英语人>词典>汉英 : 饥馑 的英文翻译,例句
饥馑 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hunger  ·  hungering  ·  hungers

更多网络例句与饥馑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"And in the middle of the day, Elijah made sport of them, saying, Give louder cries, for he is a god; he may be deep in thought, or he may have gone away for some purpose, or he may be on a journey, or by chance he is sleeping and has to be made awake."

到了正午,以利亚嬉笑他们,说,大声求告吧。因为他是神,他或默想,或走到一边,或行路,或睡觉,你们当叫醒他。22。 22 你遇见灾害饥馑,就必嬉笑;地上的野25兽,你也不惧怕。

The icicles that famish all the north


Relief workers in alliance with local charities are trying to help the famine victims.


Industrialization, collectivization , First Five-Year Plan, the Shakhty trial, Magnitogorsk (i.e., Magnetic Mountain),"gigantomania," class liquidation,"Dizzy with Success,""revolution from above," Famine of 1932-33, internal passport,"red specialists," and subbotnik .

工业化,集体化,第一次五年计画, the Shakhty trial,马格尼土哥斯克(磁山,"gigantomania,"阶级清除,"令人晕眩的成就,""来自上层的革命," 1932-1933年的饥馑,国内通行证,"红色专家,"和 subbotnik 。

Nepenthe Lo (AECON Yr 3), President of the Organizing Committee was moved to see the programme came to a successful end and that HKBU students did care about the world.


The answer is that behind the defiance he appears to be under greater pressure than ever before. His economy is reaching a new level of disaster, with inflation now running at a rate of millions per cent a year. The latest harvest has been dismal, bread may soon run out and famine is a real threat. African governments, though many are still pusillanimous, are turning against him. Mr Mbeki still waffles and wobbles, but opinion in his ruling African National Congress is hardening against Mr Mugabe.


In this analysis, I singled out in public canteens to discuss, because it is not only an important cause and exacerbate hunger system, but more importantly, it is a significant leap forward on behalf of radicalism.


Food shortages have pushed China to the brink of famine, so Mr. Cheng, taking pity on her, invites Wang Qiyao to share his modest lunch of rice and salt pork.


In fact, by donating money and joining Famine 12, participants have already changed the lives of children living in Swaziland.


The other ambassadors warn me of famines, extortions, conspiracies, or else they inform me of newly discovered turquoise mines, advantageous prices in marten furs, suggestions for supplying damascened blades.


更多网络解释与饥馑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


象克里人(Cree)还向政府提出了必要情况下提供医疗服务和饥馑年头提供粮食的要求. 有些印第安部落当初不愿意签订这样的条约,如果有水牛作为猎物,原住民还是不肖于这样被圈在保护区内受人豢养. 可是水牛很快就被捕猎吃光,


当水位涨到16"腕尺"(cubit)时,丰饶的一年便已出现在了地平线上. 可是如若水位涨不到那个高度,远离河岸的土地和高地便无法得到浇灌和"施肥",人们就将面临一年的干旱与饥馑;如若水位超过了18"腕尺",大地就会变成水乡泽国,疫病流行.

Famished Ghoul:饥馑食尸鬼

134Face of Fear恐惧之脸OD | 135Famished Ghoul饥馑食尸鬼OD | 136Filthy Cur污秽野狗OD

Sit chattering with joy on the foodless wreck:没有粮食的破船上去尽情谈笑

And close upon Shipwreck and Famine's track, 去追寻覆舟和饥馑的踪迹,坐到 | Sit chattering with joy on the foodless wreck; 没有粮食的破船上去尽情谈笑, | Come, come, come! 来,来,来!

Hideous Laughter:(駭人邪笑)

114 He Who Hungers 饥馑卑堕硫 0 | 115 Hideous Laughter 骇人邪笑 8 | 116 Honden of Night's Reach 夜幕本殿 5

And close upon Shipwreck and Famine's track:去追寻覆舟和饥馑的踪迹,坐到

Who with wingless footsteps trample the sea, 虽然身无羽翼,可是... | And close upon Shipwreck and Famine's track, 去追寻覆舟和饥馑的踪迹,坐到 | Sit chattering with joy on the foodless wreck; 没有粮食的破...

Under water, famine; under snow, bread:洪水造饥馑,瑞雪兆丰年

The nearer the church, the farther from God 离教堂越近,离上帝越远 | Under water, famine; under snow, bread 洪水造饥馑,瑞雪兆丰年 | Union is strength 团结就是力量

Under water, famine; under snow, bread:[谚]洪水造饥馑,瑞雪兆丰年

The nearer the church, the farther from God.^[谚]离教堂越近,离上帝越远. | Under water, famine; under snow, bread.^[谚]洪水造饥馑,瑞雪兆丰年. | Union is strength.^[谚]团结就是力量.

U Under water, famine; under snow, bread:洪水造饥馑,瑞雪兆丰年

The nearer the church, the farther from God. 离教堂越近,离上帝越远 | U Under water, famine; under snow, bread. 洪水造饥馑,瑞雪兆丰年 | Union is strength. 团结就是力量

Of plague, of dearths, or seasons' quality:或四时祸福,灾瘟和饥馑

But not to tell of good or evil luck, 但不为道出吉凶与命运, | Of plague, of dearths, or seasons' quality; 或四时祸福,灾瘟和饥馑. | Nor can I fortune to brief minutes tell, 我无法将运命细细分辨,