英语人>词典>汉英 : 零食 的英文翻译,例句
零食 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
collation  ·  sock  ·  socked  ·  socking

between-meal nibbles
更多网络例句与零食相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Second, snack food, because in acid, sweet snacks, salty taste of intense stimulation, often can cause our taste dull, so that the average diet to cause appetitive, long-term appetite is bad, will affect our growth.


It is funny that her description to the snack reminds me the similar thing called "booger" by children in Guangzhou in my childhood, which satisfied the children and youngsters in poor environment.


The ticket is 5:57 in the afternoon, Cicely said time will be slipping by if we chat and eat some snacks on the way,but to our big superied,the bus was too crowded to standing,not to mention have a seat to sit down anf enjoy our snacks .I think the conductor even want to hang several peoples on the top of the bus! Cicely jocked to Karin :"So .doyou know why our chinese people always very thin!"

票是买的下午5:57的, Cicely 说我们在车上比较悠闲,大家可以吃点零食,聊聊天很快时间就过去了,于是我和 RENA 就"浩浩荡荡"的到超市扫了一大包的零食,可是没想到上了车之后几乎是人贴人,人挤人,乘车员巴不得把顶上都挂几个人, CICELT 打趣的和 KARIN 说,知道为什么中国人都这么瘦了吧。

And do not like the kind of snacks can be habit-forming, and you try to eat a month, to fruit or nuts instead of eating the heart and body will be better, so that the long-standing love of the will to eat fruit or nuts feeling, slow slow will not like to eat "junk" snacks.


However, snacks are needed to keep a person's blood sugar up and prevent them from getting midday sluggishness, so take a look at your work schedule and then plan accordingly.


I don't like buy snacks, but I want the person I liked buy them for me.


Sometimes, we buy snacks from the tuck shop.


Or has she gone to outspace tuck shop to buy some snack?


Regular meal times were enforced, and snacks—the digestion of which, the parents feared, would divert blood from her brain—were verboten.


Look pretty colors: because snacks of snacks often contains a lot of pigment or fumigating with formaldehyde, even after work mineral oil polished


更多网络解释与零食相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A "Drink:如果你需要什么 如饮料啊零食啊 或者你想家了

It looks so nice and professional now.|... | So if you need anything, a drink, or a snack, or you get homesick...|如果你需要什么 如饮料啊零食啊 或者你想家了... | ...you wanna talk, you just give me a s...

Choosing Snacks:零食类

Unit 19 品类 Ordering Cold Desserts | Unit 20 零食类 Choosing Snacks | Part V 特殊状况篇 Special Situations

Junk-food junkie:看来是个零食主义者

Hot dogs, hot dog buns...|热狗,火腿... | Junk-food junkie.|看来是个零食主义者 | Oh, that's sanitary.|你卫生点好不好?

get munchies:零食

163.we will cross that bridge when we get to it车到山前必有路 | 164.get munchies 零食 | 165.I've got to my munchies我嘴馋了


最终摆在他面前的,是一些三明治、小点心和水果--服务员把"蛇(snake)"与"零食(snack)的发音混淆了. 斯德巴参加的是中国政府组织的驻京外国记者访问团. 过去,外国记者们会被带领去参观人民公社以及忙着超英赶美的工厂.


本指南中,对于零食(snacks)的定义是:非正餐时间食用的各种少量的食物和/或饮料(不包括水). 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所的专家翟凤英、张兵和于冬梅对各类零食进行点评,家长们可按照营养专家的指导,放心地给孩子们吃零食.

buy snacks:买零食

(1)give ...to charities 把......给慈善机构 | (2)buy snacks 买零食 | (3)won the lottery 彩票中奖


十二、甜点Sweet/215 | 十三、零食Sock/216 | 十四、中国小吃Chinese Snack/217

tasty snacks:零食

牛肉干 beef jerky | 零食 tasty snacks | 分店 chain of shops

零食 pocky 百奇类休闲饼干:Snacks

125002000 Candy 糖果 cookies 甜饼干 | 125003000 Snacks 零食 pocky 百奇类休闲饼干 | 125004000 Loose Pack Snack 散装零食 cracker 饼干