英语人>词典>汉英 : 风平浪静的 的英文翻译,例句
风平浪静的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与风平浪静的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I came out again on the quarter-deck, agreeably at ease in my sleeping suit on the warm breathless night


I came out again on the quarter-deck, agreeably at ease in my sleepin g suit on the warm breathless night


I came out aga in on the quarter-deck, agreeably at ease in my sleep in g suit on the warm breathless night


It's always calm and tranquil here.


From that windless dusk to this black age, tomorrow the ship is to reach Chicago.


And the hours were whiled away, when the sea was tranquil, with music, dancing and games.


No matter how big the waves are outside

无论 外面风浪多大,这里都是风平浪静的

No matter how big the waves are outside, its always calm and tranquil.


I n a clam sea every man is a pilot.


A red sun rose slowly from the clam sea.


更多网络解释与风平浪静的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Breezy Valley:沁入心中空谷

班得瑞特别拉远了音场的景深,以表现风平浪静时,湖畔辽阔的回音;班得瑞请您用心来体会......轻舞的风,沿陵线向下滑行,滋养大地的温暖,沁入心中空谷(Breezy Valley)成军超过10年的班得瑞,为新世纪乐坛最走红的「元老级」团体.

bring a fair wind:沉迷于一种能使风平浪静的力量

living being 活着的人 | bring a fair wind 沉迷于一种能使风平浪静的力量 | wood joined, vine tied 木接藤捆

The Shipwrecked Soul:沉没的灵魂--Nick LeForce 尼克.莱佛士

The Shipwrecked Soul 沉没的灵魂--Nick LeForce 尼克.莱佛士 | Beware the captain 小心这样的船长 | That sails only on smooth waters 那些只航行于风平浪静

storm center:风暴中心

杰出的大法官霍姆斯曾说,最高法院表面上风平浪静,实际上那只是风暴中心(storm center)之中一种暂时的、虚假的平静,稍有闪失,排山倒海般的风暴随时有可能呼啸而来.

Surge up:没有波涛的,风平浪静的

1184surgen. 巨涌,汹涌,澎湃; v. 汹涌,澎湃 | 1185surge up没有波涛的,风平浪静的 | 1186surmisen. 推测; v. 推测,臆测


starless 没有星光的 | supportless 无支持者 | surgeless 风平浪静的


supportless 无支持者 | surgeless 风平浪静的 | sweatless 无汗的.


surgeless 风平浪静的 | sweatless 无汗的. | swordless 无刀剑的

Of those calm solitudes, is there:风平浪静地在那里独居良久

Are not more sinless than thy breast; 并不比你的酥胸更清白; | The holy peace that fills the air 那神圣的和睦弥漫着气流 | Of those calm solitudes is there. 风平浪静地在那里独居良久.

wood joined, vine tied:木接藤捆

bring a fair wind 沉迷于一种能使风平浪静的力量 | wood joined, vine tied 木接藤捆 | Melanesian people 美拉尼西亚人