英语人>词典>汉英 : 领空 的英文翻译,例句
领空 的英文翻译、例句


territorial sky · territorial air space
更多网络例句与领空相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Would put a fighter jet in the "same airspace" with other jets.


Eurocontrol, an umbrella agency that coordinates air traffic across 38 European countries, said authorities will use satellite images to decide whether to open airspace, and rely less on computer models that indicated the ash cloud had spread over much of Europe.


"CNN"-- One day before U.S. President Barack Obama's Canadian visit last week, Canadian fighter jets intercepted two Russian bombers near Canadian air space, the defense minister said Friday.


Air route traffic control centers - There is one ARTCC for each center.


When they are watching all of my airspace?


Airspace is an inalienable part of a country's territory.


You'll alsoreview other kinds of airspace you should know about?


I think there were occasions when the decision to close airspace could have been justified.


Also within each zone are portions of airspace, about 50 miles (80.5 km) in diameter, called TRACON (Terminal Radar Approach CONtrol) airspaces.

在每一个领空区域内,都有一个直径大约为50英里(80.5公里)的部分,称为TRACON(Terminal Radar Approach CONtrol终端雷达管制区)领空

Also within each zone areportions of airspace, about 50 miles (80.5 km) in diameter, calledTRACON (Terminal Radar Approach CONtrol) airspaces.

在每一个领空区域内,都有一个直径大约为50英里(80.5公里)的部分,称为TRACON(TerminalRadar ApproachCONtrol终端雷达管制区)领空

更多网络解释与领空相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

affordable risk:负担得起的风险;可接受的风险

aerial trespass;侵犯领空;; | affordable risk;负担得起的风险;可接受的风险;; | beachhead;滩头堡;登陆场;;

air umbrella:空军掩护

Air Turas;图拉斯航空公司;; | air umbrella;空军掩护;; | air violations;侵犯领空;;


小飞机场 airspace | 上空;空间;领空 airfreighter | 装运货物之运输机 aide

national airspace:领空

expensive delusion [医]夸大妄想, 张大妄想 | national airspace 领空 | complement of set algebra 集代数的余

territorial contiguity:领空毗连

territorial air 领空 | territorial contiguity 领空毗连 | territorial sea领海

Air National Guard:美国领空国民警卫队

- Agriculture Canada Federal Government加拿大联邦政府农业部 | - Air National Guard 美国领空国民警卫队 | - Bureau of Export Administration美国出口管理局


overfill 溢出 | overflight 飞越领空 | overflow container 溢出容器

aerial trespass:侵犯领空

end-of-assignment report;任务结束报告;; | aerial trespass;侵犯领空;; | affordable risk;负担得起的风险;可接受的风险;;

air space:领空

其主要原因乃是此类遥测技术的运作,其施行平台(platform)主要是以航机为主,施行空域多与被侦测国家领空(air space)相重叠. 另一领域乃是卫星遥测系统,主因是此卫星遥测系统是以外太空人造卫星为施行平台,进行对地球环境、资源等资讯的搜集记录和传送.

air space:空气空间

航空器的空中活动场所或范围,称为空域或空气空间(Air space). 根据各国达成的一致原则,空气空间实行领空主权制度,每一个国家对其领空(Treeitorial)享有完全的、排他性的主权.