英语人>词典>汉英 : 面容苍白的 的英文翻译,例句
面容苍白的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与面容苍白的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Annabel did not come out well, caught as she was in the act of bending over her chocolat glacé, and her thin bare shoulders and the parting in her hair were about all that could be identified amid the sunny blur into which her lost loveliness graded; but I, sitting somewhat apart from the rest, came out with a kind of dramatic conspicuousness: a moody, beetle-browed boy in a dark sport shirt and well-tailored white shorts, his legs crossed, sitting in profile, looking away.


And truly not the morning sun of heaven Better becomes the grey cheeks of the east, Nor that full star that ushers in the even Doth half that glory to the sober west, As those two mourning eyes become thy face: O, let it then as well beseem thy heart To mourn for me, since mourning doth thee grace, And suit thy pity like in every part.


And truly not the morning sun of heavenBetter becomes the grey cheeks of the east,Nor that full star that ushers in the evenDoth half that glory to the sober west,As those two mourning eyes become thy face:O, let it then as well beseem thy heartTo mourn for me, since mourning doth thee grace,And suit thy pity like in every part.


And truly not the morning sun of heaven Better becomes the grey cheeks of the east, Nor that full star that ushers in the even Doth half that glory to the sober west As those two mourning eyes become thy face: O let it then as well beseem thy heart To mourn for me since mourning doth thee grace, And suit thy pity like in every part.

而的确,无论天上灿烂的朝阳多么配合那东方苍白的面容,或那照耀着籄 E 昏的明星煌煌(它照破了西方的黯淡的天空),都不如你的脸配上那双泪眼。哦,但愿你那颗心也一样为我挂孝吧,既然丧服能使你增妍,愿它和全身一样与悲悯配合。

Kirsty : Well, I saw her yesterday and I couldn't get over how pale and drawn she looked; completely different from when I last saw her.


Kirsty: Well, I saw her yesterday I couldn't get over how pale drawn she looked; completely different from when I last saw her.

基施蒂:我昨天见到她,她脸色苍白,面容憔悴,跟我上次看到她的样子完全8 t tt8。 com 不同,我至今仍感不安。

Polidori also looked a lot like Byron: dark hair, pouty lips, pale pretty features.


He was slouched in a wheelchair, a shriveled, whitened remnant of the father I had known.


Swear by those horsemen, by those women Complexion and form prove superhuman, That pale, long-visaged company That air in immortality Completeness of their passions won; Now they ride the wintry dawn Where Ben Bulben sets the scene.


Even the avant-garde is a target of the photographer's disrespectful gaze: a bird's eye view of the jagged steps of an oval stairway, a view typical of the New Vision of LaszlO Moholy-Nagy or Werner Mantz, are echoed formally in the eccentric pose of a semi-nude female model.


更多网络解释与面容苍白的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a doughy complexion:苍白的面容

the cake fell; it's a doughy mess. 蛋糕做坏了, 成了夹生的面团 | a doughy complexion 苍白的面容 | a doughy consistency 面团般的粘性


white-collar 白领阶层的 | white-faced 面容苍白的 | white-haired 长着白毛的

white-faced:面容苍白的; 前额有白斑的

white-collar 白领阶层的; 脑力劳动者 | white-faced 面容苍白的; 前额有白斑的 | white-hot 白热的, 狂热的


white-faced 面容苍白的 | white-haired 长着白毛的 | white-headed 白发的

worn out faces:苍白的面容

疲惫的故土 Worn out places | 苍白的面容 Worn out faces | 清晨匆匆的人们在奔跑 Bright and early for their daily races

worn out places:疲惫的故土

周围都是熟悉的面孔 All around me are familiar faces | 疲惫的故土 Worn out places | 苍白的面容 Worn out faces

Mallory-weiss tear. - No pallor,no melena:马洛里-魏斯二氏综合征 - 没有面容苍白 黑粪便等症状

Likely causes.|可能的原因 | - Mallory-weiss tear. - No pallor,no melena.|- 马洛里-魏斯二氏综合征 - 没有面容苍白 黑粪便等症状 | Why are you wearing a tie?|你干嘛打领带?

de hvideste snicks og cap'en lidt p? skr:那些面容苍白鬼鬼祟祟的人,还有他们歪戴着的帽子

forlade mit hjem med mit ynglings gear p? 走出家门,开上我最喜欢的车 | de hvideste snicks og cap'en lidt p? skr? 那些面容苍白鬼鬼祟祟的人,还有他们歪戴着的帽子 | jeg ville la bilen st? 我想要弃车而去

de hvideste snicks og cap'en lidt på skr&aring:那些面容苍白鬼鬼祟祟的人,还有他们歪戴着的帽子

forlade mit hjem med mit ynglings gear på 走出家门,开... | de hvideste snicks og cap'en lidt på skrå 那些面容苍白鬼鬼祟祟的人,还有他们歪戴着的帽子 | jeg ville la bilen stå 我想要...


having the type of face or expression mentioned 有...面容的;有...表情的 | pale-faced 面色蒼白 | grim-faced 表情嚴肅