英语人>词典>汉英 : 雌狐 的英文翻译,例句
雌狐 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
vixen  ·  vixens

更多网络例句与雌狐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now Dasher, now Dancer, now Prancer, now Vixen! On Comet, on Cupid, on Donner, and Blitzen!


And the slow raccoon, nosing around omnivorously, now that the vixen's aggressive presence...


Why, then, in the midst of midnight insomnia or the predawn stirrings of the soul, do I see myself in this red-haired vixen?


To this end the original 'Blue Fox' radar is replaced by Ferranti 'Blue Vixen' coherent pulse-Doppler track-while-scan radar to improve acquisition and look-down capabilities, and other improvements are a MIL 1553B digital databus (making it possible to carry Sea Eagle anti-ship and ALARM anti-radar missiles) and the installation of the Marconi Sky Guardian 200 RWR, the JTIDS for secure voice and data links, two additional underwing hardpoints, wing tip stations for two AIM-9 Sidewinder short-range AAMs, wing improvements, a revised cockpit with HOTAS controls, larger drop tanks, provision for 25 mm Aden 25 cannon in place of the elderly 30 mm weapons, and possibly a Plessey missile-approach warning system.


In any case, after that litter dispersed, our vixen sited her new den this spring down close to the asphalt, where there are more houses, garbage, domestic critters, and roadkills, but another trucial zone exists where coyotes are loath to go.


To this end the original 'Blue Fox' radar is replaced by Ferranti 'Blue Vixen' coherent pulse-Doppler track-while-scan radar to improve acquisition and look-down capabilities, and other improvements are a MIL 1553B digital databus (making it possible to carry Sea Eagle anti-ship and ALARM anti-radar missiles) and the installation of the Marconi Sky Guardian 200 RWR, the JTIDS for secure voice and data links, two additional underwing hardpoints, wing tip stations for two AIM-9 Sidewinder short-range AAMs, wing improvements, a revised cockpit with HOTAS controls, larger drop tanks, provision for 25 mm Aden 25 cannon in place of the elderly 30 mm weapons, and possibly a Plessey missile-approach warning system.


Comet and Cupid, and Donder and Blitzen.


更多网络解释与雌狐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"捕捉者"(Captor)雷达是"台风"战斗机上最主要的探测器. 这种多模脉冲多普勒雷达工作在I/J波段,频率为8~12吉赫. 该型雷达原称作ECR90,是BAE系统公司于1989年3月,在原来"海鹞"FA,2战斗机的"蓝雌狐"雷达的基础上研制而成的.


4、Dancer,跳舞家 | 5、Prancer,跳跃 | 6、Vixen,雌狐


vituperative 辱骂的,责骂的 | vivacious 活泼的,轻快的 | vixen 雌狐,泼妇


vivisectionist 活体解剖者 | vivisector 活体解剖者 | vixen 雌狐


(中国航空工业发展研究中心 许鑫家)Selex公司表示,新雷达将基于"雌狐"(Vixen)电子扫描雷达而研制,并提供"鹰狮"战斗机现在装备的PS-05/A雷达的功能. 本周,Selex公司宣布"雌狐"雷达获得了首份订单,


vixen 雌狐 | vixenish 泼辣的 | viz. 即


母親黑美人(Black Beauty)為特留年青種雌,史帝夫(Steef)短中距離數千羽4-13-21-27-28位直女,又是鰥夫(Widower)的同父半妹外祖母第一紅(First Red)乃是席德鴿舍晚生小紅狐(Late Lange Vos)最佳直女種雌,作出子孫不下10羽贏得冠軍,


Vixen 雌狐 | Ursus 棕熊 | Wyvern 双足飞龙

Goose Bay:古斯湾

试验结束后,一架"掠夺者"从加拿大古斯湾(Goose Bay)起飞,在中途不加油的次攻击的目的并不是击沉油轮,而只是配合携带燃烧弹的"猎人"(Hunter)和"海上雌狐"(Sea Vixen)将船上的原油点燃,以防对海岸造成污染.

blue fox:蓝狐

以色列雷达将取代原装的"蓝狐"(Blue Fox)雷达. "蓝狐"的"下视"性能很差,因此在皇家海军升级"海鹞"FA.2时,被换成了性能更好的"蓝色雌狐". 1952年2月,航空部批准休泼马林在"褐雨燕"(Swift)的基础上研制545型超音速战斗机,