英语人>词典>汉英 : 额肌 的英文翻译,例句
额肌 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与额肌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The appearance ratio of lateral buddle of orbicularis oculi muscle in ptosis brow group is 87.5%.


Frontalis muscle suspension with fascia lata is a useful technique in treating severe post-traumatic ptosis, especially in patients with total loss of levator function or repetitive failed levator aponeurosis surgery.


Result:The anatomic correlating measurement,length:from the branches of facical nerve (to frontalis and orbicular muscle of eye) to Zygomatic arch marginal,paropia;Length :from facial nerve marginal mandibular branches to marginal mandibular.


Methods A skin incision 3-4cm away from upper lid margin to the place 1cm aboe the superciliary arcy was made in operation.

距上睑缘 3~4mm皮肤切口,向上潜行剥离至眉弓上 1cm ,在上睑眉弓皮肤下与骨膜之间制作 2cm向下滑动的额肌瓣,将额肌瓣和上睑睑板缝合固定。

Thaller SR,Kim S,Patterson H,et al.The submuscular aponeurotic system:A histologic and comparative anatomy evaluation.Plast Reconstr Surg,

SMAS 是面部皮下脂肪和腮腺咬肌筋膜之间的独立组织层次,SMAS与颈阔肌、颧大肌、颞浅筋膜-枕额肌相连,构成头面颈部浅筋膜和深筋膜之间的连续而独立的组织层次。

Results The supra-orbital nerve passes through the deep fascia of frontal muscle and epicranial aponurosis with an 52.8±7.4° angle before it enters the frontalis. Its diameter is 1.4±0.3 mm.

结果 眶上神经出眶上孔后,以 52.8±7.4°角向外上经额肌筋膜附着处入帽状腱膜下隙,达发际附近穿帽状腱膜和额肌至皮下。

Methods 6 cases (6 eyes) with Marcus-Gunn jaw-winking syndrome were received surgical treatment of levator myectomy and combined frontal-is muscle suspension.

Marcus Gunn张口瞬目综合征6例(6眼)采用上睑提肌水化分离及节段切除联合额肌瓣悬吊术。

Results on the ae line, the facial nerve went across the anterior portion inside the hairline (39.3 mm anterior to the otobasion superius).

在14例(28侧) 10%甲醛溶液固定的成人尸头上解剖面神经额支,测量面神经额支、发际在耳上基点-外眦线、额颧点-翼点线上的位置,测量鬓角、面神经额支入额肌最高点到fp的垂直距离。

The supratrochlear vessels and nerve ran through the frontal muscle into the frontal skin.


Results It was found that the temporal branch is deep to the temporoparietal fascia and frontal muscle.The temporal branch has one to four branches in general.The first one is 8.1±2.1mm anterior to articular tubercle and 33.8±4.9mm superior to the bony lateral canthus.

结果 面神经颞支位于颞浅筋膜和额肌的深层,通常有1-4分支,第1支先位于关节结节前方8.1±2.1mm,然后向内上方行走进入额肌或眼轮匝肌上部,位于骨性眼外眦上方33.8±4.9mm。

更多网络解释与额肌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


因此病人常常在早晨起床时肌力正常,活动自如,到了下午或傍晚时,却出现复视、眼皮下垂等症状,同时头抬不起来,说话变得咬字不清,神经学检查常有不对称的眼睑下垂,而眼外肌的无力以内直(medial rectus)最为常见,病人因眼睑下垂,会利用额肌(frontalis)的收缩使眼睑上拉,

levator muscle:提肌

一般而言,眼睛周围的肌肉,包括抬起上眼睑的提肌(levator muscle)变得沉重,与人体任何肌肉出现的疲劳现象类似. 眼肌和额肌特别容易疲劳,因为他们在我们醒着的大多数时间里面始终处于活跃状态. 随着白天慢慢过去,就像我们的手臂和腿部一样,


(二)神经肌肉接头性瘫痪(neuro-muscular junctional) 重症肌无力(MG). (三)肌肉原性瘫痪(myopathic) 各种肌病、多发性肌炎、周期性瘫痪. (一)神经原性瘫痪 人体运动机能的最高中枢主要在大脑额叶中央前回(4区)和旁中央小叶(5,

facial muscles:面肌

◆面肌(facial muscles)又称表情肌颅顶肌(epicranius)由枕额肌(occipitofrontalis)组成,覆盖于颅盖外面. 阔而薄,由成对的枕腹和额腹以及中间的帽状腱膜组成. 枕腹(枕肌)起自枕骨,止于帽状腱膜,可向下牵拉腱膜;额腹(额肌)起自帽状腱膜,


◆面肌(facial muscles)又称表情肌颅顶肌(epicranius)由枕额肌(occipitofrontalis)组成,覆盖于颅盖外面. 阔而薄,由成对的枕腹和额腹以及中间的帽状腱膜组成. 枕腹(枕肌)起自枕骨,止于帽状腱膜,可向下牵拉腱膜;额腹(额肌)起自帽状腱膜,


hypomicrognathus 下额过小 | hypomyotonia 肌张力减弱 | hypotension低血压

occipitofrontal muscle:枕额肌

*面肌 facial muscles | 枕额肌 occipitofrontal muscle | 帽状腱膜 gelea aponeurotica


◆面肌(facial muscles)又称表情肌颅顶肌(epicranius)由枕额肌(occipitofrontalis)组成,覆盖于颅盖外面. 阔而薄,由成对的枕腹和额腹以及中间的帽状腱膜组成. 枕腹(枕肌)起自枕骨,止于帽状腱膜,可向下牵拉腱膜;额腹(额肌)起自帽状腱膜,

occipitoiliac:枕颞位 枕髂位

occipitofrontalmuscle 枕额肌 | occipitoiliac 枕颞位 枕髂位 | occipitomastoid 枕骨乳突的

M. palatopharyngeus:颚咽肌

颏隆凸 - Protuberantia mentalis | 颚咽肌 - M. palatopharyngeus | 额嵴 - Crista frontalis