英语人>词典>汉英 : 集结 的英文翻译,例句
集结 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
buildup  ·  rendezvous  ·  rendezvoused  ·  rendezvousing  ·  aggregations

更多网络例句与集结相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the manoeuvres of 2007, additional medical supporst were provided by means of aforehand adjusting physical condition and increasing intensity of training on plain, and by means of prolonging days of resting and rehabilitation after coming into plateau, in addition to mental intervention, instruction and education on AMS.


At that time, we need an excellent tool to aggregate so much information accurately.


In this paper, synthesis is regarded as one kind of non-linear aggregation of multiple factors and W.


"The mounting of the invasion armada was certainly a fine technological achievement; as was the production of the huge air fleet s, with crews to man them"


This is where the armies of Albion are gathering.


This paper gives the deeper and more detailed analysis about the effect of the time-fixed mode to the busywork and capacity of arriving dividing system and organizing leaving system in marshalling station.


The paper aims at the difficulty of preference representation, according to the concept of preference number and structure and compound rule, builds the model for aggregating group preference, and denotes preference structure with model of neural network, then gives out a methodology that preference is denoted by interval number, builds the model based on neural network and group preference, so preference representation is nonlinear, self-adapting, relearning.


This dissertation puts forward a structuring method of some complicated problems as well as methods of combination of the judgment matrix on group decision basis demonstrates that these two ways strengthen the consistency of the judgment matrix. Besides, it makes some researches into theory of combination of judgment matrix on the group decision basis, suggests two methods of calculating the coefficient of the convex combination and puts forward a method to construct individual and comprehensive judgment matrix based on rough-set by cooperating with others accordingly.

5给出了群决策条件下复杂问题结构化方法;提出了群决策条件下群体AHP判断矩阵集结的两种方法,证明了这两种集结方法保持或改善了判断矩阵的一致性;研究了群决策条件下判断矩阵优化集结原理,给出了判断矩阵两种凸组合系数优化计算方法;合作提出了一个基于Rough Set的个体判断矩阵和综合判断矩阵构造方法。

This dissertation makes a summery of decision thought of AHP and makes a study on structuring method of the complicated problems. It set up two combination ways of judgment matrixes in group AHP. It also proves its theory. It also makes some research into optimal combination theory of judgment matrixes of group AHP.

4在总结AHP决策思想的基础上,提出了一种复杂问题群体结构化方法,给出了群体AHP判断矩阵的两种集结算法,并详细证明了这两种集结方法的理论依据;研究了群体AHP判断矩阵的优化集结原理;合作提出了一个基于Rough Set的判断矩阵构造方法。

General Zhukov planned and prepared a massive Russian counter attack, code named operation Uranus, that would attack the German flanks at their two weakest points, 100 miles West of Stalingrad, and 100 miles South of it.


更多网络解释与集结相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


agglutinent 凝结剂;胶合物;絮聚剂 | agglutinin 凝集素;乳脂球的集结 | agglutinin-rich whey 富含凝集素的乳清

modal aggregation:模态集结

mobile X-ray detection apparatus,移动式X射探伤机 | modal aggregation,模态集结 | modal control,模态控制

stress concentration:应力集结

应力幅 stress amplitude | 应力集结 stress concentration | 应力集结系数 factor of stress concentration


regrouping and relocating to specifically designated cantonment areas;向特别指定的营地集结和重新驻扎;; | regroupment;集结;; | regular appointment;正规任用(合同);;合同

Staging Area:集结区

门,顾名思义既是仓库的门,是货物到达或者离开仓库的地方. 门也是仓库管理里的一个组织单位. 卡车通过门进行装载或者卸货作业,所以在意义上和物理地点上都和集结区(Staging area)有点类似. 关于集结区的说明参考下一栏位.

Staging Area:集结待命地区

staging area manager 集结待命地区总管 | staging area 集结待命地区 | staging 脚手架

Staging Area:中间整备地域;中途集结地域

staging 集结 | staging area 中间整备地域;中途集结地域 | standard positioning system 标准定位系统


Regional Workshop on Population Ageing;人口老化问题区域讲习班;; | regrouping;重新集结;; | regrouping and relocating;集结和重新驻扎;;

regrouping and relocating:集结和重新驻扎

regrouping;重新集结;; | regrouping and relocating;集结和重新驻扎;; | regrouping and relocating to specifically designated cantonment areas;向特别指定的营地集结和重新驻扎;;

staging area manager:集结待命地区总管

staged evacuation 分阶段疏散 | staging area manager 集结待命地区总管 | staging area 集结待命地区