英语人>词典>汉英 : 预测结果的人 的英文翻译,例句
预测结果的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与预测结果的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They predict that, for instance, African-Americans will find it easier to car-pool if they live in an area with lots of other African- American, following a battery of tedious but handy statistical tests, this is exactly what they find.


Results as bellows: AtSIRT1 was located in Mitochondrial as hSIRT4 of human, and maybe take part in respiration and electron transformation chain, AtSIRT2 was located in nucleolus as hSIRT6 of human, maybe play important role in extend lifespan;mutation in AtSIRT1 leaded to cotyledon of plant turn to yellow and caused short life span. Mutation in AtSIRT2 could make the color of leaf turn to purple and accumulate a lot of anthocyanin;Sirtinol, a inhibitor of SIRT which did not cause the same model of the mutation of AtSIRT1 and AtSIRT2 indicated that the mechanism of Sirtinol was different from other organism;the structure of AtSIRT1 and AtSIRT2 were similar to other known Sir2, which indicated that they maybe have the same function;AtSIRT2 was overexpressed and its activity was detected.


Observers of the annual elitist confab known as Bilderberg have long known that plans discussed at the conference quickly become reality. In 2002, Bilderberg researcher Jim Tucker correctly predicted that the Iraq war (not late 2002, as many were predicting at the time). In 2006, Daniel Estulin correctly forecast and subsequent economic crash, a possibility that most talking heads in the corporate media at the time.

比尔德伯格俱乐部的年度精英人物会议的观察者们早就知道在会议上讨论的计划会很快成为现实。2002年,彼尔德伯格研究员Jim Tucker正确预测伊拉克战争(而不是像许多人预测的2002年年底)。2006年,Daniel Estulin正确预测了经济危机并且描述了它的结果,当时仅仅是一种在公司媒体上的舆论倾向可能性。

Result The population and new case of malaria can be predicted by the quadratic forecast model of population and logarithmic curve model of new case in Chongqing municipal. The prediction range of population is from 3113112 to 3368928, and the range of the new cases rate of incidence of malaria is from 126 to 134 in 2002 year. These two numbers are consistent with actual number of population and new cases, which are 31309038 and 130, respectively.

结果 重庆市人口数的二次曲线模型和疟疾新发病例的对数曲线模型能够对重庆市人口数和疟疾新发病例数进行预测,2002年重庆市人口数预测范围为3113112~3368928人,新发病例数范围为126~134例;分别与实际的人口数(31309038人)和病例数(130例)基本吻合。

Predictable result is that Chinas total population will reach its peak in 2024 at 14.3688 million people (total fertility rate from 1.8), the forecast results show that this model has good prediction accuracy and forward-looking, on Chinas development of appropriate population policy in order to adapt to the comprehensive construction of harmonious society demands of the population have a positive reference value.


These problems all made it difficult to see what would be the result of Stockholm.


Note: The environment of starting divinatory trigram, should be quiet, should be one person with whole heartedness.Rules: 1. predict the first thing you want to predict. 2. One time one thing to predict, cannot predict two things at the same time. 3. Predict yourself not others. 4. Not need to predict again once result comes out.


The humblest intellect can readily foretell the result of any action when he knows that it is based on truth, but the mightiest intellect, the most profound and penetrating mind loses its way hopelessly and can form no conception of the results which may ensue when his hopes are based on a premise which he knows to be false.


It predicts that more than seven million people will die early as a result of cancer.


The first is that it is the Democrats who are supposed to be the disorganised party.


更多网络解释与预测结果的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


doped 掺杂过的 | dopester 预测结果的人 | dopeydopy 被麻醉的


dopester /预测结果的人/ | dopey /被麻醉的/呆笨的/迟钝的/ | doping /搀杂/

performative verb:施为动词

而是特定语境条件下人们理解的结果,例如,"It'll rain tomorrow",在一定语境下可以理解为一种预测,然而Sperber和Wilson则认为,该话语传递的是一种说话人无法控制的有关未来事件的假设;此外施为动词(performative verb)所起的作用是一种认知向导或制约,

sand table:沙盘

这套游戏的名字就叫"战棋"(德语:Kriegspiel),是在"沙盘(sand table)"上调配棋子进行战略移动和进攻,并以骰子决定战场上各种随机因素的一个游戏. 在普法战争之后,英国人有了他们自己版本的战棋游戏,并利用它来训练三军的战略技巧以及预测军事行动的结果.

Statistically significant:统计显著

.统计显著(statistically significant) 统计显著意味着数据的统计结果不是由随机变异导致的. .被试(subject) 参加科学实验的人. .理论(theory) 对用于解释已知事实或事件的一般原则的系统描述. 理论描述了一系列事件之间的关系,使人们可以预测事件的未来趋势.


理论常常在管理人员中遭遇不公,因为它让人联想到"理论上的"(theoretical)这个字眼,言外之意是"不切实际"(impractical). 但是人们不应该有这样的联想. 理论是预测何种行动导致何种结果以及原因何在的一个表述. 管理人员采取的每项行动以及制订的每项计划,

uncertainty principle:不确定原理

量子论中的"不确定原理"(UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE)用之于股市是再恰当不过的──没有人能在长期的市场预测中始终立于不败之地. 正因如此,在预测的基础上不断用各种新的因素对原有的结论做出微调方能得到比较切合客观实际的结果.