英语人>词典>汉英 : 雷声 的英文翻译,例句
雷声 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
thunder  ·  thunderburst  ·  thunderclap  ·  thundered  ·  thunders  ·  thunderclaps

更多网络例句与雷声相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Near distance acoustic fields are payed attention in intelligent acoustic mine and the measurement of tranquil targets' radiate field and acoustic feature monitor of targets in the haven , etc.


Reverberation modeling and simulation are great value for the research of acoustic homing system of torpedo.


For active acoustic homing torpedo, reverberation is the main interfere.


The design of the torpedo acoustic homing system simulation platform based on HLAwas proposed for the torpedo acoustic homing system and its battle environment.


Aiming at the adaptability of general torpedo acoustic homing federate for requirement in the specific federation system,the method of federate development based on adaptive software architecture is proposed,and the framework of adaptive architecture of federate is presented.


Aiming at forecasting the torpedo acoustic homing range for actual targets under real water conditions, this paper summarizes the typical water conditions in different sea spaces and seasons, presents a forecast method of torpedo acoustic homing range, and establishes a transmission loss forecast model based on the ray acoustic theory and a reverberation level forecast model based on the cell scattering model.


The book described the process of a small granddaughter afraid of thunder baking a cake named 「Thunder Cake」 with her grandmother Babushka before a storm, thus overcoming her fear of thunder.


It's the thunderclap of the New Century and the New Millennium.


Another field that should start to make a pronounced appearance in the C4I market,' Sterk said,'is cybernetics, the melding of human and technology interfaces.


This idiom comes from an actual incident in which playwright and critic John Dennis(1657-1734)devised a"thunder machine"(by rattling a sheet of tin backstage)for his play,Appius and Virginia(1709),and a few days later discovered the same device being used in a performance of Macbeth,whereupon he declared,They steal my:hunder


更多网络解释与雷声相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

hear a big noise like thunder:听到象雷声的巨大噪音

feel a slight shaking through my body 感觉一阵轻微的震动通过全身 | hear a big noise like thunder 听到象雷声的巨大噪音 | The temperature will drop a little. 温度会稍有下降.

thunder grumbling in the distance:远处隆隆的雷声

grumble 嘟囔的说,抱怨的表示 牢骚 | thunder grumbling in the distance 远处隆隆的雷声 | grumble one's complaint 发牢骚

heat lightning:无雷声闪电

galaxolide 加乐麝香 | heat lightning 无雷声闪电 | close harmony 密集和声

Summer thunder on moon-bright days:月明夜晚夏日雷声滚滚

i wanna show you the peaceful feelin' of my home.我那甜美宁静的家 | summer thunder on moon-bright days月明夜晚夏日雷声滚滚 | northern lights and skies ablaze北方的闪电划破夜空就像在燃烧

Raytheon mfg.Co:雷声电器制造公司

rayproof 防辐射的 | Raytheon mfg.Co. 雷声电器制造公司 | raze a vessel 取消船级

Raytheon Company:雷声公司

美国国防部的设备提供商雷声公司(Raytheon Company)宣布,他们已经成功地制造出了世界首款自适应多态计算机,其构架可以根据不同应用而自动变化. 这样一种阵列架构可以实现海量的数据吞吐量,并有效地减少任务所需的处理器个数,

Raytheon Co:雷声公司

Motorola Inc. 摩托罗拉公司 | Raytheon Co. 雷声公司 | Rockefeller Brothers洛克菲勒公司

Distant Thunder:远方的雷声

2 萨蒂亚吉特.雷伊 Satyajit Ray | 远方的雷声Distant Thunder (1973) | 孤独的女人The Lonely Wife (1964)

Distant Thunder:迅雷战斗(遥远的雷声,远方的雷声)

[41] Bhaji on the Beach海边的吧唧 | [42] Distant Thunder迅雷战斗(遥远的雷声,远方的雷声) | Europe 欧洲(不包括东欧)


thunderbolt 霹雳 | thunderclap 雷声 | thundercloud 雷云