英语人>词典>汉英 : 非礼 的英文翻译,例句
非礼 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
incivility  ·  indecorum  ·  irreverence  ·  incivilities

更多网络例句与非礼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To admit distraction is wrong when one is obliged to apply oneself to prayer; when there is no such obligation, one is at liberty to pass from the subject of prayer, provided it be done without irreverence, to any other proper subject.


Nowadays we see an appalling crudeness and incivility on the courts and in the stadiums.


My client, an innately bashful man, would be the last man in the world to do anything ungentlemanly which injured modesty could object to or cast a stone at a girl who took the wrong turning when some dastard, responsible for her condition, had worked his own sweet will on her.


If she was not an immaculate dove in those days, she was still inviolate; a passionate creature whose very defenselessness had made her defense, against which his honor forbade him to prevail.


I stopped a gorgeously dressed young lady, I want him yelling for those who are "heroes to save the United States" who killed me, I hugged her waist, said:"I want to indecent assault you!"


" Are they right your incivility ?"


Society's first concern will remain major crime, but a foretaste of the seriousness of incivility is suggested by what has been happening in Houston.


Incivility is not inspected , this is regular


In such a case, read and write access must be controlled indecently on different types pf student data.


He stayed at his aides' homes in Osaka and Chiba prefectures, where he summoned up to 10 female followers almost every day and indecently assaulted them under the pretext of "health checks," they said.


更多网络解释与非礼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

coprophilia:可补酪非礼 舔粪癖

Necrophilia 捏骷髅非礼 恋尸癖 | Coprophilia 可补酪非礼 舔粪癖 | Gerontophilia 结拢图非礼 恋老癖


incitogram /冲动发放/ | incivility /无礼貌/不客气/非礼/ | incivism /无公德心/缺少公民心/无爱国精神/

indecent assault:非礼

损毁Criminal Damage | 非礼Indecent Assault | 请描述歹徒相貌特征 Please describe the suspect

was yesterday convicted of indecently assaulting the woman:昨日被裁定非礼(该女子)罪成

愿意辞职以示问责 was willing to resign as a show of... | 昨日被裁定非礼(该女子)罪成 was yesterday convicted of indecently assaulting the woman | 昨日被裁定刑事恐吓罪成 was yesterday found guilty of cri...


irretrievably /不能挽回地/ | irreverence /不敬/非礼/不敬的行为/ | irreverent /不敬的/

irreverence:不敬; 非礼 (名)

irretrievably 不能挽回地; 不能补救地 (副) | irreverence 不敬; 非礼 (名) | irreverent 不敬的, 无礼的, 不逊的 (形)

off his stepdaughter:就是那个常非礼他的继女的人

I caIIed BaIIinger at his office, you know the guy who can't keep his hands,,,|我... | off his stepdaughter?|就是那个常非礼他的继女的人 | I toId him if he ever touched her again, I'd kiII him,|我跟他说敢...


pyromania 碧绿媚尼 | zoophilia 兽非礼 | bestiality 皮撕血漓的

Wie der Gruss,so der Dank:来而不往非礼也

Wie der Gruss,so der Dank.来而不往非礼也. | Guter Gruss,guter Dank.礼尚往来. | Mit Dank verdient man Dank.以礼待人,必有好报!

indecent assault an attack with blows and some from of sexual violence:强迫猥亵,非礼

epitaphn. words commemorating a dead person 纪念死者的... | indecent assault an attack with blows and some from of sexual violence 强迫猥亵,非礼 | milkv. get money by clever of dishonest means 以巧妙或虚...