英语人>词典>汉英 : 预测力 的英文翻译,例句
预测力 的英文翻译、例句


predictive power
更多网络例句与预测力相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, cognition was consistently found to explain a significant proportion of the variance of the learners' performance with respect to the density, aptness and novelty of the metaphor generated whereas language proficiency was invariably not.

对于隐喻生成而言,学习者的认知能力对构成生成能力的三个变量:隐喻的数量、恰当性、新颖性的预测能力都极其明显,依次达到75.5%, 84.3%, 76.8%,而语言水平的预测力都不明显。

The paper makes a forecast test on which further reviews performance characteristic of control power transfer, the findings are following:(1)The object company in control power transfer has the cognizable characteristics.


Excluding the influence of the demology variables, the effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment was done, which indicated satisfaction had significant predictive effects on commitment; recognizing, reward, respect , participating decision-making, total satisfaction had significant predictive effects on affective commitment; growth and development, work relationship had significant predictive effects on continuance commitment; recognizing and total satisfaction had significant predictive effects on normative commitment.


In addition, university students' angerdoes better to the prediction of Neuroticism than to that of Psychoticism andIntraversion-Extraversion.


Through correlative analysis and path analysis, it finds that (1) the family environment and the colleges and universities environment have direct and indirect influence on self-identity development of students; and (2) the family environment and the colleges and universities environment exert the major effect on self-identity development of students through identity style as mediational variable, so identity style becomes the explanatory base of self-identity status. That is, the predictive effect of diffuse/avoidant identity style for identity diffusion, normative identity style for identity foreclosure, and information identity style for identity achievement respectively is most significant; and (3) family environment that is helpful, supportive, warm, expressive, and promote autonomy and independence possibly makes students form identity achievement or identity moratorium, family environment that is excessively cohesive and warm but lacking independence possibly promote students to form identity foreclosure, and family environment that lacks of supportive and warm possibly make students form identity diffusion; and (4) colleges and universities environments that have better relationship system, clear developmental purpose, and promote to pay attention to societal concerns, critical and explorative qualities, and provide healthy, expressive, democratic, open atmosphere facilitate identity development, in turn form advanced identity. Colleges and universities environments that only emphasize the receival of colleges and universities aims, order and instilments, and scarcely encourage critique, exploration, individuation possibly make students form identity foreclosure. However, the ones that is remote relationship system, and lacking support, and students don't cognize the aim of colleges and universities possibly make students form identity diffusion.


R egression analysis showed that the depression is the first prediction factor, an d somatization, psychotismand hostility played better prediction roles of seri ous mental disturbance.

结果 SCL-90新生测查中,抑郁因子对大学新生的心理问题的预测力最高;敌对因子等因子对大学新生中度心理问题具有较高预测力

I. An analysis of the prominently related variables with whether or not to receive cervical smear screen of tendency factors, enabling factors and needs factors by using the logistic regression model was performed.: 6 variables of tendency factors with predictive value as to whether a woman receive cervical smear screen or not include age, marital status, educational level, family structure, religion, and the knowledge of free smear examination offered by mandatory citizen health insurance; 4 variables with enabling factors with predictive value include average monthly income, district, whether receiving telephone or letter notices in the past year, and the degree of convenience of the examination location. One variable of needs factors with predictive value: is the suitability of the examination time notified. The accuracy rate of laddered logistic regression model built by this research was 74.1%.


The results from statistic data analysis using the statistic software SPSS15.0 for descriptive statistics, chi-square evaluation, laddered logistic regression, factors analysis, credibility analysis, variables analysis, and multiple comparison are as follows: I. An analysis of the prominently related variables with whether or not to receive cervical smear screen of tendency factors, enabling factors and needs factors by using the logistic regression model was performed.: 6 variables of tendency factors with predictive value as to whether a woman receive cervical smear screen or not include age, marital status, educational level, family structure, religion, and the knowledge of free smear examination offered by mandatory citizen health insurance; 4 variables with enabling factors with predictive value include average monthly income, district, whether receiving telephone or letter notices in the past year, and the degree of convenience of the examination location. One variable of needs factors with predictive value: is the suitability of the examination time notified. The accuracy rate of laddered logistic regression model built by this research was 74.1%.


Hospital safety is the most reliable variable for predicting health care staff's handling of piercing injuries, and it is the most important factor for preventing piercing injuries and exposure to blood/bodily fluids.


"Social skills and methods,""the state of palling friends on Internet," and "the consciousness of gender role" were the most important predictions of senior high school students'academic achievements.


更多网络解释与预测力相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Vera Cruz等通过研究相应的无毒基因的侵袭力(aggressiveness)和生存适合度(fitness)成功地预测出水稻白叶枯抗病基因Xa7为一较为持久的抗病基因. 植物系统获得抗病性的显著特点是产生广谱抗病性,这是因为SAR的产生是一系列防卫反应基因协同作用的结果.

force balanced accelerometer:力平衡式加速度计

forcasting 预测 | force balanced accelerometer 力平衡式加速度计 | force diagram 力图

vector, force:力向量

vector sum excited linear predictive (VSELP) 矢量和激励线性预测 | vector, force 力向量 | vector, graphics 图形向量



mean power:平均功率=>平均電力

mean position 平均位置,平位置 | mean power 平均功率=>平均電力 | mean prediction 均值预测,均值预测


IEEE 1061标准覆盖了如分别力(discriminate power),跟踪(tracking), 确认(validation),可预测性(predictability), 一致性(consistency)等术语. 需注意的重点是软件度量验证不只是一次的事,它是一个需要重复验证的连续过程.

Stepwise regression:逐步回归法

2.页16-3内文第三段,逐步回归法(stepwise regression)能够满足预测型回归的目的:以最少的变项达成对依变项最大的预测力. 试问,最少的变项和最大的预测力之间的平衡如何取舍?是否仅以独变项达到显著性与否做为判定标准?该段同时提到,

vector sum excited linear predictive (VSELP):矢量和激励线性预测

vector sum 向量和 | vector sum excited linear predictive (VSELP) 矢量和激励线性预测 | vector, force 力向量

viscous force:黏滞力

(D)雷诺数(Reynolds number Re)为惯性力(inertial force)与黏滞力(viscous force)之 ...数值模拟结果显示,在所研究的雷诺数范围内,再接触点长度的预测值与实验值误差 ...

