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陈列着 的英文翻译、例句


on show · on view
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The GongBuCi have to describe according to the poem of DuFu behind with the structure and form of Ming Dynasty" grass shed view area" of recovering the reconstruction, re-appearing the pastoral appearance that poet so reside, constructing the thick thick poetry atmosphere;Have to set up in 1999 in flower arrangement park of" DuFu poem calligraphy wood-carved", display more than 100 DuFu's poem calligraphy wood-carved work, choose from the building hides several thousand in the pasts a hand book poem genuine calligraphy, engrave with the wood but, have to appreciate the value rather, its verse, calligraphy, have with the material, craft" four unique" it call;" big the hall" inside that locate the important male in a the third in building in thou in peaceful temple in original treasure , display the up to the present the large colored enamel of the local and biggest area(64 square meter) insets to whet to paint the mural with 12 in the pasts anthologist the person carves, image a development for displaying Du Fu usually with Chinese classic verse history;Building inside of basic display the 《 poem saint a thousand years 》, have the honor of acquiring the fifth" whole country ten big display the exhibition exquisite article" the best creativity prize.


Portraits of marshals, engravings of battles, the King of Rome in a baby's dress, tall consoles adorned with copper trophies, laden with imperial relics, medals, bronzes, a miniature of St. Helena, under a globe, pictures representing the same lady all becurled, in a ball-dress of yellow, with leg-of-mutton sleeves and bright eyes;—and all these things: consoles, King of Rome, marshals, yellow ladies, with the high-necked, short-waisted dresses, the bestarched stiffness, which was the charm of 1806. Gallant colonel! It was that atmosphere of victories and conquests, even more than anything we could say to him, that made him believe so innocently in the siege of Berlin


Brussels, is not only a world-famous ancient Waterloo battlefield; as well as numerous international bodies of the resident; the northern port city of Antwerp, it is necessary to enter the painter Andean hometown, Many of the world's current art museum to display his masterpiece; Bruges "Europe's most beautiful scenic city, known as" its elegance of the building and covered the city canals, each of which attracted more than 200 million from European and tourists from all over the world; the southern mountain city of Namur has many unique castle.


The Archeological Museum offers a wide collection of Egyptian works as well as Roman stone sculptures. The Croatian Museum of Natural Sciences holds the most extensive collection of Neanderthal man remains in the world.


He stopped at the baker's, who called himself a pastrycook and confectioner, and exhibited some specimens of petrified sponge-cake in glass bottles, and some highly-glazed tarts, covered with green gauze.


The 200 pieces from the permanent collection, spaciously displayed in ten large galleries and the garden, are a lively survey of his sculpture in stone, wood, ceramics and metal.


Animals with two heads or multiple legs or pickled punks are among Frederik Ruysch's amazing anatomical dioramas (which included fetal skeletons surrounded by "trees" of their own preserved circulatory systems) and in the early days of the museum; live "freaks" were on display.

两头与多足或是pickled punks(字面意思是腌制的火绒?朽木?男同性恋者?专业用语)存在于Frederik Ruysch令人吃惊的解剖透视画馆(其中包括被像树一般的维持的循环系统包围着的胎儿骨骼和早期的博物馆中。保留着的&怪诞&都陈列着

Although most of the exhibition rooms are lined with glass vitrines, one – egg yolk yellow and scattered with scarlet striped tulips – has witty postmodern display cases with crooked legs that look like tipsy versions of tall 17th-century Dutch chests.


One end, indeed, reflected splendidly both light and heat from ranks of immense pewter dishes, interspersed with silver jugs and tankards, towering row after row, on a vast oak dresser, to the very roof.


I was sleeping, drooling and dreaming wildly anyway under the cover they give you thats sadly not long enough to warm both feet and neck, though it made an impressive tent pole on display for the flight attendant and passenger in seat 15K.


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Berlin wall:柏林墙

这座大楼里还陈列着象征几十年对立的柏 林墙(BeRLin Wall)的一块砖石,这堵墙的最终拆除引发了全球化的潮流,这一潮流至今仍在继续塑造我们的世界. 我们两国都在采取措施实现能源经济的转型. 我们通过共同努力,能够开辟一条低碳复苏的道路;

BMW:宝马 汽车

核心提示: 宝马汽车(bmw)的总部位于奥林匹克会场旁边,其博物馆便设在总部之旁,非常值得参观. 一、二、三楼均为展厅,按照年代陈列着从古到今的各类汽车. 可让您更加了解这名牌汽车厂的发展史和科技水平.



Aachen Cathedral:大教堂

亚琛大教堂(Aachen Cathedral) 联合国教科文组织所列世界遗产之一. 位于历史名城亚琛,建于8世纪,是一座风格独特、装饰华丽的八角形建筑. 圆拱顶下陈列着神圣罗马帝国皇帝腓特列一世赠送的烛台. 曾是查里曼大帝的宫廷教堂,现今还有他的石墓(无遗骨),


继续在自己偏安闹市一隅的蜗居中的狭小的绘图桌上伏案工作,这位孤独的苦行僧形象的设计师孜孜不倦地营造出抽象的建筑幻想,其中一部分目前正在纽约现代艺术博物馆(the Museum of Modern Art)的"梦境"(Dreamland)系列展上陈列着.


他就像一位孤独的修道士那样孜孜不倦地生产着越来越抽象难懂的幻想设计图,其中一部分眼下正在纽约现代艺术博物馆(the Museum of Modern Art)的"梦乡"(Dreamland)系列展上陈列着.

They saw many old things on show in glass-topped tables:他们看到许多用玻璃罩着放在桌子上展出的古物

on show 展览,陈列 | They saw many old things on show in glass-topped tables. 他们看到许多用玻璃罩着放在桌子上展出的古物. | What is on show in the museum? 博物馆展出些什么东西?

in the east of:在东部(范围之内)

③ The lastest winter fashions are now on view in the big shops. 最新的冬装款式现在正在大商店中陈列着. | 11. in the east of 在东部(范围之内) | on the east of 在东面(相邻、接壤)

on view:展示;陈列着

10. in view 望;在看见的地方;被考虑;被期待 | on view 展示;陈列着 | ① Victory is in view. 胜利在望.

to window-shop:逛商品陈列橱

to advertise cheap food 推销廉价食物 | to window-shop 逛商品陈列橱 | to wait impatiently for the late bus 焦急地等着迟迟不来的公车