英语人>词典>汉英 : 陷入困境 的英文翻译,例句
陷入困境 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mess  ·  messing  ·  messed  ·  messes

at bay · get into hot water · get into trouble · in a bind · in one's boots · in one's shoes · mess up · be hard put to it · bog down · get into a jam · have one's head in a tar barrel · in a spot · in deep water(s) · in queer street · be in the suds · be put in a tight spot · be in hot water · in deep water · between the beetle and the block
更多网络例句与陷入困境相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For the nation's troubled banking system, the Administration is working on a financial stability plan.


But in other troubled European economies, abnegation is less evident.


We shall have to improve from the aggressiveness and condition point of view.


Wage and price controls, you could see analytically, would get you in a lot of trouble.


Apart from the preface, the paper can be divided into four sections. Section 1, studies in four aspects: the basis characteristic of the tradition textile industry, the textile industry and regional economic, the advan-ment of the science and technology and the moderniznation of the textile industry. Section 2, addresses the textile of YunNan was in hot water in ninety ages, and why, thereout adopt a series of measures. Section 3, analyses in the textile of VunNan"s chances and challenges in three aspects: acceding to the WTO, actualizing of"the westwards great exploitation and the course of market. Section 4, according to the deciding route of development tactic, bring forward the textile of YuNanThow to debouch the hot water, the emphases and the composition in reason of the development for the future.


We are certainly in a tight corner, but with perseverance we shall manage to get out of it.


Oh oh were in troublesomethings come along and its burst our bubbleyeah yeah oh oh were in troublewe gotta make a dash for the cash on the doubleoh ohwhat u lukin at!!!!!


Through analysis come out the situation of the dilemma the psychometry technology suffers,the reasons for that and ways of getting out of the dilemma.


He is fatidical at that time United States forest is very fast get into trouble, and the fact is current in stalemate of beautiful Lin Zheng, company of information of rich of Peng of this company hold the share of 20%.


Often he got into scrapes,but they were the manly scrapes that are easily condoned.


更多网络解释与陷入困境相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

stand at bay:陷入困境

stand at attention 立正 | stand at bay 陷入困境 | stand back 退后

a bail out:拯救(国家对陷入困境的银行、企业等提供援助),救市

a "win-win" outcome双赢的局面part2 ,p251 | a bail out拯救(国家对陷入困境的银行、企业等提供援助),救市 | a basket of currencies一篮子货币

Were it not for their help,we would be in serious difficulty:要不是他们的帮助,我们会陷入困境

Should there be a flood,what shou... | Were it not for their help,we would be in serious difficulty. 要不是他们的帮助,我们会陷入困境. | Had it not been for the reservoir,we'd never have been able to b...

to get oneself into hot water:使自己陷入困境

to be in hot water; 深陷困境;身处水深火热之中; | to get oneself into hot water; 使自己陷入困境; | to be in short supply of 缺乏.....;

get oneself into a bad fix:陷入困境

get oneself in hand 控制[掌握]自己. | get oneself into a bad fix 陷入困境. | get oneself into a spot [美国俚语]使自己陷入麻烦的境地, 使自己处于困难或危险之中.

be in a tight corner:陷入困境

be in a tangle | 纠缠不清, 陷于混乱之中 | be in a tight corner | 陷入困境 | be in a tight squeeze | 陷入困境

in one's boots:陷入困境

2 in Dutch 碰到麻烦,处境困难 | 3 in one's boots 陷入困境 | 4 in one's shoes 陷入困境

be swamped with:多得难以应付,使陷入困境; 使穷于应付,使陷入沼泽

be totally made-up 纯属虚构 | be swamped with... 多得难以应付,使陷入困境; 使穷于应付,使陷入沼泽 | look into the original source of the rumor 调查这一谣传的源头

be in a tight squeeze:陷入困境

be in a tight corner | 陷入困境 | be in a tight squeeze | 陷入困境 | be in abeyance | 暂停 未定

get into a jam:[俚语]陷入困境

get into a huff 感到受触犯. 见怪. 发怒. | get into a jam [俚语]陷入困境. | get into a mess 陷入困境, 遇到麻烦.