英语人>词典>汉英 : 非白种的 的英文翻译,例句
非白种的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与非白种的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At 10 years, the relapse rates were 17 percent and 13 percent for blacks and whites, respectively.


Methods Germ tube test, chlamydospore test, CHROMagar Candida and API20 kit system were applied to separate non-Candida albicans strains from Candida albicans. Then PCR was used to amplify the internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal DNA from 4 species of common Pathogenic non-Candida albicans (Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis, Candida krusei and Candida tropicalis), and the products were digested with the two restriction endonucleases (Msp Ⅰ and Hae Ⅲ) respectively. Results The four isolates consisted of 15 strains of Candida glabrata (7.50%), 7 strains of Candida parapsilosis (3.50%), 5 strains of Candida krusei (2.50%), 2 strains of Candida tropicalis (1.00%).


As part of the Stroke Prevention in Young Women study, which is evaluating genetic and nongenetic ischemic stroke risk factors in young women, the investigators systematically searched the PDE4D gene for novel and known polymorphisms in 48 African-American women and 48 white women. These polymorphisms were then prioritized and genotyped in the entire study population of 224 cases of first ischemic stroke and 211 age- and race-matched controls.

年轻妇女中风预防研究里面的一部分,评估年轻妇女基因性和非基因性缺血性中风风险因子,研究者系统式蒐寻48位非裔美籍妇女和 48位白种妇女之PDE4D基因之新的和已知的多型体,这些多型体按基因型顺序排好,400位之中有224例首次缺血性中风,有211位是年纪和种族配对控制组。

Research has been put out on several main reproduction hormaone's variations on the white geese in West Anhui during reproductive and nonreproductive periods.


Higher levels of IL-8 and TGF-beta were demonstrated among nonwhite subjects at baseline. Increases in TNF-alpha and IL-8 expression were found at week 24 of HCV therapy, suggesting that enhanced proinflammatory cytokine production may occur during HCV treatment.


Still be in bud when flower especially when, bud always is slightly flagging, asing if is beauty is hanging low because of bashfully she that small head, to the person a kind " 1000 breathe out 10 thousand call out only then come out, still hold the lute in the arms half block face " charming be ashamed deeply feeling, should when it is wide-open, just can raise its that beauty " first ", show cheek of Bai Li rubicund, corn poppy flower is first Bai Hougong, and have in present breed be the color that Bai Biangong is spent or is red Bian Baihua more very, appear chic all the more, have charm additionally one time.


Lymph node recurrence was seen in 6 percent of black women and 2 percent of white women, Moran reported.


The interaction between bovine serum albumin and such a natural pharmaceutical homologue as coumarin, umbelliferone and aesculetin was investigated using fluorescence spectroscopy and ultraviolet spectroscopy.


According to simple computation, good anti-noise ability and low precision of Katz algorithm and complex computation and good precision of box-counting dimension and correlation dimension, an Improvement fractal algorithm Based on Wave is presented and analyzed through the fractal Brown curve and noisy speech according to the characteristic of the box dimension and Katz dimension.


Still be in bud when flower especially when, bud always is slightly flagging, asing if is beauty is hanging low because of bashfully she that small head, to the person a kind " 1000 breathe out 10 thousand call out only then come out, still hold the lute in the arms half block face " charming be ashamed deeply feeling, should when it is wide-open, just can raise its that beauty " first ", show cheek of Bai Li rubicund, corn poppy flower is first Bai Hougong, and have in present breed be the color that Bai Biangong is spent or is red Bian Baihua more very, appear chic all the more, have charm additionally one time.


更多网络解释与非白种的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Milton Academy:米尔顿高中

1798年,米尔顿高中(Milton Academy)成立于马萨诸塞州. 学校占地125英亩,现有高中学生680人,非白种学生占38%. 学校的特色之一是寄宿制和走读制并存,这样扩大了招生来源,增加了学生数量,也增加了学校的生机和活力;学校的特色之二是鼓励多元化思维,

Egretta sacra:岩鹭

南澳及其附近岛屿有鸟类51种,隶属13目28科,其中雀形目23种,占所发现种类的45%,非雀形目28种,占55%;国家一、二级保护动物各一种,分别为:白腹军舰鸟(Fregataandrewsi)和岩鹭(Egretta sacra).按鸟类的栖息和迁徙习惯划分,

Traveling Salesman Problem:旅行商问题

两位光学研究人员提出了一种新颖的方法来解决旅行商问题(traveling salesman problem). "我们介绍的光学方法基于白光干涉测量法,目的是解决众所周知NP完全旅行商问题. 以我们所了解到的,这是第一次有方法将非多项式时间减少至二次方程时间.


whitebait /白鱼科的鱼/非鱼的幼鱼/ | whitecap /白头巾团员/ | whitefish /白鱼/鳟鱼的一种/白色的鱼/