英语人>词典>汉英 : 面对角线 的英文翻译,例句
面对角线 的英文翻译、例句


diagonal of the face
更多网络例句与面对角线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The problems of point - line - plane - volume; the facts of square - circle - triangle; the mysteries of central - peripheral - frontal - oblique - concave - convex; the right angle and perpendicular; of scale and position; the interest in post- lintel, wall-slab, vertical-horizontal; the arguments of two-dimensional and three-dimensional space; the extent of a limited field; the meaning of implied extension; the meaning of plan, of section, of spatial expansion - spatial contraction - spatial compression - spatial tension; the direction of regulating lines, of grids; the relationships of figure to ground, or number to proportion, of measurement to scale, of symmetry to asymmetry, of diamond to diagonal; the hidden forces, the ideas of configuration; the static, the dynamic: all these begin to take on the form of a vocabulary.


更多网络解释与面对角线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

diagonal of a determinant:行列式的对角线

diagonal morphism 对角射 | diagonal of a determinant 行列式的对角线 | diagonal of the face 面对角线

diagonal of the face:面对角线

diagonal of a determinant 行列式的对角线 | diagonal of the face 面对角线 | diagonal point 对边点

diagonal point:对边点

diagonal of the face 面对角线 | diagonal point 对边点 | diagonal procedure 对角线法

diagonal point:对角点

diagonal plane 对角面 | diagonal point 对角点 | diagonal principle 对角线原理

diagonal process:对角线法;对角线过程

多面体的对角面 diagonal plane of a polyhedron | 对角线法;对角线过程 diagonal process | 对角线尺度 diagonal scale

Jamaica:牙买加 牙買加

牙买加牙买加(Jamaica)代码JM[别称]蓝山之国、泉水之岛. [国旗]呈横长方形,长与宽之比为2∶1. 两道宽度相等的黄色宽条沿对角线将旗面分成两两相..[概况]-[历史]-[经济]-[外交]牙买加(Jamaica)代码JM [别称]蓝山之国、泉水之岛.


1.磁铁矿 磁铁矿(Magnetite)是一种氧化铁的矿石,主要成份为Fe3O4,是Fe2O3和 FeO 的复合物. FeO 31.03%,Fe2O3 68.97%或含Fe 72.2%,O 27.6%,等轴晶系. 单晶体常呈八面体,较少呈菱形十二面体. 在菱形十二面体面上,长对角线方向常现条纹.