英语人>词典>汉英 : 雷达网 的英文翻译,例句
雷达网 的英文翻译、例句


radar fence · radar chain · radar screen
更多网络例句与雷达网相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While indirect assimilation experiment is better than that of non-assimilation one in rainfall center, the former appears positive role.2 Radar observations direct assimilation experiments: By means of ARPS-3DVar and ADAS (ARPS Data Analysis/Assimilation System), CINRAD observations are assimilated only with NCEP reanalysis data for the forecast of rainstorm.


ARPA net was the original Internet, which provided the foundation for the Internet that we know today.


It is of great significance to study the jamming against the netted radar and to evaluate the jamming effect.


It is of necessity to research non-cooperative bistatic radar to enhance the performance of radar fence.


According to the multisensor multiple level parallel detection structure and combining the traditional detection mode of radar fence system, this paper advances a positive groundwork territorial radar fence system which is more close to existing equipment collocation of army. The detection capability and reliability of this system is analyzed too.

摘 要:根据多传感器多层并行检测结构理论,结合传统雷达网系统的检测方式,本文提出一种更加贴近部队现有装备部署的有源地基区域性雷达网系统检测结构,并对该系统结构的检测性能和可靠性进行了分析。

Radar rainfall estimation combined with a few rain gauges has as good result as dense rain gauge network does in runoff simulation that gives a good prospect of radar application in flood monitoring and forecasting.


Shelter accessories: shelter air conditioner, electromagnetic screen, EMC professional manufacturer, electromagnetic shielding chamber, shielded gate, shielded machine room, NMR shielding chamber, high-voltage partial discharge shielding, electromagnetic protection chamber, copper mesh shielding room, shielding cabinet, microwave unreflected chamber, filter, honeycomb air-vents window, satellite earth station antenna, communication electronics, information system; large-screen command and control system; ruggedized computer technology and equipment, computer information system safety products; dual-use radar system, weather radar, microwave device and RF and microwave components, dual-use electron component and cable, connector and sensor etc.


In new network Guangzhou on January 28 report the whole world reads engine first times -- netizen radar is in Guangzhou today formal operation, claim ten minutes to attract netizen eyeball, information is read to improve centuple efficiency on average on the net.


Its chief says, even if the netizen that does not know the computer, need ten minutes to be able to know only, the Chinese processing technology of netizen radar is already far exceed Baidu, baidu bilks the Chinese technology advantage that with seeking hegemony market contest price ranks for years, become suddenly yesterday chrysanthemum.


There is a radar net in our area.


更多网络解释与雷达网相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

airborne radar:机载雷达KFz中国学习动力网

airborne contamination 空传污染KFz中国学习动力网 | airborne radar 机载雷达KFz中国学习动力网 | airborne television receiver 机载电视接收机KFz中国学习动力网

continuous wave radar:连续波雷达iVJ中国学习动力网

continuous wave operation 连续波运行iVJ中国学习动力网 | continuous wave radar 连续波雷达iVJ中国学习动力网 | continuously operating laser 连续工驻光器iVJ中国学习动力网

radar navigator:雷达领航员

radar navigation guidance 雷达导航 | radar navigator 雷达领航员 | radar netting 雷达网

radar beacon antenna:雷达信标天线无忧雅思网

radar barrier ship 雷达哨舰无忧雅思网[d&t;H&J... | radar beacon antenna 雷达信标天线无忧雅思网e!Y0VU#G3B.SE"T;F/dd | radar beacon transmitting continuaously 连续发射的雷达标无忧雅思网,s k S#x,}...

chain radar beacon:多雷达信标

18. chain pump 链泵 | 19. chain radar beacon 多雷达信标 | 20. chain radar system 雷达网

radar fence:雷达网

radar beacon 雷达信标 | radar fence 雷达网 | radar screen 雷达网

radar fence:雷达警戒网

radar engineering 雷达(工程)学 | radar fence 雷达警戒网 | radar fire control 雷达火力控制

radar fence:雷达对空警戒网

radar equation 雷达方程 | radar fence 雷达对空警戒网 | radar field gradient 雷达场梯度

antiradiation missile:反雷达导弹KFz中国学习动力网

antiradar missile 反雷达导弹KFz中国学习动力网 | antiradiation missile 反雷达导弹KFz中国学习动力网 | antiradiolocation 反雷达学KFz中国学习动力网

distant early warning line; DEW line:远程预警雷达网

沿面漏电距离 distance, surface creeping | 远程预警雷达网 distant early warning line; DEW line | 长距通讯 distant transmission; DX