英语人>词典>汉英 : 青春痘 的英文翻译,例句
青春痘 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与青春痘相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The ordinary kinds of acne: whitehead, blackhead, abscessed acne, inflammatory acne and assembled acne.


Treatment of acne drink Cassia Have acne trouble do?


Efficacy: DCE anti-acne constringing toner contains tea tree oil, dandelion, red sage root, honeysuckle, forsythia, salvia and other precious natural herbal extracts. It can efficiently and speedily break down grease, and penetrate into pores to prevent acnes exacerbating, constringe pores and control oiliness. Skins with occasional acnes will find acnes disappear in several days after using this product; while skins harassed with regular tough acnes will radically get rid of this trouble if a whole bottle of toner is used. And one or two bottles of this product are enough for skins with new acnes, recrudescent acnes, prosperous acnes or tough acne roots.

功能: DCE痘痘清精华水含茶树油、蒲公英、丹参、连翘、金银花、鼠尾草等多种天然名贵草本植物萃取精华;具有强力、速效的皮脂分解力,通过分解过剩皮脂、深入毛孔内防止青春痘恶化,紧致毛孔,抑制油腻;对于偶尔长痘的皮肤,使用本品后,大多数人在几天内即可消除;对于长期肆虐脸部的顽固痘,一般使用一盒即可消除根,并且可以防痘痘再生;对于新生痘,旧痘反复发作,满面痘痘,痘根的肌肤一般使用一至两盒即可除尽。

Efficacy:出水痘可以喝牛奶吗 anti-acne constringing toner contains tea tree oil, dandelion, red 祛除痘印疤痕 root, honeysuckle, forsythia, salvia and other precious natural herbal extracts. it can efficiently and speedily break down grease, and penetrate into pores to prevent acnes exacerbating, constringe pores and control oiliness. skins with occasional acnes will find acnes disappear in several days after using this product; while skins harassed with regular tough acnes will radically get rid of this trouble if a whole bottle of toner is used. and one or two bottles of this product are enough for skins with new acnes, recrudescent acnes, prosperous acnes or tough acne roots.

功能: dce痘痘清精华水含茶树油、蒲公英、丹参、连翘、金银花、鼠尾草等多种天然名贵草本植物萃取精华;具有强力、速效的皮脂分解力,通过分解过剩皮脂、深入祛除内防止青春痘恶化,紧致毛孔,抑制油腻;对于偶尔长痘的皮肤,使用本品后,大多数人在几天内痘印消除;对于长期肆虐脸部的顽固痘,一般使用一盒即可消除根,并且可以防痘痘再生;对于新生痘,旧痘反复发作,满面痘痘,痘根的肌肤一般使用一至两盒即可除尽。

Lead to the inflammation , infection and smallpox scar , return a doubling gemination back to growth period that can dodge an acne and but in squeezing the smallpox smallpox in fact being able to only let a bacterium further arrive at a pore in depth.


You want being composing , the hyperoxide product contents scribbling on the acne in the evening can not exceed 2.5%; But, daytime is that the god of the earth gets along in the gravest acne be put into use.


And then hyperoxide skin that can direct on the acne vicinity being put into use excessively curing an acne brings about hurt, bring about more stimulations dermatologist Jeffrey Dover says.

使用过量的治疗青春痘的过氧化物会对青春痘周围的肌肤造成伤害,进而带来更多的刺激,皮肤科医生Jeffrey Dover说。

Efficacy:rapidly remove the blackheads and excessive sebum which block pore,restrain and smooth acnes,eliminate the roo of acnes and prevent acnes coming into being again,unblock and shrink pore,improve the mini-circulation of skin,removing acnes without trace,combined with high-concentration essence ingredients,deep condition skin and prevent secretion of flourish greases,balance the PH of skin,let your skin is fresh and unpinguid,upgrade the smooth of skin,skin present unpinguid undry healthy soft and ideal state.


Characteristics: According to the principle of forming acnes and furuncles and based upon the latest modern technique of biological gene engineering and the priciple of bacteriology, the product is made of the essence extracted from several dozen natural precious herbs.


Pimples:- ground 1 tablespoon of cinnamon with 3 spoons of honey into a paste. Spread paste on pimples before going to bed. Wash off paste with warm water the next morning. Pimples will disappear in 2 weeks.

青春痘 将三大匙蜂蜜加一大匙肉桂粉调成糊状,睡前涂在青春痘处,隔天早上用温水洗去,连续两周,可消除青春痘

更多网络解释与青春痘相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


青春痘(acne)是经常发生在青春期以后,学名是寻常性痤疮,通常所持续的程度和时间有明显的个别差异,其特徵常混合粉刺、化脓、囊肿及各种程度的结疤. 青春痘的形成原因与下列几项有关:


peaux grasses:适用於油性肤质 | Acne(青春痘用品) | Body wash(沐浴露)


■ .青春痘(Pimple) 有时,拥挤的毛孔再也承受不了这个饱和的压力,群聚在毛孔中的油脂、细菌、死细胞、尘屑,蓄势待发,准备破囊而出. 这时,随时等待备战的血液循环,也运送了大量的白血球增援,因此,皮肤表面出现了充血、肿胀

pimple:(英文直译:青春痘) 只要青春不要痘

Opportunity (英文直译:机会) 有扑错,没放过. | Pimple (英文直译:青春痘) 只要青春不要痘. | PlayStation (英文直译:照片快拍机) 玩自拍吧.

get pimples:长青春痘

13. wear a shirt and tie 穿衬衫打领带 | 14. get pimples 长青春痘 | 15. ask sb. (not) to do sth.要求某人(不)做某事




They hit it off instantly and have been good friends ever since. 他们一见面... | 45. zit - 青春痘 | Why is it that every time I have a hot date, I break out with a big zit on my face? 为什么每次我有重要...

TOP 82 Zit:青春痘 t2c久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文 教程

TOP 81 Get lost迷路;走失了;走开 t2c久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文 教程 | TOP 82 Zit青春痘 t2c久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文 教程 | TOP 83 Hang out瞎混 t2c久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文 教程

TOP 82 Zit:青春痘HV2无忧研修网

TOP 81 Get lost迷路;走失了;走开HV2无忧研修网 | TOP 82 Zit青春痘HV2无忧研修网 | TOP 83 Hang out瞎混HV2无忧研修网

vitamin A acid:维他命A酸 具有去角质、促进代谢、调理油脂分泌的功能,可以改善、治疗青春痘、粉刺

Vaseline 凡士林 润滑剂 | Vitamin A Acid 维他命A酸 具有去角质、促进代谢、调理油脂分泌的功能,可以改善、治疗青春痘、粉刺 | Vitamin A Palmitate 棕榈酸维生素A 具有滋润功效,减少细少纹路及修护肌肤作用