英语人>词典>汉英 : 靠不住的 的英文翻译,例句
靠不住的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dicky  ·  fishy  ·  slippery  ·  trick  ·  tricks  ·  undependable  ·  untrustworthy  ·  tricking  ·  wonky  ·  unsicker  ·  dickier  ·  dickiest  ·  fishier  ·  slipperier  ·  tricked  ·  wonkier  ·  shadiest

更多网络例句与靠不住的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dear student, The cost-benefit analysis here is deceptive, so let me walk you through it.


You will find that uncertain individuals will want to draw you into joint ventures.


But it's certain that the suggestion is dubious.


It took infernally long to negotiate through relatives who were, furthermore, unreliable transmitters of harsh words, being peacemakers at heart, especially where matrimony was concerned.


He is something of a liar, don't you think?


He's the sort of man you can't reckon on in a crisis.


Don't trust him; he has been proved to be a broken reed.


Biography said he lifelong virginity it is unreliable, Romain Rolland on their revised.


He's a rather shady person.


But there are shady people everywhere around the world.


更多网络解释与靠不住的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dubious: a.1:含糊的,不确定的 2.(引起)怀疑的,疑惑的 3.有问题的,靠不住的

transaction: n.1.处(办)理 2.交易,业务 3.(人际交往)相互作用 | dubious: a.1.含糊的,不确定的 2.(引起)怀疑的,疑惑的 3.有问题的,靠不住的 | disorderly: a.杂乱的,混乱的,凌乱的,无秩序的

dubious: a.1:怀疑的,犹豫不决的,无把握的;2. 有问题的,靠不住的

drizzle vi. 下毛毛雨; n. 毛毛雨 | dubious a. 1. 怀疑的,犹豫不决的,无把握的;2. 有问题的,靠不住的 | duration n. 持续,持续期间

equivocal: a.1:有歧义的,模棱两可的 2.可疑的,靠不住的

equivocation: n.含糊其辞,躲闪,推诿 | equivocal: a.1.有歧义的,模棱两可的 2.可疑的,靠不住的 | subtlety: n.1.隐约难辨,稀薄 2.微妙,深奥 3.细微

infirm: a.1:虚弱的 2.意志薄弱的,不坚定的,靠不住的

protracted illness: n.慢性病 | infirm: a.1.虚弱的 2.意志薄弱的,不坚定的,靠不住的 | specific: a.1.明确的,确切的,具体的 2.特有的,特定的,独特的

not on the map:[口]办不到的 靠不住的 不为人所知的

516-map n.地图, 图 | not on the map [口]办不到的; 靠不住的; 不为人所知的 | off the map [口]不重要的; 不出名的; 废了的; 消失的


frivolous 不严肃的,轻浮的 | parlous 靠不住的,危险的 | fabulous 神话式的;惊人的,难以置信的

piecrust pledge:脆弱的诺言, 靠不住的诺言

hold sth. in pledge 以某物作抵押, 以某物为担保 | piecrust pledge 脆弱的诺言, 靠不住的诺言 | piecrust promise 脆弱的诺言, 靠不住的诺言

piecrust promise:脆弱的诺言, 靠不住的诺言

piecrust pledge 脆弱的诺言, 靠不住的诺言 | piecrust promise 脆弱的诺言, 靠不住的诺言 | redeem one's pledge 履行信约; 赎回抵押品

treacherous: a.1:不可信的,不忠的,背叛的 2.靠不住的,危险的,变化莫测的

trauma: n.(心理或精神上的)创伤 | treacherous: a.1.不可信的,不忠的,背叛的 2.靠不住的,危险的,变化莫测的 | trenchant: a.1.犀(锐)利的 2.有力的 3.明晰的,分明的


wondrously /惊奇地/ | wonky /动摇的/摇晃的/靠不住的/ | wonsan /元山/