英语人>词典>汉英 : 隆鸟 的英文翻译,例句
隆鸟 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aepyornis  ·  Aepyornis

elephant bird
更多网络例句与隆鸟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Elephant bird was also called Aepyornis ,and mainly lived in the forest of the world's fourth largest island —the island of Madagascar in Africa.


Since then, humans cannot find the track of Aepyornis any more. Therefore, its name for the world's biggest bird was given to ostrich because of the interference of human beings.


Aepyornis is two meters higher than Phororhacos, let alone today's the biggest bird —ostrich, so it was obvious to be the world's biggest bird more than 300 years ago.


Aepyornis means birds with high-up body.


Fernando Alonso still believes a miracle could take him past McLaren teammate Lewis Hamilton to a third successive Formula One world title.


Interviewed by a brazilian radio station, Robinho's agent have revealed that during a conversation with Real chairman Calderon, his client had declared:"I would rather be an itinerant seller than remaining at Real Madrid".


These tiny wader birds have flown from Russia, and traditionally would have found bountiful food here, at South Australia's Coorong wetlands. But the river isn't delivering enough fresh water into the Coorong, so saline levels are rising, killing many fish. Trawling the South Lagoon, researchers David Short and Neil Wellman have found only one species of fish. In past years, a sweep would yield hundreds.


Even its egg is far bigger than Phororhacos and ostrich's, with an average of about 1.76 kilograms per one, equal to more than 200 Hen eggs.


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代理品牌有sony,Audiobahn,Bose Tar,TYPER,Dragster火鸟太阳膜,轰天豹,华泰防盗器,仕超,山花地毯,梦大地,华澳,南庆等冬夏座垫,保隆消声器以及其它各类汽车用品。

Aepyornis means birds with high-up body.


更多网络解释与隆鸟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


隆隆rumble | 隆鸟Aepyornis | 隆坡lumpur

Aepyornis ; elephant bird:隆鸟(属);象鸟

\\"秃鹫亚科\\",\\"Aepyginae\\" | \\"隆鸟(属);象鸟\\",\\"Aepyornis ; elephant bird\\" | \\"隆鸟目\\",\\"AEPYORNITHES\\"


beaker 烧杯 | beakiron 鸟嘴砧 | Beallon 比阿隆铜铍合金


courier 快递员 | courlan 库隆鸟 | course 过程


courier | 送快信的人, 旅行从仆 | courlan | 库隆鸟(产于中南美洲) | Cournand | 姓氏

Sunbird:金驹鸟 澳大利亚通用-霍尔登氏控股公司

Sunny 小太阳(加利) 中国台湾裕隆汽车公司 | Sunbird 金驹鸟 澳大利亚通用-霍尔登氏控股公司 | Sundance 桑旦斯 美国克莱斯勒公司顺风部

Sunbird:金驹鸟 美国通用汽车公司旁蒂克汽车部

Sunbeam 阳光 法国塔尔伯持公司 | Sunbird 金驹鸟 美国通用汽车公司旁蒂克汽车部 | Sunny 小太阳(加利) 中国台湾裕隆汽车公司


\\"隆鸟目\\",\\"AEPYORNITHES\\" | \\"象鸟目;隆鸟目\\",\\"AEPYORNITHIFORMES\\" | \\"气泡入血致死\\",\\"aerhemoctonia\\"


Aepyornithiformes隆鸟目 | aeradio航空无线电台 | aeragronomy航空农艺

Ploceus galbula:栗脸织巢鸟

凯隆织巢鸟Ploceus burnieri | 栗脸织巢鸟Ploceus galbula | 绿腰织巢鸟Ploceus heuglini