英语人>词典>汉英 : 面包板 的英文翻译,例句
面包板 的英文翻译、例句


bread board
更多网络例句与面包板相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Could you duplicate this circuit on a breadboard Only if you knew


To acquire data in your lab using the virtual instrumentation approach, you will need a DAQ device, a computer configured with LabVIEW and DAQ driver software, and some method of connecting your transducer signal to the DAQ device, such as a connector block, breadboard, cable, or wire.


By example analysis and experiment result compare,it introduces the usage and peculiarity of Multisim 2001 software platform of EDA technology in design type of experiment study on digital circuits,the advantages and disadvantages of EDA technology experimenthave been compared with actual operation,the important of combining"imitation experiment"and"material experiment"in design type of experiment of digit circuit teaching is put forward in this paper.


Caroline fresh new cologne on feeling so good changed the color to my phone, orange kool-aid go good with patron, a naw hell naw boy steal my ring tones free carwash had to clean up the dodge give back when I can just playing my part church folk had a fish fry mustard, hot sauce, light bread, and French fries love for, the big guy hit the park, boys showing off their hops, Nappy Roots on the radio and you know it bops last night, I hit the pick tree, bought some Air Force ones, 4 tall tees man I love the Begees

卡罗琳的新古龙香水如此美妙,我在电话这头竟嗅到了味道;老主顾钟爱的橙色酷儿口感真好,没想被一个男孩模仿了手机铃声调;驾上免费洗好的道奇,和教会哥们去享受美味的拥抱;他们最爱炸鱼,芥末,辣酱,白面包,还有法式炸薯条;伴着收音机里 Nappy Roots 的曲调,男孩们在公园尽情秀舞蹈;其实昨晚也有人这样跳,因为太精彩我还撞到了树梢;买了几双耐克板鞋空军一号,最爱比吉斯乐队4个大高个的味道。

Pizza was the bread or pie eaten on the tin-plate, and it was the first non-fermented bread in human history .


A wooden board on which dough is kneaded or bread is sliced.


Interior doors imported from Germany HOMAG production line, wood door wood door Xi development projects, has purchased the German CNC machining center, vertical axis milling wood, high Precision Panel Saw, Automatic desktop multi-chip saw, intelligent automatic Door Edge machine, automatic doors cold press, professional woodworking surface coating machines, vacuum hot press, high-precision double-side trimming mortising machine, horizontal milling slot machine, professional paint room doors, etc. a large number of advanced professional equipment for doors, a fundamental guarantee for the companys processing capacity and product precision; German master design, the latest German-made gate technology, a fundamental safeguard the Xi pure German descent forest gate.


SEM examination showed that the experimental group has regular spongiest structure,complete bone lacuna structure,partial broken os-teone and visible bone canaliculus, while the sham control group has disorderly structure, broken osrteone, little bone lacuna and total invisibility of bone canaliculus.

结果 X线片示A组右侧股骨头骨密度增高,透光区较小,B组骨密度减低,有大小不等透光区;ECT扫描示A组静态放射性分布中等浓聚,而B组静态图像放射性分布呈炸面包圈样改变,欠均匀;组织学检查显示A组骨空陷窝率、血管数、骨髓腔内脂肪细胞直径较B组明显改善(P<0.01);扫描电镜检查显示A组松质骨结构较规则,骨陷窝结构完整,部分骨板断裂,骨小管可见。B组结构紊乱不清,骨板断裂,骨陷窝少,骨小管消失。

These modular units include analog input multiplexers, analog output devices,"blank" breadboards, signal conditioning modules for thermocouples, and so on.


It was a hard slab of salted minced beef, often slightly smoked, mixed with onions and breadcrumbs.


更多网络解释与面包板相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




breadboard | 擀面板,案板电路试验板 | breadbox | (存放面包或蛋糕等的)面包箱,面包盒 | breadcrumb | 面包屑做面包的面团

duralumin powder:硬铝粉

Duralplat 杜拉尔普拉特镁合金双面包覆硬铝板 | duralumin powder 硬铝粉 | duralumin sheet 硬铝板


branner镀锡铁板控光机 | branny(似)(或有)糠(或麸)的 | brannybread黑面包;麸皮面包

brass bearing:轴承铜衬

黄铜丝刷 brass wire brush | 轴承铜衬 brass; bearing | 插接板;面包板;试验板 breadboard

12-by-6-inch bread tray in graceful art deco styling:12乘6英寸的面包塔板在优美的装饰派艺术风格

Features: 特点: | 12-by-6-inch bread tray in graceful art deco styling 12乘6英寸的面包塔板在优美的装饰派艺术风格 | Safe in the microwave and dishwasher安全的微波和洗碗机

cock-a-leekie, cock-ie-leekie, cock-y-leekie, cock-y-leeky:韭菜鸡汤

姜汁面包,公鸡,雄禽,旋塞 cock | 韭菜鸡汤 cock-a-leekie, cock-ie-leekie, cock-y-leekie, cock-y-leeky | 弯曲托罐板 cocked base plate