英语人>词典>汉英 : 降低...的酸度 的英文翻译,例句
降低...的酸度 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与降低...的酸度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since the fact that bamboo acid's pH is in the range of 2.6~3.2,the worth of bamboo acid is to let drop. If directly sprinkleing to the flora greens stalks, the subsance will be able to cause the flora disease.


Under the same fermentation conditions, liquor by round-grained non-glutinous rice had higher alcoholicity and lower acidity than liquor by long-grained non-glutinous rice.


With the fermenting very well,and improve Ethy1 caproate content by 500~800mg/L,and improve liquor quality by 2~3fens,and make the base liquor's characteristics of Luzhou-flavor liquor very well,Especially the additi.


The results indicate seawater concentration has no effect on absorbency, pH, relative density, dry matter and water contents in Aloe vera leaves. While, seawater stress causes increased MDA and membrane penetration, decreased phytochroms, prolines and NO_3~--N. It is beneficial to plant growth when irrigation was done with 10% seawater, because of higher ratio of K~+/Na~+ and lower ratio of Na~+/Ca~(2+). In addition, the polysaccharide contents in Aloe vera leaves increase twice and triplication under 25% and 50% seawater irrigation respectively, the barbaloin contents increase over triplication in var. 75% seawater and over twice in var. 50% seawater and var. 100% seawater. However, when seawater concentration exceeds 25% the growth of plant was inhibited, biomass decreased, flowering time was deferred, Ca~(2+) content decreased caused by Na~+ accumulation in leaves.


At the bottom of damascene features, an esterification reaction between alcohols and organic acids efficiently forms a highly resistive layer and reduces the acidity of the solution.


Malolactic fermentation can decrease titratable acidity of the wine, and make wine more mature and its taste more harmonious.


Gastric acidity and the concertration of pepsin were decreased.In addition, WYPE could promote gastrointestinal peristalsis,reduce the body torsion induced by acetic acid in mice.


Based on practice and analysis, it is put forward that the effective decrease of residual P2O5 in phosphorus furnace slag depends on the control of acidity coefficient from the slagging and reduction of P2O5. Also a relative formula for the calculation of acidity coefficient is presented.


Verland M, K.C. Kjeldsen, T. Granli. Antimicrobial properties of potassium diformate in pigs. Feedtech., 2003,7(6):18~207 ?覫verland M, T. Granli, N. P. Kjos, et al. Effect of dietary formates on growth performance, carcass traits, sensory quality,intestinal microflora, and stomach alterations in growing-finishing pigs.


The correlations of the concentrations of Al in tea leaves with sorbed inorganic Al, Al oxide dissolved by hydrochloric acid and Al chelated by humic acid were all not significant, this indicated that the three forms of Al in soil were too stable to be assimlated by tea leaves.


更多网络解释与降低...的酸度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bohr effect:波尔效应

波尔效应(Bohr effect) 当pH降低或PC02升高时,Hb对02的亲合力降低,氧解离曲线右移;当13高或PC02降低时,Hb对02的亲合力增加,氧解离曲线左移. 这种酸度对Hb氧亲合力的影响称为波应. 其机制与pH改变时Hb的构型变化有关.

deacidify:使去酸, 使脱酸 降低...的酸度

ground pipe 接地导管, 地下管道 | deacidify 使去酸, 使脱酸 降低...的酸度 | top left corner 左上角


抗酸药(antacids)是一类弱碱性物质. 口服后能降低胃内容物酸度,从而解除胃酸对胃、十二指肠粘膜的侵蚀和对溃疡面的刺激,并降低胃蛋白酶活性,发挥缓解疼痛和促进愈合的作用. 餐后服药可延长药物作用时间. 合理用药应在餐后1、3小时及临睡前各服一次,