英语人>词典>汉英 : 阻塞门 的英文翻译,例句
阻塞门 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与阻塞门相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A device used in an internal-combustion engine to enrich the ''.


Result: Lung door district 10 of lump (account for 66%, 4 of left side among them, 6 of right side); Put the leaf and carry and break 1 lump, accounting for take 7%; The bronchus is narrow, block 8, accounting for 53%; 5 cases of blocking pneumonia, accounting for 33%; 8 cases of blocking lung etc., accounting for 53%; The tumour infringes 6 mediastinums and pleuras 40%; The lymph gland of lung door and mediastinum shifts 5, accounting for 33%; After Gd-DTPA is strengthened, 10 lumps are strengthened-notably .


Objective To investigate bacterial infection of outpatients in acute exacerbation of chronic obstrucrive pulmonary disease in Shanghai , and to compare the counts of inflammatory cells and bacterial positivity in groups with purulent sputum and mucoid sputum in order to contribute the diagnosis and treatment.

目的 了解上海地区门、急诊慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期患者气道的细菌感染情况,比较脓痰组、白粘痰组的痰中炎性细胞数与细菌阳性率,为临床诊治提供一定帮助。

Results Among 6 cases with PCTPV, 4 cases revealed occlusion of the main branch of portal vein at the hepatic hilum, 2 cases revealed occlusion of the common portal vein, and a masslike network of tortuous veins around the hepatic hilum and many small irregular veins radiating from the network to the liver were demonstrated.


Results Classifying according to configuration as below widespread type (n=16), Tubercular type (n=4), nipple type (n=2). Hilar madd, dilatation of intrahepatic ducts and discontinuity of hilar biliary ducts occurred in all cases. The imaging of MRCP displayed obstmction, stenosis, and filling defects. Portal vein was invaded in 3 cases and presented as infiltration, stegnosis or occlusion of the vein.

结果 按肿瘤形态分:弥漫型16例,结节型4例,乳头型2例,22例肝门胆管癌均可见肝门肿块、肝内胆管扩张、肝门胆管中断,MRCP表现为阻塞、狭窄或充盈缺损;肿瘤侵及门静脉3例,表现为门脉侧壁浸润、门脉缩窄或闭塞。

Hence, the welding machines to be used for short circuiting transfer, make use of a variable choke system which can be tuned for different wire sizes, The frequency of the metal transfer may be of the order of 50 to 200 per second.

因此, 用于短路的焊接的机器转移,利用可能被为不同的电线尺寸调试的一个易变的阻塞门系统,金属的频率转移可能具有50到200 每秒的命令。

Ken chose that moment to cut past them and try to escape, but Joe had already moved to block the door leading out of the Snack J.

/ 肯恩选择片刻减少过去他们和尝试逃脱,但是乔已经采取行动来从小吃 J 阻塞门领先了。

更多网络解释与阻塞门相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


肺膨胀不全 (atelectasis)为支气管阻塞,而致空气无法进入肺泡内,引起肺叶或肺节的萎陷. 造成阻塞的原因可分为内在及外在两种,常见的有气管内异物、粘稠的痰块、肿大的肺门淋巴节和及入性肺炎等.

main bronchus:支气管

肿瘤侵犯至主支气管(main bronchus),但距离气管隆凸(carina)超过二厘米,d. 因肿瘤引起肺塌陷(atelectasis)或阻塞性肺炎(obstructive pneumonitis),影像上延伸至肺门(hilum),但未影响整半边的肺. c.

main bronchus:主支气管

肿瘤侵犯至主支气管(main bronchus),但距离气管隆凸(carina)超过二厘米,d. 因肿瘤引起肺塌陷(atelectasis)或阻塞性肺炎(obstructive pneumonitis),影像上延伸至肺门(hilum),但未影响整半边的肺. c.


常见的组织学异常包括:外周胆管纤维化和炎症、水肿和纤维化,胆管和小导管(ductule)的局灶性增殖,局灶性胆管阻塞和缺失,铜沉积和胆汁淤积. 典型的表现为外周胆管同心圆样纤维化,伴有或不伴有肝门部胆管的增生,但这些改变仅在楔形活检中可见,


此外门还有一个剩余容许量m,这是一个可变的(mutable)变量. passGate被调用的时候,m就会减一. 如果剩余容许量减至零,那么对passGate的调用就会阻塞. 一个门最初被创建起来的时候剩余容许量为0,因此任何人都不能进入.


stranded wire 绞线 | strangler 阻塞门 | strap 搭板

