英语人>词典>汉英 : 附上...的 的英文翻译,例句
附上...的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与附上...的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cupule globose, enclosing most of nut, wall with tawny scalelike trichomes.


If answer is yes, enclose the document or the code of the document.


The most revolutionary innovation was made by John Claudius Loudon, the famous horticultural encyclopedist, when he invented the iron sash bar, Previously the wooden frames of palm houses or other greenhouses, which enclosed humid, tropical climates, had a limited life.

最革命的创新由约翰 Claudius Loudon做,著名园艺百科全书编纂者,当他发明了铁框格酒吧,以前木制框架温室或其他温室,附上的潮湿,热带气候,有有限的生活。

Please find attached file of Design List that we would like you to manufacture.


It comes with a nasty clip that hugs your phone, allowing you to attach the Pogo on the go-go.


Please refer to my full details of resume attached hereto.


Enclosed also is the Projog sample to develop in NORTH STAR brand for 3 colours which I want you to develop.

附上的并且是Projog 样品显现出在北部星品牌为3 我要您开发的颜色。

The idol was actually a wooden shaft with a mask attached, garlanded with ivy - perhaps the most common way of depicting Dionysus in the Greek world.


On an attached sheet, we have generalized themes or even theories that you touch on in your paper.


The attached photo was taken in a town called Goreme Cappadocia Turkey.

附上的月蚀照片被土耳其一个叫做Goreme Cappadocia的城镇收藏了。

更多网络解释与附上...的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We enclose:我方附上

98)As mentioned above... 如上面所提到的... | 99)We quite understand that... 我们很理解... | 100)We enclose... 我方附上...

enc enclosed:附上

Dept. department 部門 | enc enclosed 附上 | pros and cons advantages and disadvantages 優點與缺點;贊成及反對的意思 pro字頭有贊成的意思


attach 缚上 | attachable 可附上的 | attache case 公文包


attach 附上 | attachable 可附上的,可连接的 | attachablemechanicalstage 附加机械台


attaboyattagirl 好棒 | attachable 可逮捕的 | attachable 可附上的

Spied upon:发现一个间谍进入附上触发的建筑

1 Entered by... 如果有一个单位进入指定的物体,将执行动作. | 2 Spied upon 发现一个间谍进入附上触发的建筑. | 3 Thieved by... 发现一个间谍进入指定的房子.

Thieved by:发现一个间谍进入指定的房子

2 Spied upon 发现一个间谍进入附上触发的建筑. | 3 Thieved by... 发现一个间谍进入指定的房子. | 4 Discovered by player 附上触发的的物体被玩加发现.

Chasing Pavements:(附上自己翻的中文歌詞,若翻的不好請原諒)

~Chasing Pavements~ (附上自己翻的中文歌詞,若翻的不好請原諒) | I've made up my mind 我已下定決心 | Don't need to think it over 無須再加思索

PS. Please find enclosed:附言 附上

Your friend in America, Max Jerry Horowitz.|你在美国的朋友 Max Jerry Horowitz | PS. Please find enclosed|附言 附上 | some chocolate-covered ants I found at the deli.|我在熟食店发现的巧克力脆皮蚂蚁豆

I enclose the different designs for the scarves and foulards.(in the two following mails):我附上不同的丝巾花型和

-quantity: 200-300 units per mod... | I enclose the different designs for the scarves and foulards.(in the two following mails)我附上不同的丝巾花型和 | I would need the following information for each p...