英语人>词典>汉英 : 险情 的英文翻译,例句
险情 的英文翻译、例句


dangerous omen
更多网络例句与险情相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The database such as the vessel database, navigation aids facility database, hydro-meteorological information database and the database of the port facility and above–water facility in the area of responsibility are set up that the MSA can realize the vessels entering or leaving port management, above-water and underwater construction management, navigation alarm and announcement publishing, above water dangerous condition, accident , water area pollution , and vessel alarm monitoring in the area of responsibility, as well as master the circumstances in the water area of the accident and dangerous conditions and the dynamic positions of the navigation vessels.


But they discovered the danger in time, and made shift to avert it.


It is good to to have a carapace. This has enabled me to survive a lot of dangers.


When the participants in the road, when danger appears, the instructor can also drive change-over switch and timely termination of the confusion to manipulate students, teachers to control their own vehicles to prevent traffic accidents should not occur.


A section of dike in Yangtze River was taken as an example to demonstrate the application of this model.


There was an enjoyment in accepting their simple kindness, and in repaying it by a consideration- a scrupulous regard to their feelings- to which they were not, perhaps, at all times accustomed, and which both charmed and benefited them; because, while it elevated them in their own eyes, it made them emulous to merit the deferential treatment they received.


Furthermore, as stresses in the stress field influence the value of seepage coefficient k, which will results in the change of seepage field in the end, while on the other hand, the seepage field also has an effect on the stress field because of seepage forces. Based on the coupling model of seepage field and stress field, a program by finite element method is developed in this paper. And the comparison of results of the program and criterion method with that of test shows that the test results are reasonable, which can be referred to analyze the causes of dangers, evaluate degree of safety of the body and foundation, and design and optimize the measures of seepage control.


Seepage deformation and other problems related with seepage are the main cause of danger in levee during the flood period.


We have never stopped the moment you miss, those who stay in our mind, is never fade: when you WeiBanJu led the relevant government departments, the word "long" with straw under the scorching sun ride bicycle in river lake, through the streets and lanes, the research progress and inspect the project plan in bridge site and 30 workers when eve, the result shows dived exclude danger... All this, in our mind frames into memory, so clear, so true!


Whent hes ensor of fireproofing or burglarproof detect sany.Normal signal,an interruptre quest is sent to the MCU.N ext the MCU controlthe inter face module of telephone to accomplish of hook.A ccording the kind of dangerous,the dialing module will automatic ally dial the right phone number such as thephone number of surveillan tc enter.


更多网络解释与险情相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bulletproof Monk:防弹武僧

除了要时刻提防心怀鬼胎的古鲁姆,以及强大的魔戒幽灵,弗拉多还要抵御魔戒对其心灵愈来愈强的侵蚀,可谓生死一线,险情迭出.周润发最新一部好莱坞电影>(Bulletproof Monk)在2003年4月上映,该片投资为5200万美元.

Darius Vassell:瓦塞尔

比赛一开始,曼城就打出了犀利的进攻配合,孙继海频频压上助攻,搞的朴次茅斯(Portsmouth)的左路防守一片混乱,瓦塞尔(Darius Vassell)和福勒两个人今天也表现的非常活跃,还好对方的守门员阿什当(Jamie Ashdown)表现出色,化解了几次险情.

Is there danger:有险情吗

- Revenge! 复仇! | - Is there danger? 有险情吗? | - Command me. 命令我吧


不过65分钟,科拉(Kola)以一记20米外远射将比分扳平. 此后德国队门前几度发生险情,幸亏门将卡恩(Kahn)表现神勇,否则阿尔巴尼亚人几乎要历史上首次击败德国. 接下来德国队将在下周三的世界杯预选赛中对阵希腊,


墨西哥站的比赛是WRC第三站的比赛,赛道位于墨西哥中部"鞋城" "莱昂"(Leon)郊外瓜纳华托(Guanajuato) 山区的山地和高原之间. 此赛段是今年10站砂石路面比赛的第一站,没有护栏的砾石路面稍不留神就会发生险情,同时这也是一场高海拔的赛事,


performance share业绩股份,业绩股 | peril危险,险情 | peril clause承保险情条款

Peril Clause:承保险情条款

peril危险,险情 | peril clause承保险情条款 | period expense期间费用



Hitting The South Pole:第 六十八 集 撞上南极

第 六十七 集 空中险情 Crude, The Savior | 第 六十八 集 撞上南极 Hitting The South Pole | 第 六十九 集 冰原干谷 Ice Wadi

Tiberian Crysis:(泰伯利亚险情)

?Tiberian Crysis(泰伯利亚险情) | ?Tiberian Legacy(泰伯利亚的遗产......败光了) | ?Secret of The Tacitus(塔西陀的秘密)