英语人>词典>汉英 : 难教的 的英文翻译,例句
难教的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Mathematics is abstract、 logical and it requires the students have a good foundation. Because of these characteristics, it became one of the most difficult subjects to teach.H.


To help students understand and use passive voice in the future tense.


The student of average middle school is really indocile!


It seems that Japanese students tend to have difficulty in sound pitch of sentence stress.

但是,那些问题之所以难易得到解决是因为"学"的方面存在些问题;而"学"的问题又和"教"的问题有直接的关系。1.3 日本学生的汉语句重音掌握情况小结2。

It is difficult to teach the students who is unwilling .


That wayward child is very hard to teach .


The measurements of paying attention to the chemical teaching connecting of junior high school and senior high school in teaching aims,teaching contents,teaching methods,learning methods,experimental ability as well as fostering hominine diathesis of students were putted forward.


The only child of a family has great living terms , doesn't need to worried about the food the entertainment.he or she may also receive the better education,only if they want to learn ,the parents won't care how much they spend.in the family relationship, the only child even get attention from everyone,enjoy high position and live in comfort.however ,it is that kind of advantages in life , study and emotion that make them delicate and complicated personalities, which may cause or even has become the psychological problem.now that there is a trend that "they has problems ""they are not obedient",someone even say that they are the "emperors".as the speacial pisition of the only child in the family,the parents are actually leck of the understanding and the psycological preperation,that then birngs some items to be dicussed.


A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to their tutor, Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?

& 一个教长笛的老师试着教两个学生吹口哨,两个学生问道:&是吹口哨难还是教两个人吹口哨难?

The course of CNC Principle plays a vital role in CNC technology training.


更多网络解释与难教的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

esoteric: a.1:秘传的,难理解的,只有内行才懂的 2.限于小圈子的 3.具神秘教

eschew: v.避免,回避 | esoteric: a.1.秘传的,难理解的,只有内行才懂的 2.限于小圈子的 3.具神秘教 | estrange: v.使疏远,使离间,使陌生,使不友好


indivisibility 不可分割 | indivisibility 不能除尽 | indocile 难教的


难教indocility | 难教的indocile | 难接近inaccessibilityuncomeatable

indocile:难驯服的; 暴烈的

Indo-Chinese 印度支那人; 汉藏语; 印度支那人的;印度支那语的;汉藏语的 | indocile 难驯服的; 暴烈的 | indocility 不顺从; 难教


难驾驽unruliness | 难教indocility | 难教的indocile

indocility:不顺从; 难教

indocile 难驯服的; 暴烈的 | indocility 不顺从; 难教 | indoctrinate 向...灌输; 教; 教导


个人特质是指一个人的特性(characteristics)、品质(qualities)或特定行为(behaviors). 个人特质是领导力很重要的关键要素,但很难"教". 一般认为,学校或mba课程应至少"教"一部分至某一程度,另外一部分则需组织或机构来"培育".

Zoroaster:琐罗亚斯德 二世纪伊朗先知,拜火教创始人

Moses 摩西 犹太先知 | Zoroaster 琐罗亚斯德 二世纪伊朗先知,拜火教创始人 | Ananda 阿难陀 佛祖的嫡传弟子


他认为梅尔不可能向加尔文推介成串的教父(Patristic)作家,其一贯主张也与加尔文后期的思想轮廓大相径庭. 因此,梅尔对于加氏神学思想的初创根本无功无德. 50勒泰的理论确实极难伺候. 所言"加尔文受教于梅尔",

Outsiders, The:小教父/局外人/被摒弃的人

处男有难/失贞记 Losin' It (1983) | 小教父/局外人/被摒弃的人 Outsiders, The (1983) | 危险的行业/保送入学/乖仔也疯狂 Risky Business (1983)