英语人>词典>汉英 : 降压药 的英文翻译,例句
降压药 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hypotensor  ·  metyrosine

hypotensive drug
更多网络例句与降压药相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods: Treated 126 cases with cerebral hemorrhage with various medical treatments. Treated 31 cases of 77 hypertension patients with hypotensive drugs, 46 cases without hypotensive drugs; 87 cases by dehydration therapy with mannitol; 59 cases with brain protein hydrolysate, cattle encephalon glycoside and ignotin injection, including 9 cases with cattle encephalon glycoside and ignotin and 50 cases with brain protein hydrolysate; 18 cases with minimally invasive puncture, 108 cases without puncture. Compared efficacy of different therapy.


Objective To observe the effects of urapidil,phentolamine,glyceryl trinitrate or phenylephdrinum on the isolated tracheal smooth muscle in rabbit.

目的 观察常用降压药和升压药对气管平滑肌张力的影响,探讨其作用机制。

Antihypertensive agents is the best day of just taking a long-acting antihypertensive agents.


For chronically ill patients, the antihypertensive effect of treatment can be normative, not hearsay and self-medication can not be assumed to eat off, it should be assessed by doctors and formal treatment, including the choice of patients with antihypertensive agents, in At the same time, the treatment of disease, intervention of all reversible risk factors, such as smoking, or hypercholesterolemia, and promptly deal with the coexistence of other diseases.


The patients applied for conventional therapy were employed to hypotensive drug,cardiac tonic and emictory,while the experimental group was added with Shenfu injection and magnesium sul-fate.


The present invention relates to a kit for forescasting medicine effect of ACEI hypotensor, method and compound medicine, specially, it is used for utilizing determination of polymorphic site gene type of functional gene to foecast the medicine effect of ACEI hypotensor and its application.


The combined acupuncture and medicine group were treated with acupuncture balance points "Jiangya" and "Shenbing" as main, combined with small dose of hypotensor, Irbesartan; and the medication group were treated with oral administration of Irbesartan and Fosinopril.


This method was applied to simultaneously determine the active ingredients in one Chinese compound hypotensor named Zhen Ju Jiang Ya Pian, in which the contents of clonidine hydrochloride, hydrochlorothiazide and rutin is very different as 0.03mg : 5mg : 20mg per tablet, and satisfactory results were obtained by adjusting their sensitivity by selecting the suitable diluting agent.


Addition to other antihypertensive agents such as guanidine bromide, hydralazine, propranolol, methyldopa, also can cause depression.


The most useful medicine order was the compound Reserpine (569%),the Peking step-down No.0 (149%),and the Captopril (102%).


更多网络解释与降压药相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

antihistamine drug:抗组胺药

antiemetic drug 止吐药 | antihistamine drug 抗组胺药 | antihypertensive agent 降压药,抗高血压药物

Byk Gulden:德国百克顿药厂

ALTANA Pharma是由已有120多年历史的德国百克顿药厂(Byk Gulden)更名而来. Byk早在1993年就已进入中国市场,目前在中国上市的产品有降压药乌拉地尔(压宁定、优匹敌)、妇科抗感染药聚甲酚磺醛(爱宝疗)、治疗消化性溃疡和胃食管反流病的质子泵抑制剂(PPI)泮托拉唑(潘妥洛克).

controlled hypotension:控制性降压

5.控制性降压(Controlled hypotension)麻醉时加用短时作用的神经节阻断药如眯窿吩使血压适当下降,并拾高手术部位,以减少出血,常用于止血比较困难的颅脑手术.

hypotensive drugs:降压药

抗高血压药(antihypertensive drugs)又称降压药(hypotensive drugs),是临床上主要用于治疗高血压的药物. 合理使用抗高血压药,不仅可以降低过高的血压,改善症状,而且可以延缓血压持续升高引起的心、脑、肾等重要脏器的病理变化过程,

induced hypothermia:控制性低温,低体温法

induced hypotension 控制性降压,低血压法 | induced hypothermia 控制性低温,低体温法 | intratracheal administration 气管内给药


60年代,云南就有了从萝芙木(Rauvolfiaverticillata)研制成的新药降压灵,从植物三分三(Anisodus acutangulus)开发出的抗胆碱药硫酸阿托品,从小檗属(Bereris)植物中开发出的抗感染药物盐酸黄连素以及以冬青(Ilex)油为主要原料合成的水杨酸钠,


Evans 等报道:对降压药胍喹定(debrisoquine),抗心律失常药司巴丁(sparteine)氧化能力弱的个体是由于P450 基因多态性所致. 之后,Dayer 等进一步证实了各种各样药物的血中浓度与P450基因的多态性有关. 至此,遗传药理学完善了其理论基础,


antihypertensive drug 降压药 | antinarcotic麻醉拮抗药 | antinauseant 止恶心药,抗恶心的


larryathena 发表于 2007-10-13 23:27:33 | stymied[美]被侵袭的 | hydralazine [药]肼苯哒嗪, 胼酞嗪(降压药)


但ALLHAT研究未发现ACEI与其他降压药的肾脏保护作用有差别,卡萨斯(Casas)和苏伊萨(Suissa)等人的研究结果也质疑了ACEI的肾保护作用. 应注意ALLHAT并非为肾脏预后设计,缺少蛋白尿的基线和随访数据以及肾衰原因分析,