英语人>词典>汉英 : 饥饿 的英文翻译,例句
饥饿 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
esurience  ·  fames  ·  famish  ·  hunger  ·  hungriness  ·  starvation  ·  famishes  ·  famishing  ·  hungering  ·  hungers  ·  esuriency  ·  nesteia  ·  nestia  ·  limosis

更多网络例句与饥饿相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And they shall pass through it, hardly bestead and hungry: and it shall come to pass, that when they shall be hungry, they shall fret themselves, and curse their king and their God, and look upward.

8:21 他们必经过这地,受艰难,受饥饿饥饿的时候,心中焦躁,咒骂自己的君王,和自己的神。

The results showed that food ingestion and frequency of the polecat in constant food patches were higher than that in the variable food patches and time of the polecat was the same between two patches during the training period. Only the frequency of the polecat in constant food patches was higher than that in variable food patches when the polecat was starved for 1 day. Its foraging pattern between the two patches was the same as that during the training period when the polecat was starved for 2 days. Meanwhile, the food ingest ion amount in the two patches was not affected by starvation, but the time and frequency of the polecat using the two patches significantly decreased when starvation increased.


There were some differences in responses of life history characteristics to increasing temperature among the four rotifer clones.


These works portray people's miserable life, poverty, starvation and unfreedom, depict the distortion of humanity rooted in starvation and finger out the consideration of people's morality and mentality resulted from starvation.


Temperature, clone and their interaction influenced significantly the neonate starvation, and body, egg and neonate volumes in the offspring of B. calyciflorus. The neonate starvation times of all the thirteen clones were curvilinearly correlated with temperature. The neonate starvation times of Clone SP1 was negatively correlated with body volumes. The neonate starvation times of Clone SP2 was negatively correlated with neonate volumes, but that of Clone SU1, SU3 and SU7 were positively correlated with neonate volumes.


Finally starvation not a threat but an actuality faced them and then Isadora received an engagement.


Finally, starvation, not a threat but an actuality, faced them, and then Isadora received an engagement.


In order to explore effects of pantothenic calcium on starved animals and provide the basis for developing survival ration, we studied the protective effect of pantothenic calcium on starved rats and mice and its probable mechanisms.


Using tamato seedlings as experimental material, we examined the adaptive changes of the proton translocating pumps and protein components in vacuolar membranes of plant during phosphate starvation.


The results showed that the starved fish had significant higher white-cell counts than the fed fish,the peak value occurring 20 d after starvation.There were higher multiplication and efficiency of transformation in the lymphocytes in the starved fish than those in the fed fis...

结果表明:饥饿后红鳍东方鲀外周血中白细胞的数量明显高于正常投喂组,且在饥饿20 d时白细胞的数量达到最大值;饥饿后脾脏中淋巴细胞的增殖转化能力与转化率比正常投喂组高,饥饿10 d时达到最大值,随着饥饿时间的延长,淋巴细胞的转化率逐渐降低;饥饿后脾脏中巨噬细胞的吞噬活性与吞噬率均高于正常投喂组,且在饥饿20 d时达到最大值。

更多网络解释与饥饿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


estuary /河口/江口/ | esurience /饥饿/狼吞虎咽/ | esurient /饥饿的/狼吞虎咽的/


是以牛津大学学术委员会的前两个字母(Ox)和饥饿(Famine)前一部分组成. 在全世界15000多家店铺中销售捐献的物品或是通过募集筹集资金. 早期的焦点集中于消除饥饿,但渐渐将目光放到了根本性解决贫穷和饥饿的问题上.

famine famish feminine:饥饿 使饥饿 有女人味的

10 rest wrest 休息扭打(等我休息好了再继续扭打吧) | 11 famine famish feminine 饥饿 使饥饿 有女人味的 | 14 mask n 面具,口罩(马赛克 带上面具就是打马赛克)


饥荒,饥饿,严重缺乏 famine | 饥饿 famishment | 风扇,叶片 fan

hunger pain:饥饿痛,饥饿样不适症,空胃痛

hunger for credit-extending volume 放款额度饥饿症 | hunger pain 饥饿痛,饥饿样不适症,空胃痛 | hunger sign 饥饿病,植物营养缺乏症状,营养缺乏病症


hungerhungrystarveesuriencefamesfamishhungriness 饥饿 | hungrily 饥饿似地 | hungry 馁

hungrily:饥饿地; 贪婪地; 渴望地 (副)

hunger striker 绝食抗议者 | hungrily 饥饿地; 贪婪地; 渴望地 (副) | hungry 饥饿的; 荒年的; 渴望的 (形)


734 hundred 百 | 735 hungrily 饥饿的 | 736 hungry 饥饿


hungover 难受的 | hungriness 饥饿 | hungry 饥饿

starvation cure:饥饿疗法

starvation 饥饿 | starvation cure 饥饿疗法 | stasis 停滞