酸 bitter principle | 苷树脂 pigment

Resins, elemi:榄香脂树脂

3191010 Resins, dammar 达马树脂 | 3191012 Resins, elemi 榄香脂树脂 | 3191014 Resins, gum 树脂,橡胶的


红花的柱头苏合香 (Styrax) 金缕梅科植物苏合香树树干的香树脂的炮制品虻虫 (Tabanus) 昆虫纲双翅目虻科动物双斑黄虻的雌虫体阳起石 (Tremolitum) 角闪石族透闪石或透闪石石棉的晶体生巴豆(unprocessed Fructus Crotonis) 大戟科植物巴豆未经炮制的成熟果实或种子生草乌(unprocessed Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii) 毛茛科植物


佛手柑内酯(Bergapten),β-谷甾醇,β-香树脂醇(Amyrin)和蛇麻脂醇(Lupeol). 又含棕榈酸,缬草酸(Valeric acid),愈疮木酚(Guaiacol),廿八烷(Dctacosane),芸香甙(Rutin,0.1%). 另含呋喃香豆精类,接触人的皮肤,可对光敏感


阿魏的树脂枫香脂 (Resina Liquidambaris) 金缕梅科植物枫香树的树脂干漆 (Resina Toxicodendri) 漆树科植物漆树的树脂石菖蒲 (Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii) 天南星科植物石菖蒲的根茎泽泻 (Rhizoma Alismatis) 泽泻科植物泽泻的块茎知母 (Rhizoma Anemarrhenae) 百合科植物知母的根茎九节菖蒲 (Rhizoma Anemones Altaicae)


香树脂(resinoid)是指用有机溶剂萃取香料植物的渗出物(如树脂、树胶、香膏)所得到的不含所用溶剂和水分的香料制品. 在常温时香树脂多呈半固态或固态. 香膏(balsam)是指香料植物由于病理或生理的原因或受切割而渗出的含有发香成分的树脂样物质.


"木糖抗坏血酸","xyloascorbic acid" | "香树脂","xylobalsamum" | "硬木质果","xylocarp"

Bergamot oil Citrus bergamia:佛手柑油、香柠檬油 意大利/摩洛哥

Benzoin Resinoid Styrax benzoin 安息香树脂 越南/苏门答腊 | Bergamot oil Citrus bergamia 佛手柑油、香柠檬油 意大利/摩洛哥 | Bergamot oil FCF Citrus bergamia 无光敏佛手柑油 意大利/摩洛哥