英语人>词典>汉英 : 青春期 的英文翻译,例句
青春期 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
adolescence  ·  puberty  ·  adolescency  ·  phyloneanic  ·  youthhood  ·  adolescaria  ·  pubertas

更多网络例句与青春期相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The age of adolescence; at an awkward age .


David Bainbridge of the University of Cambridge, author of Teenagers: A natural history, says there are two big clues. The first is when adolescence evolved.


Treat blain blain actually even from germ proceed with, generally speaking, blain blain of adolescence erupts, because adolescent skin grease is secreted,basically be exuberant and those who cause, and because,adult criterion more is endocrinopathy, life not the element be caused by such as muscularity of the rule, life pressing.


This is usually a temporary phenomenon during puberty ("pubertal gynecomastia").


Haug points out, the only trials that have been carried out on preadolescent girls measured only immune responses, and the trials with clinical end points were conducted in 16- to 24-year olds.


Results The estimated heritabilities of each item were from 0.59 to 0.87 after adjusting for age.The heritabilities of triceps skinfolds,subscapular skinfolds,sum of triceps and subscapular skinfolds and body fat percent were the lowest in preadolescent period in the boys(0.55,0.62,0.53,0.51,respectively) and the lowest in lateadolescent period in girls(0.53,0.43,0.24,0.40,respectively).In the course of adolescence,the heritabilities of lean body mass increased steadily in both boys and girls.

结果 全部双生子分性别校正年龄后,各指标遗传度在0.59~0.87之间;不同发育期各指标遗传度存在差异,肱三头肌皮褶、肩胛下皮褶、2处皮褶厚度之和、体脂百分比的遗传度男生在青春期前期最低,分别为0.55,0.62,0.53,0.51,女生在青春期晚期最低,分别为0.53,0.43,0.24,0.40;男、女瘦体重遗传度随青春期发育进程呈增加趋势。

The heritabilities of triceps skinfolds,subscapular skinfolds,sum of triceps and subscapular skinfolds and body fat percent were the lowest in preadolescent period in the boys(0.55,0.62,0.53,0.51,respectively) and the lowest in lateadolescent period in girls(0.53,0.43,0.24,0.40,respectively).In the course of adolescence,the heritabilities of lean body mass increased steadily in both boys and girls.

结果 全部双生子分性别校正年龄后,各指标遗传度在0.59~0.87之间;不同发育期各指标遗传度存在差异,肱三头肌皮褶、肩胛下皮褶、2处皮褶厚度之和、体脂百分比的遗传度男生在青春期前期最低,分别为0.55,0.62,0.53,0.51,女生在青春期晚期最低,分别为0.53,0.43,0.24,0.40;男、女瘦体重遗传度随青春期发育进程呈增加趋势。

The act of presupposing; a supposition made prior to having knowledge presynaptic

a。 青春期前的,接近青春期的, 13岁以下的n。青春期前的孩子,不满13岁的儿童

Results After 4 weeks medication, the gain weight、LH in serum、growth of uterus and ovary be slower significantly. Kangzao-Ⅱ Decoction can reduce asteroidal colloid cell in hypothalamus and acidophil cell in pituitary which secrete FSH and LH.

结果 抗早2号方对青春期雌性SD大鼠的体重增长有抑制作用,能明显抑制血清LH水平,使大鼠的子宫腺体发育延迟,卵巢内卵泡发育滞后,能使青春期雌性SD大鼠的下丘脑星形胶质细胞数量减少,体积缩小,使脑垂体分泌促卵泡生成素和LH的嗜酸细胞减少。

Results All four cases of Hirayama disease occured in adolescents,three were male,one was female,characterized by muscular atrophy in the hand and forearm with ulnar muscles worsening;the brachioradial was spare.Fine postural tremor (4 cases) and cold paresis (3 cases) were demonstrated.

结果 4例患者有3例为青春期男性,1例为青春期女性,主要表现为局限于手和前臂的肌萎缩,尺侧肌肉萎缩较重,上肢呈斜坡样。4例手指伸展时出现震颤;3例伴寒冷麻痹。

更多网络解释与青春期相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

early adolescence:青春期早期

青春期 Adolescence | 青春期早期 Early adolescence | 青春期中期 middle adolescence

late adolescence:青春期晚期

青春期中期 middle adolescence | 青春期晚期 Late adolescence | 青春期前期 preadolescence


prepubertal 青春期前的 | prepuberty 青春期前时期 | prepubescence 青春期前时期


pretax /扣除税捐前的/ | preteen /青春期前的/青春期前的孩子/ | pretence /假装/虚伪/借口/自称/要求/

pubescence:到达青春期, 软毛 (名)

puberty 青春期; 开花期; 妙龄 (名) | pubescence 到达青春期, 软毛 (名) | pubescent 青春期的; 有软毛的 (形)


adolescence 青春期 | adolescency 青春期 | adolescent 青春期


ephebiatrics 青春期医学 | ephebic 青春期的 | ephebogenesis 青春期身体变化

hebetic:青春期的; 青春期发生的 (形)

hebephrenia 青春期痴呆; 破瓜期痴呆 (名) | hebetic 青春期的; 青春期发生的 (形) | hebetude 迟钝; 愚钝 (名)


postpuberal青春期后的 | postpubertal青春期后的 | postpuberty青春期后时期

pubertas praecox:早熟青春期

pubertas 青春期 | pubertas praecox 早熟青春期 | puberty 青春期