英语人>词典>汉英 : 附属物 的英文翻译,例句
附属物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
adjunct  ·  ancilla  ·  annex  ·  appendant  ·  appurtenance  ·  appurtenances  ·  attachment  ·  belonging  ·  subordinate  ·  tag  ·  tags  ·  tailpiece  ·  tagged  ·  appendixes  ·  appertaining  ·  subordinates  ·  attachments

更多网络例句与附属物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For a property that has appurtenance, the appurtenance shall be transferred with the property ownership.


In case a non-property owner adds appurtenance to the property of any other person that he uses, and if the property owner agrees to such adding and has stipulations on how to deal with the appurtenance, the stipulations shall be followed; if there is no stipulations and they cannot make an agreement through negotiation, the property owner may order to dismantle it if it can be dismantled; if it cannot be dismantled, it may be returned to the property owner after being converted into money; if it results in any loss of the property owner, the non-property owner shall undertake compensation liabilities.


If you want attachments , buy them yourself , so that you can pick and choose the ones you want and save money in the bargain .


The lack in Galitzkya of simple and forked trichomes and staminal appendages, and the development of thick, branched caudices and saccate, lateral sepals clearly distinguish it from Berteroa .


After 30 days, the cultures were preserved in darkness, and 4 types of resting cysts were found after another 90 days:(1) spherical to ovoid cysts (25-39 μm long) covered by asparse or numerous calcareous attachments (1-4 μm long) and a calcareous surface;(2) spherical cysts (29-35 μm diameter) with a noncalcareous surface attachment, calcareous surface;(3)spherical to ovoid cysts (29-35 μm long) w ithout any surface attachment and a calcareous surface; and (4) spherical c ysts (24- 35 μm diameter) without any surface attachment and an organic surf ace.

培养30天后,培养液中有大量休眠孢囊,将藻液避光保存90天后,观察到培养基中有4种类型的休眠孢囊产生:(1)球形到椭球形(长25-39 μm),钙质外壁,稀疏或密被钙质附属物(长1-4 μm);(2)球形(直径为29-35 μm),钙质外壁,附属物非钙质(长0.5-1.5 μm);(3)球形到椭球形(长29-35 μm),钙质,表面光滑,无附属物;(4)球形(直径24-35 μm ),有机外壁,无附属物

Flowers yellow, keel with apical appendage; capsule glabrous; seeds normally with strophiole, appendage, and tubercle

花黄色,龙骨状的具顶端附属物;蒴果无毛;种子通常具种阜,附属物和小瘤 29

Fruiting bracts appendaged near base at center or without appendages.


Seeds ca. 0.5 mm, both ends appendaged; appendages white, caudate.


Stamens shorter than sepals and petals, inserted on lateral surface of ovary; filament linear to ovate or obovate; anther connective appendaged or unappendaged.


Seeds globose, ovoid, or fusiform, small, sometimes appendaged; appendage caudate; embryo straight, minute, enclosed by fleshy endosperm.


更多网络解释与附属物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


雌雄同株可以土半夏为例说明(右图),从佛焰花序基部往上看,最基部是雌花(E),中间隔著没有生殖功能的突起,此突起称不孕性花(中性花,D),再往上是雄花,雄花上端的突起称为附属物(appendage) ( B ),附属物的变化非常大,有各种类型,

appendage resistance:附属物阻力

附属物 appendage | 附属物阻力 appendage resistance | 附属物尺度效应系数 appendages scale effect factor


appendages 船体附属体 | appendant 附属物;附属权利 | appendant 附属物附属权利


appendicitis 阑尾炎 | appendicle 小附属物 | appendicular 附属物


appurtenance 属具 | appurtenances 附属物辅助机组船舶属具 | appurtenant 附属物


appurtenance 属具 | appurtenances 附属物;附属品 | appurtenances 附属物辅助机组船舶属具


appurtenances 附属物辅助机组船舶属具 | appurtenant 附属物 | apraisalofdamage 估损


appendicle 小附属物 | appendicular 附属物的 | appendiculate 附着的


caudate /有尾的/有尾状附属物的/ | caudated /有尾的/有尾状附属物的/ | caudicle /花粉块柄/

caudated:有尾的; 有尾状附属物的 (形)

caudate 有尾的; 有尾状附属物的 (形) | caudated 有尾的; 有尾状附属物的 (形) | caudillo 元首; 领袖 (名)