英语人>词典>汉英 : 阻塞物 的英文翻译,例句
阻塞物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
stopper  ·  stoppered  ·  stoppering  ·  stoppers

更多网络例句与阻塞物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ping chuan-fang prescription is carefully composed accordingly. The clinical investigation shows that PCHF can not only alleviate symptoms and physical sign of the patients effectively, but also shorten the course of disease and obviously can not only alleviate symptoms and physical sign of the patients effectively, but also shorten the course of disease and obviously improve the pulmonary function of the patient. The animal experiment showed that PCHF can prolong the asthmatic time and low the concentration of WBC, EOS, IL-4, ET-1 in the blood and BALF. It can restrain the collection of EOS in the lung and relieve the inflammation caused by EOS. It also can cut down the secretion of the respiratory air-way and relieve the obstruction of it.


Ping chuan-fang prescription is carefully composed accordingly. The clinical investigation shows that PCHF can not only alleviate symptoms and physical sign of the patients effectively, but also shorten the course of disease and obviouslycan not only alleviate symptoms and physical sign of the patients effectively, but also shorten the course of disease and obviously improve the pulmonary function of the patient. The animal experiment showed that PCHF can prolong the asthmatic time and low the concentration of WBC, EOS, IL-4, ET-1 in the blood and BALF. It can restrain the collection of EOS in the lung and relieve the inflammation caused by EOS. It also can cut down the secretion of the respiratory air-way and relieve the obstruction of it.


OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of glutamine on immunomodulation and metabolic support for patients with COPD.


Surgical peripheral iridectomies occluded by vitreous, exudation or omission of peripheral iridectomy during cataract operation were the most common causes.


Respiratory difficulty is due to obstruction to the nasopharynx by secretions and vomitus.


Common symptoms included unilateral headache and nasal obstruction,pus or bloodstain in the nasal discharge and caseous matter in the nasal cavity.


Typically, filters are now jacketed to prevent condensate or water from blocking the hydrophobic vent filter.


Methods 230 cases of lacrimal duct obstruction with chronic dacryocystitis divided randomly into two groups.90 cases in group 1 were given operation of laser assisted dacryocytoplasty combining local drug remedy after dashing out the pyoid secretion at once,140 cases in group 2 were not only dashed out the pyoid secretion but also given antibacterial drug, then given operation of laser assisted dacryocytoplasty combining local drug remedy after inflammation was stable. All cases were callback after a week, and followed up more than 6 months.


Enriched with tea tree extract its therapeutic, anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties, this mask effectively purify, decongest the skin, combat minor skin problems and infections. Quickly dried up acne/blemishes condition, tightens the pores and protects the skin layer from any further infection or inflammatory problem.


This helps break down comedones and unblocks the sebaceous glands.


更多网络解释与阻塞物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blocky appearance:块状图象

blocking 阻塞;闭锁;封锁;矩形分层 | blocky appearance 块状图象 | blocky cement 块状胶结物岩


支气管扩张症(bronchiectasis)是指以肺内支气管的持久性扩张为特征的慢性疾病,扩张支气管常因分泌物潴留而继发化脓性炎症. 临床上常出现咳嗽、咳大量脓痰,反复咯血等症状. 病因及发病机制 支气管扩张症的重要发病因素是支气管及肺组织感染造成支气管壁支撑组织的破坏及支气管腔阻塞.


睑板腺囊肿(chalazion)又称霰粒肿,是睑板腺管道的阻塞,腺体的分泌物潴留在睑板内引起的一种无菌性慢性肉芽肿炎症. 有一纤维结缔组织包囊,囊内含有睑板腺分泌物及包括巨噬细胞在内的慢性炎症细胞浸润. 在病理形态上类似结核结节,

Hydrogen sulphide:硫化氢

5、 本产品的氧化力同时亦可摧毁一些化学的复合物,如:于水中的杀虫剂(pesticides)硫化氢(hydrogen sulphide)等令人不愉快气味的移除. 可防止自来水中有害的金属与矿物质的累积. 器具如饮水槽,使用含氯的水后不久将会造成阻塞或粘滑物,使用本品处理的水可降低清洗与维护的时间

obstruct method:障害物法

obstinate shock 顽固性休克 | obstruct method 障害物法 | obstructed cavity 阻塞性空洞


(3)啰音(rale) 是呼吸音以外的附加音. 依据其性质的不同,分干啰音和湿啰音两种. 干啰音(rHonchi) 气管、支气管及细支气管狭窄或部分阻塞,气流通过时,产生湍流或粘稠分泌物振动,所产生的音响. 病理基础:①炎症引起的呼吸道粘膜充血、肿胀、粘稠分泌物增多;

clonorchiasis sinensis:华支睾吸虫病

华支睾吸虫病(clonorchiasis sinensis)是由华支睾吸虫寄生在人体肝内胆小管所致的疾病. 成虫的机械性阻塞和刺激及虫体排出的分泌物和代谢产物的化学刺激可引起胆管炎、胆囊炎、胆道阻塞、肝硬化以及营养不良和生长发育障碍等. 受染的人和狗、猫、鼠、猎均为传染源.

acute dacryocystitis:急性淚囊炎

急性泪囊炎(acute dacryocystitis)多由慢性泪囊炎转变而来,但也有开始即为急性原发细菌感染者. 急性泪囊炎可以在并无泪道阻塞的基础上突然发生;也可由于鼻泪管阻塞的同时尚有泪小管的阻塞,使脓性分泌物...

extrathoracic airway obstruction:胸腔外气道阻塞

281 expired breath condensate 呼出气冷凝物 | 282 extrathoracic airway obstruction 胸腔外气道阻塞 | 283 extubation 拔管


由于细支管管壁薄,炎症容易扩展累及周围的肺间质和肺泡,形成细支气管周围炎(peribronchiolitis). 如病变并不广泛,且其损伤程度不重,炎症消退后,渗出物被吸收或咳出而愈复. 少数患者可因管壁的瘢痕修复,管腔内渗出物发生机化,使细支气管阻塞,