英语人>词典>汉英 : 青春期后的 的英文翻译,例句
青春期后的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
postpubertal  ·  postpubescent  ·  postpuberal

更多网络例句与青春期后的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Children who do not get enough sleep have been shown to perform more poorly on memory and attention tests. And an April 2009 study found that sleep problems in the grade-school years were linked to poor scores on mental tests when the children reached adolescence.


DESIGN: A 2-y longitudinal study to examine whether components of energy metabolism are predictors of body fat gain was conducted in 114 preadolescent African American and white children aged 9-11 y by measuring total daily energy expenditure on the basis of doubly labeled water, resting metabolic rate, the thermic effect of food, energy expended in physical actiity, and substrate oxidation after a meal.


DESIGN: A 2-y longitudinal study to examine whether components of energy metabolism are predictors of body fat gain was conducted in 114 preadolescent African American and white children aged 9-11 y by measuring total daily energy expenditure on the basis of doubly labeled water, resting metabolic rate, the thermic effect of food, energy expended in physical activity, and substrate oxidation after a meal.


However, endocrinotherapy nonresponder and psychological counseling treatment nonresponder of postadolescence male often need surgical treatment.


Finally, some time after adolescence, a young werewolf undergoes his First hange.


The timely secretion of gonadal sex steroids is essential for the initiation of puberty, the postpubertal maintenance of secondary sexual characteristics and the normal perinatal development of male external genitalia.


In general, the mild to the chicken heart, lung did not affect too much, and at present the effects of breast surgery and are not satisfied with the other boys in the growth and development of a view to strengthening the pectoralis major exercise to full-bodied, you can chicken breast to improve the appearance of sudden deformity, and girls after puberty, breast development is also made up the appearance of the deformed sternum.


The embryo freezing process typically takes two to three weeks and is aailable for women after puberty.


The egg freezing process typically takes two to three weeks and is aailable for women after puberty.


And a Sydney store - in Oxford Street - is due to open in coming months But back to the ad - a sexualised image of two pre-pubescent-looking girls bending over provocatively in skimpy bikinis.


更多网络解释与青春期后的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

DIY Do-It-Yourself:男士解决青春期性骚动的有效办法

di 助词"的"(兴起于上映后) | diy do it yourself,男士解决青春期性骚动的有效办法 | e adj.恶心



sebaceous glands:皮脂腺

大汗腺在青春期后分泌旺盛. 其分泌系由汗腺细胞远端破碎而形成的乳样蛋白性液体,排出体表,迅速干燥. 如有细菌繁殖,可有特殊臭味. 其分泌由肾上腺能性神经支配. (二) 皮脂腺(Sebaceous glands)位于真皮上部,大部开口于毛囊上1/3处在某些


(四)卵巢(ovary) 为一对扁椭圆形的性腺,具有生殖和内分泌功能,产生和排出卵细胞,以及分泌性激素. 青春期前,卵巢表面光滑;青春期开始排卵后,表面逐渐凹凸不平;成年妇女的卵巢约4cmX3cmXlcm大,重5~6g,呈灰白色;绝经后卵巢萎缩变小变硬.

rima glottidis:声门裂

下方一对称声襞(plicavocalis)或声带,两侧声襞之间的裂隙称声门裂(rima glottidis)或声门(glottis),当气流经过此处时,冲击声带引起震动而发声. 人类声音的声调同年龄、性别有关. 自出生至青春期前,男、女儿童的声调差别不大. 青春期后,

labia majora:大阴唇

接着先从最外围看起,这两边就是所谓的大阴唇(Labia Majora). 一般来说,小女生的大阴唇较小且平滑,发育中的女生或成年女性就会有点皱褶,颜色也比较深且也有阴毛覆盖在上面. 大阴唇的外围在进入青春期后会有阴毛,


postpuberal青春期后的 | postpubertal青春期后的 | postpuberty青春期后时期


postpubescence 青春后期 | postpubescent 青春期后的 | postretinal 视网膜后的


postpubescent 青春期后的 | postretinal 视网膜后的 | postretinal fiber 视网膜后纤维


汗腺有两种,外分泌(eccrine)和顶浆分泌(apocrine). 外分泌腺分泌汗液主要是适应身体温度的提高. 它们的功能从一出生就具有,并且通常位于前额、上唇、颈部和背部. 顶浆分泌腺,只有到青春期后才开始活跃,对情感压力做出反应. 它们通向毛囊,