英语人>词典>汉英 : 隔热的 的英文翻译,例句
隔热的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
adiabatic  ·  insulated

更多网络例句与隔热的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Moisturizing shampoos are the best choice for dry, flyaway hair.


Because the fireproof tape is wrapped outside of cable cover, when the fire accident happens, it can form the carburization layer to block oxygen and heat, which stops the burning of cable.


It possesses properties of light, thermal insulation, environment friendly, waterproof, fireproof and no toxicity to human body, and has wide application field and convenient for constructing, which provides as transparent super thermal insulation products for capital showplace, exhibit centre, meeting centre, special trial centre, high-class hotel, villadom and solar energy collector , etc..


Run heatproof rubber spatula around frittata to loosen and slide out onto plate.


Huari Company produces glass wool felt in rolls, huari glass wool boards and compound materials with advanced TEL process for heat preservation of wall body, providing for different requirements of heat preservation of different types of walls.

h 华日公司采用先进的离心喷吹法玻璃棉生产工艺,为墙体保温提供了相应的卷毡、板材及复合材等产品,可适应用户对各式墙体保温隔热的需求。

Never allow any unprotected part of your body to touch uninsulated pipe s or vessels containing cryogenic liquids.


The landscaping also insulates the roof of the building from the hot sun.


Have enumerated the question that should pay attention to in the structure and design and construction of the energy-conserving wall where the common warm - keeping insulates against heat.


The cases mentioned in the article, such as solar panels and double-glazed insulation, are all examples in which energy-saving technologies that are ill-fitted with each other fall far short of the effect they are supposed to achieve.


Insulate and weatherize your home Properly insulating your walls and ceilings can save 25% of your home heating bill and 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year. Caulking and weather-stripping can save another 1,700 pounds per year. Energy Efficient has more information on how to better insulate your home.


更多网络解释与隔热的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

silica aerogel:带孔硅胶[由具有微细小孔颗粒组成的硅胶(有时用作粉末隔热材料)

Silica 硅石,二氧化硅,硅酸 | Silica aerogel 带孔硅胶[由具有微细小孔颗粒组成的硅胶(有时用作粉末隔热材料)] | Silica brick 硅砖

heat loss:热损耗,失热

heat insulation 热绝缘,隔热 | heat loss 热损耗,失热 | heat proof 耐热的,隔热的

INSUL insulate:绝缘、隔热

INITD initiated 已励磁的、已启动的 | INSUL insulate 绝缘、隔热 | INTMT intermediate 间断的、间歇的


insulated wire 绝缘线 | insulated 被绝缘的 | insulated 绝缘的隔热的

insulating material:隔热材料

VIP主要有三部分组成:芯部的隔热材料(Insulating material)、气体吸附材料(Getter)和封闭的隔气薄膜(Barrier). 该产品属高新技术,可以广泛应用于冰箱绝热保温.


insulating 绝缘的 | insulating 绝缘的隔热的 | insulation against ground 对地绝缘

It was a sequence of contact reports on the top-left shield quadrant:这是隔热屏左上角象限 碰触报告的序列

- Consider it accepted. - Oka... | It was a sequence of contact reports on the top-left shield quadrant...|这是隔热屏左上角象限 碰触报告的序列 | ...which, by 1700, had turned into a minor asteroid stor...

heatproof:防热的 隔热的 不传热

heatproductivity发热量 | heatproof防热的 隔热的 不传热 | heatprostration中暑衰竭 中暑虚脱 热衰竭 热虚脱

OVEN MITTS:烤箱用的隔热手套

frying pan:煎盘 | oven mitts:烤箱用的隔热手套 | oven:烤箱

Weatherize your house , increase insulation:增强你的房屋越冬能力,增加隔热材料

to reduce energy for heating +cooling +减少供暖使用能源+制冷 | Weatherize your house increase insulation 增强你的房屋越冬能力,增加隔热材料 | get an energy audit . 聘请一个能源审计