英语人>词典>汉英 : 顽固分子 的英文翻译,例句
顽固分子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
diehard  ·  royalist  ·  diehards  ·  verkrampte

更多网络例句与顽固分子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After his crime was brought to light, Yu said contritely,"I deserve to be punished. Actually, by collaborating with secessionists in Taiwan, we have been working against the motherland and the reunification of the country."


I'm a diehard C++ fan. I admit it.


Many people fear that he is a warmonger at worst, at best a prickly individual with neoconservative tendencies who will do little to mend fences with the world.


The struggle shall be waged only against a few obdurate landlords after they have been isolated.


He should exude ruggedness and power, living up to his nickname, the "Diehard."


What helped him was that under the command of Minghui Net, more than 100 Falun Gong royalists suddenly gathered in Tian'anmen Square and made troubles in order to appeal for the world when UN Human Right Committee was about to take a vote on a U.S.


Diehard supporters of the soon-to-be-axed monarchy, as well as ethnic separatists in the southern Terai plain, were probably to blame.


When there are waiting lists, exclusions do not reduce enrollments, which means that bigots can practice unprosecuted discrimination for free.


They set up "timely broadcasting systems" secretly in public areas, vicinities of government buildings and places where Falun Gong addicts were helped and educated.


Bigots will discriminate less the more that it costs them.


更多网络解释与顽固分子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the big stick:<美>大棒政策,实力政策; 云梯

watch your step小心行事, 当心 | 10 the big stick大棒政策,实力政策; 云梯 | stick in the mud顽固守旧分子

Die Hard:顽固分子

体育彩票sports lotteries | 顽固分子die-hard | 完好货币sound currency

to die out:绝种

to die down-灯火逐渐熄灭 | to die out- 绝种 | to die hard-根深蒂固(diehard也可做名词-顽固分子)


顺便说一句,对于Windows PowerShell的顽固分子(diehard)来说,这些用户喜欢用最少的输入来完成任务,这个修改过的脚本也将做同样的事:


diecious 雌雄异体种的 | diehard 死硬分子 | diehard 顽固分子

strong-willed nonconformist:顽固的抵抗分子

as noteearlier 如前所述 | strong-willed nonconformist 顽固的抵抗分子 | stubbornness n.倔强, 顽强



Universal Postal Union:万国邮政公约

顽固分子 die-hard | 万国邮政公约 Universal Postal Union | 完好货币 sound currency

stick in the mud:顽固守旧分子

83.sunday driver 开慢车的人 | 84.stick-in-the-mud 顽固守旧分子 | 85.stonewall 搪塞

sports lotteries:体育彩票

题外话digression; mention in passing | 体育彩票sports lotteries | 顽固分子die-hard