英语人>词典>汉英 : 非法买卖的 的英文翻译,例句
非法买卖的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与非法买卖的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ST division dragon thinks, consider Chu Jun to achieve goal of detinue accuser fund in order to sign business contract form, encroached the legitimate rights and interests of ST division dragon.


The court thinks, wang Ji is a purpose with detinue, with buying and selling, trade for cover, use privacy of the injured party of so-called exposure, make public to coerce, try to force its compulsively to hand over the debt with six to one of reasonable price, charge through implementing spirit to the injured party, amount is huge, its behavior should conviction with blackmail blame punishment.


Individual information by illegal business, the right that manages alone by inurbane inbreak, and the public normally thought fors the time being nowhere, it is an among them respect only.


John Fok is the kingpin of illegal red oil in Greater China.

霍青松 是中国以及周边的非法红石油买卖的龙头老大。

While the IRC channels are ostensibly established for carding, in practice they are also open forums for exchange of all sorts of stolen information and illicit activity, including the fencing of identities stolen offline (e.g. copied from a hotel ledger by a corrupt clerk) and stolen computer equipment.

IRC 通道表面上是为了盗卡而建立的,但实际上它还是各种被盗信息进行交换和非法活动的公开论坛,包括离线买卖被盗信息(例如,由一个酒店的腐败职员从其帐本上拷贝的信用卡信息)和被盗电脑设备。

Operating in the lawless jungles of the Darien Gap, nearthe Colombian border, they were more concerned with running drugs thanaffecting political change.


Publications discretionally published, printed or reproduced without approval, publications published in a forged or disguised name of a publishing entity or newspaper , the book number, serial number or publisher 's code, and so on


He runs a cut- price ticket.


According to the Measures for the Punishment of Violations of Land Administrative Rules released by five authorities including the Ministry of Land and Resources on May 29, the relevant persons responsible will also be warned or even dismissed for conduct such as illegal occupying land without approval or obtaining approval by fraud, trading in or illegally transferring land in any other way, or where an administrative authority misappropriates, retains or misuses compensation or other sums for land units that are confiscated.


A few days ago, zhang Gang of the person that the experience case of gun case makes work on the net that this the Ministry of Public Security supervises and direct , because be suspected of blame of illegal business firearms by town procuratorial work to sue of 2 branch department.


更多网络解释与非法买卖的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

black market price:黑市价格

黑市价格(black market price) 黑市价格是黑市交易的媒介,是指进行非法贸易的价格. 不按国家规定的范围或不具备合法交易资格所进行的买卖活动,其成交价格都属黑市价格. 适时调整非自由贸易商品的范围和价格水平. 包括:违禁品价格;走私品价格;

silver carp:白鲢

安省在2004年发布了一个禁令,禁止买卖外来入侵的活鱼,其中包括胖头鱼、鲩鱼(Grass)、黑鲤(Black Carp)和白鲢(Silver Carp)等. 自2005年起,在安省养殖这些鱼类都属非法. 因为这些鱼类粗生易养,在合适的环境中可以成长迅速,且食量巨大,

silver carp:鲢

安省在2004年发布了一个禁令,禁止买卖外来入侵的活鱼,其中包括胖头鱼、鲩鱼(Grass)、黑鲤(Black Carp)和白鲢(Silver Carp)等. 自2005年起,在安省养殖这些鱼类都属非法. 因为这些鱼类粗生易养,在合适的环境中可以成长迅速,且食量巨大,

illegal encroachment:违法侵占;非法侵入

illegal drug traffic 非法的毒品买卖;非法贩毒 | illegal encroachment 违法侵占;非法侵入 | illegal imprisonment 非法监禁

parental right:父母权

这种短缺好像是政府管制(government regulation)的产物,特别的). 最高限价的结果是使供给量减至qrs,从而产生了(qrd-qrs)的超额需求父母权(Parental right)买卖在所有州都是非法的,但与此密切相关的一种


他白天的行头可以总结成3P:紫色(Purple)、格子(Plaid)和学院派(Preppy);夜晚的则是3V:马甲(vests)、丝绒(velvet)和华伦天奴(Valentino). 小说界代表 杰伊 盖茨比> 排名:第14位 净资产:10亿美元 财富来源:敲诈勒索、投资 致富之道:本是穷小子的盖茨比靠非法买卖发家,一跃成为纽约长岛的神秘富

tuition money:学费

traffic in 做......交易,做......买卖(常指非法的) | tuition money 学费 | viable strategy 可行的策略

contrabandage:违禁品之交易, 走私

contraband | 违法交易, 违禁品, 走私 禁运的, 非法买卖的 | contrabandage | 违禁品之交易, 走私 | contrabandist | 买卖禁品者, 走私者

contrabandage:违禁品之交易; 走私 (名)

contraband 禁运的; 非法买卖的 (形) | contrabandage 违禁品之交易; 走私 (名) | contrabandist 买卖禁品者; 走私者 (名)

Pablo Casals:卡萨尔斯

存在非法买卖β受体阻滞剂的黑市. 她说:"也许挨着你的演奏家就认识哪个能弄到这种药物的人,或是他的一个什么亲戚,自身患有心脏病,可通过正当渠道开出处方药. " 从大提琴家帕布洛 卡萨尔斯(Pablo Casals)、钢琴大师亚瑟 鲁宾斯坦 ...