英语人>词典>汉英 : 阶级高的 的英文翻译,例句
阶级高的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与阶级高的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is difficult for the lower caste to mingle with those of the higher caste.


Through the comparative analysis of the contents of several articles about the analysis of the class between Mao and Chert,in which we can find the both are most similar.But considering the theory level of Chen's was higher then,it can further prove that,Mao referenced Chen's theory more in analysising the social class in the period.


In view of different economic and technological factors ,AMD will begin to disadvantageously releasemonolithic large cores for video card withclass high-end, and the technology crossFire with the effective use of resources will allowto attain the necessary speed withdifferent application.


This has two kinds of mode 1 with 3 smelled the odor is a higher class for example, a pair of three kinds of full-born ...

这次有2种模式1跟3 闻到味道是更高阶级的比如天生一对3种全开。。。

In the past ten years Tianjin has enjoyed an economic boom with many highly-paid professionals there.


In the first part, the opinions and ideas from some main figures concerning the North-western regions in modern history; In the second part, the process of three vital stages(Yang-Wu Movement, the "New Deal" in the last period of Qing Dynasty, Anti-Japanese War) are studied, and the characteristics of each stage are generalized falling into four categories, such as: military、feudal、comprador and nation-monopoly etc; In the third part, four reasons of the low efficiency of the industrial and mineral exploration are explored, they are the dominant role natural economy, the low level of productive forces, the science and technology, lack of capital accumulation and investment, lack of systematic policies and support from the government, In a word, as Mao Tsetung said:"It"s impossible to get rich, develop industry, strengthen national defence in semi-colonel and semi-feudal China.


Even so, there is some hope for the casteless, a dangling rope that offers a way up into greater Orzammar society.

即使如此,对于无阶级来说仍然有一线希望,一条将他拉上更高曾 Orzammer 社会的绳子。

Connie did a mild form of war-work, and consorted with the flannel-trousers Cambridge intransigents, who gently mocked at everything, so far.


Similarly, the rich can easily fork over annual tuitions of $50,000 and up, which has helped make college education a privilege of the upper classes.


The village had formerly contained, side by side with the agricultural labourers, an interesting and better informed class, ranking distinctly above the former - the class to which Tesss father and mother had belonged - and including the carpenter, the smith, the shoemaker, the huckster, together with nondescript workers other than farm-labourers; a set of people who owed a certain stability of aim and conduct to the fact of their being life-holders like Tesss father, or copyholders, or, occasionally, small freeholders.


更多网络解释与阶级高的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


high-proof /酒精含量高的/ | high-ranking /阶级高的/职位高的/高级官员的/ | high-rise /多层的/多层高楼/


high-ranking 职位高的 | high-ranking 高级官员的 | high-ranking 阶级高的

middle class:中层阶级

在工商业社会里,一般人民知识水准较农业社会里高,这样,才产生了民主思想与民主政治. 英美式的民主,是中层阶级(Middle Class)自己管理众人的事;苏联式的民主,是要做到劳动大众自己管理自己的事,这都与向统治阶级求情的"民本"思想不同.


"社会阶级并非单单通过人们在生产关系中所处的位置(position) 来界定,而是通过阶级惯习来界定的,这种惯习'通常地'(normally) (也就是说,具有高统计概率地) 是与阶级地位相关联的"(Bourdieu ,1984 :372) .

spider monkey:蜘蛛猴

南美秘鲁的蜘蛛猴(Spider monkey)也是这种情形,蜘蛛猴族群有很明确的阶级制度;研究人员发现,最低阶级的母猴有超过90%的机会生出雌猴,而高阶级的母猴,则通常会生出雄猴.