英语人>词典>汉英 : 非商业的 的英文翻译,例句
非商业的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与非商业的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the 1920s and early 1930s, some educational institutions took an active part in the law-making process with an attempt to establish a noncommercial broadcast system for the society. In the 1960s and early 1970s, along with the civil rights movement and the feminist movement, the dissatisfaction of the civil society with the television stimulated civic media reform movement reflected an even wider scale.


This control and the source code are free to be used with commercial and non commercial software.


If you have a non-business undergraduate degree, this program will allow you to graduate with an MBA in two years.


The program is not a generalist course where students from diverse, non-business backgrounds are accepted.


On the basis, the thesis introduces the non-commercial risk main content: expropriation risk, inconvertibility risk and war risk.


"I just downloaded software called Moveable Type, which is free for noncommercial use," he said.

他接着说:我只是下载了一个供非商业用途者免费使用的软件——Moveable Type。

This article may be reproduced for noncommercial purposes if it is copied in its entirety, including this notice.


Scottrade provides the content of the Web site for information, education and noncommercial purposes only.


Commercial and noncommercial developers are of course being treated very differently.


A public expenditure (as for unemployment compensation or veteran's benefits) that is not for goods and services.


更多网络解释与非商业的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Back Yard:后院

估计非商业用苹果(non-commercial aplle)的产量可达500 000吨;估计在2005/06产季,苹果浓缩汁(AJC,70.5 brix)的产量将有59 000吨. 非商业性苹果,被称为所谓的"后院"(back yard)苹果,是在私家果园里和草地上种植的,亦是德国苹果总产量的重要组成部分.


其中激浪艺术的愉悦性被避免,目的是有利于开始研究"厌倦"(boredom)的潜能:在艺术中将单音延长--这种做法的结果就是后来被称作的简约音乐. 扬对凯奇和一些激浪艺术家的思想中的其中一点是赞同的,即艺术应该旨在自我充分的探索而非商业目的.

gov Government:政府部门的域名

.org :Organization非商业组织的域名 | .gov :Government政府部门的域名 | .mil :军队域名

graining tool:木纹描绘用具(木纹笔、木纹辊、木纹刷等的总称)

calcium chloride 氯化钙 | graining tool 木纹描绘用具(木纹笔、木纹辊、木纹刷等的总称) | nonbusiness 与商业无关的,非商业的

Differences in Character:性质的区别

Non-commerciaI Activities非商业活动 | Differences in Character性质的区别 | The Residential Wards居住里坊

Differences in Character:性质的辨别

Non-commerciaI Activities非商业活动 | Differences in Character性质的辨别 | The Residential Wards居住里坊


graining tool 木纹描绘用具(木纹笔、木纹辊、木纹刷等的总称) | nonbusiness 与商业无关的,非商业的 | pick resistance 抗粘性能

noncentrality parameter:非集中參數

Noncentrality 不具中心点性质 | Noncentrality parameter 非集中参数 | Noncommercial boycotts 非商业的杯葛

Noncommercial boycotts:非商業的杯葛

Noncentrality parameter 非集中参数 | Noncommercial boycotts 非商业的杯葛 | Noncomparable jobs 不等值的工作

org Organization:非商业组织的域名

.net :网络服务部门的域名 | .org :Organization非商业组织的域名 | .gov :Government政府部门的域名