英语人>词典>汉英 : 食物疗法的 的英文翻译,例句
食物疗法的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dietetic  ·  dietetical

更多网络例句与食物疗法的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It seems that there's always some new alternative therapy that's all the rage, and right now its detoxification diets.

看来 ,总有一些新的替代疗法是所有的愤怒,而现在它的解毒食物。

Reading that cranberry juice may help prevent these infections, Buxton went on a regimen a year ago, and since then she's been infection-free.


Taste bush tucker, learn about ancient remedies and watch boomerang throwing and didgeridoo playing in Geelong.


Jeff: Food cures have been known about since the time of Hippocrates.


Just to make my life more difficult, my wife urged me to see her naturopath and have a blood test to find my food sensitivities.


The chiropractor thought it might be food sensitivity and sent Harvey to a naturopath.


The child in question had developed eczema limited to the face at around one year of age. He had been breast-fed at birth, was switched to milk-based formula at four months, and started on solid foods at five months without problems. At the time, no food reactions or worsening of the atopic dermatitis due to food exposure was seen. At the age of three, his parents, who had read about a possible link between eczema and food allergy, took him to a naturopath, who used electrodermal skin testing to look for possible hypersensitivity.


Based on the results of the test, the naturopath told the parents that the child was allergic to milk, eggs, peanuts, rice, and beef, all of which he had previously eaten without problem. Four weeks of milk and egg restrictions failed to control the dermatitis but topical pimecrolimus did.


Most of the studies linking allergies to joint disease have focused on rheumatoid arthritis , although mention of what was called "rheumatism" in older reports suggests a possible link between food reactions and aggravations of OA symptoms. 4 If other therapies are unsuccessful in relieving symptoms, people with OA might choose to discuss food allergy identification and elimination with a physician.


Taste bush tucker, learn about ancient remedies and watch boomerang throwing and didgeridoo playing in Geelong.


更多网络解释与食物疗法的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


diestrus 动情间期 | dietetic 食物疗法的 | dietetic 饮食的


dietary /饭食的/ | dietetic /饮食的/食物疗法的/ | dietetics /营养学/


伽倡导的饮食之道 传统瑜伽的食物分类 瑜伽饮食的四大法则 瑜伽素食者的营养要点 二、四季瑜伽食谱推荐 第四篇 常见病症的瑜伽疗法 一、瑜伽对疾病的看法 二、常见病症的瑜伽疗法 便秘(Constipation) 低血压(hypotension) 癫痫(Epile


此疗法综合了西医营养学、中医、脊椎指压治疗(Chiropractor)和运动机能学(kinesiology). 治疗完 成後身体将不再对治疗过的过敏原产生过敏. 您跟您的小朋友将可以吃各种不同食物,取得均衡营养而不会有过敏的反应. 同时 如果您有些西医无法诊断的疑难杂症,


Three Sixty除了售卖食物,也有注册营养师甚至自然疗法(Naturopath)的医师驻守. 提供多元化的服务,可增加人们的消费意欲. 再者,从以上公司的营运方式,亦可看出Three Sixty根据只是一点美丽的点缀而已. 惠康曾被绿色和平批评每周只抽查一次蔬菜农药,


巴斯德消毒法(Pasteurization):在一控制温度给液体食物或饮料加热以提高保藏质量,同时也消毁有害的微生物. 无菌的(Aseptic):没有能够引起感染或污染的微生物. 化学疗法(chemotherapy):用化学药物来治疗传染病.

Regenerator section:(杀菌器的)预热(或热回收)部分

regenerator 交流換热器;蓄热器 | regenerator section (杀菌器的)预热(或热回收)部分 | regimen 食物疗法;养生法


diestock 板牙铰手 | diestrus 动情间期 | dietetic 食物疗法的