英语人>词典>汉英 : 雅观 的英文翻译,例句
雅观 的英文翻译、例句


nice appearance
更多网络例句与雅观相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Spit expectoration is neither good or unsanitation.


You know he wasn''t in full dress!


The group introduces his product so: Classmates have a lot of old clothing and other articles of daily use, threw regrettablly, staying trashy, in campus the booth that place the ground sells inconvenience clumsy also, we center these things in net inn consignment, from which collection commission; School dining room has a meal should discharge very long line, meal is not goluptious also, we order meal for classmates, press low case, earn price difference from which; School supermarket product little, price is expensive, outside school supermarket goes very far, we organize a group to buy regularly, it is cheaper to be bought together.


It was inelegant.


Spit everywhere neither unbecoming nor insanitation.


It may not have the best table manners, but this strange looking creature is certainly a very adept and unusual percussionist, which should help provide Nick with a good beat.


Punctuation, then, is a civic prop, a pillar that holds society upright (A run-on sentence, its phrases piling up without division, is as unsightly as a sink piled high with dirty dishes) Small wonder, then, that punctuation was one of the first proprieties of the Victorian age.


Why? Because it may look awkward if you're holding several full size sheets of paper in your hand while reading your speech.


The houses had little gardens around them, but they didn't seem to raise hardly anything in them but jimpson-weeds, and sunflowers, and ash piles, and old curled-up boots and shoes, and pieces of bottles, and rags, and played-out tinware.


"With so many people around, this kind of behavior is quite unbecoming!"


更多网络解释与雅观相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amenity area:美化城市面貌地带

amenities 城市面貌建筑;举措措施;康乐举措措施 | amenity area 美化城市面貌地带 | amenity railing 雅观栏杆

amenity railing:雅观栏杆

amenity area 美化城市面貌地带 | amenity railing 雅观栏杆 | ammeter 电流表;安培表

elegant appearance:雅观 慷慨

格式 新鲜 众多 diversified latest designs | 雅观 慷慨 elegant appearance | 雅观 耐用 attractive and durable

awkwardly:笨拙地, 无技巧地

awkward | 难使用的, 笨拙的 | awkwardly | 笨拙地, 无技巧地 | awkwardness | 笨拙, 不雅观

Awkwardness:笨拙, 不雅观

awkwardly | 笨拙地, 无技巧地 | awkwardness | 笨拙, 不雅观 | awl | 锥子, 尖钻


indigestive 引起不消化的 | indign 不雅观的 | indignant 怒


indigestive /消化不良的/引起不消化的/ | indign /无价值的/不雅观的/ | indignant /愤怒的/愤慨的/愤愤不平/不平/愤/愤怒/怒/愠/


力 而本剧则急于向不美不美不美不雅观雅观雅观雅观众提示「零重力性爱」是若何回事你不用===「想入非非」 ABC是群众广播网 规范再开放也不会达到HBO那么露骨的程度你还记得30年前的007电影>(Moonraker)吗?


unbeaten /未捣碎的/未走过的/未被击败的/ | unbecoming /不适合的/不得体的/不相配的/不雅观/ | unbecomingly /不相称地/

unsightly mess:不雅观的杂物

645)Your attention is directed to 指示你方注意......,希望你方注意...... | 647)unsightly mess 不雅观的杂物 | 648)incinerator facility 焚烧设施,焚化设施